Rowan slept for a few hours, but he did inevitably wake up again. "Damien?" He called, wondering if the other was still here or not.
Rowan slept for a few hours, but he did inevitably wake up again. "Damien?" He called, wondering if the other was still here or not.
It seemed like Damien was exhausted as well, still asleep underneath Rowan. He slept like a dead man, that boy. The house could explode and he’d probably sleep right through it.
"Damien…?" Rowan shook Damien lightly to try and wake him. He reinforced his efforts with more vigor when he saw what time it was. "Damien!"
“Shit- what, dude?” Damien blinked the sleep from his eyes with a slight groan, sitting up.
"It's four in the afternoon!" Rowan sat up on Damien's chest, running his fingers through his own hair anxiously. "You gotta get home!"
“Ohh, shit. Fuck.” Damien paled a little bit, rushing to check his phone. Two missed calls from his mom. “Uh- I’m fuckin’ dead, dude.” He laughed nervously.
Rowan sighed and buried his face in his hands. "Hope you came up with a good excuse, because you're gonna fucking need it."
“Right? Fuck.. I’ll text you the aftermath, okay?” Damien patted Rowan on the head. “Also, can you get off? I gotta go.”
"Yeah, sorry…" Rowan slid off of Damien onto the couch behind him, bumping against Milo in the process. "Bye, Damien."
“Don’t be sorry, dude. I’ll catch you later?” Damien stood up, wobbling a little on his feet as his vision blacked for a moment. “Shit.. stood up too fast. Uh- yeah, bye!”
"Bye." Rowan waved and sighed softly, curling up into a tight ball on the couch when he was alone. Milo whined quietly and nudged him, trying to get him to cheer up.
Damien entered his house quietly, trying to avoid making a whole lot of noise. And yet, his mother zeroed in on him like a hawk.
“Where the hell have you been?!” She squawked, jabbing a sharp finger in his face. Damien ducked out of the way, slinking wordlessly upstairs to his bedroom.
Rowan eventually pulled Milo closer and cuddled up with him, falling into his depressive state of loneliness again.
Damien crashed onto his bed, jumping a little when he saw Ginger wriggle out from underneath a blanket next to him. “Oh, shit-! Sorry, Gingy!” He scooped the cat up, setting her down on his stomach.
How's it going there? Rowan sent the text, still feeling empty and lonely even with Milo there.
I'm so bored.
Damien stroked Ginger’s head.
my mom is screaming @ me but i locked my door so she cant get in
the next few days are gonna suckkkk
Oof sorry
Do you think she'll let you come over again tomorrow?
Rowan sighed. He'd be even more miserable if he had to be here alone all day.
probs not
but i can always sneak out
Damien sprawled out on his bed, keeping a hand on Ginger so that she wouldn’t get spooked and leave.
im p good at it
Cool cool
Rowan hugged Milo tightly and sent Damien a picture of it.
I've only got Mi to keep me company.
Damien sent a few heart-eye emojis in response.
yall fine asf ngl
no homo tho
He sent a picture of Ginger, who was stil resting on his stomach.
look at this absolute banger of a cat
Rowan snickered a bit.
Pretty hot tho
Milo's hotter, def homo
He sent Damien a picture of just Milo sleeping.
ok furry
Damien yawned. Finally his mom had left his door, her screaming fit finished.
why am i so TIRED
If thinking that Milo is hot makes me a furry, then owo amirite?
Rowan laughed a bit to himself, smiling.
I dunno man
Damien kissed the top of Ginger’s head, moving her to his side so that he could curl up.
yeah its weird im not a fan
The furry thing or the tired thing?
Rowan curled up with Milo again and took a few more pictures.
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