You coulda borrowed my charger
I'm sure you were awake for some of the time I was asleep
Rowan read over the texts, feeling a little guilty that Damien had to stay with him so long.
You coulda borrowed my charger
I'm sure you were awake for some of the time I was asleep
Rowan read over the texts, feeling a little guilty that Damien had to stay with him so long.
yea like five minutes
Damien chewed on his nails.
its nbd tho i got the charger now
Want more Milo pictures?
Rowan took a few more just in case.
if u wanna send em
By now, Damien was fucking around on Reddit. He tuned out the sounds of an argument’s boiling point coming from downstairs. Ginger wanted back in, he could tell by her meows at his door.
Ok gimme a sec
Rowan compiled a few pictures in one text and sent them Damien's way.
How's it going there?
Damien got up to let Ginger in with a sigh.
idk parents r arguing
probably about me lmaoooo lets be honest here
Hopefully nothing too bad
Use me as an excuse?
Rowan sighed, feeling guilty for getting Damien in this situation.
its not rlly abt u dw its just normal shit
unless i can use u as an excuse for saving up 4 top surg & me being on t
Damien felt bad dumping this on Rowan, especially in light of recent events, but he didn’t know what else to do.
idk maybe i can lmao
I mean like, for you being late and shit
Just use me as an excuse
Rowan curled up into a tight ball and stared at his phone.
yea man i figured thats what u meant
Damien kissed the top of Ginger’s head, letting her crawl up and curl into a ball in the crook of his shoulder.
im not rlly gonna go down there rn
but sorry for dumping this on you
It's fine, dw about it
I dumped a lot of shit on you yesterday
What's going on?
Rowan pulled Milo into his tight ball for comfort.
consider this payback then
Damien faltered a bit at the question. He knew exactly how he wanted to respond, but it would be so much for someone else to process, especially if they hadn’t been through a similar situation.
fucking BULLSHIT!!!!lmao
thats literally the only way to explain it to you sorry
its just
i dont know im probably blowing this out of proportion and being a classic moody teen
Damien was sending texts as soon as he thought them up, furiously blinking to stifle tears. This was so unlike him, to send more than two texts in a row.
Rowan carefully read each text as it came in, replying whenever he could and just trying to console Damien somehow. Milo was still happily sleeping in Rowan's arms.
Is there anything I can do to help?
kinda wish i could get a hug but that wont really work will it?? lmao
tbh i dont really think theres a lot
can u listen tho
Damien rubbed furiously at his eyes, almost as if he were trying to convince himself that he wasn’t crying.
u keep secrets pretty well right
Yeah I can listen
and keep secrets
What's up?
Rowan was getting increasingly worried about Damien, and Milo seemed to notice his anxiety spike.
idk im just kinda in a fucked up headspace ig
who needs brains anyway lmao
but thats besides the point
i was waiting for a good time to say this but theres never gonna be a good time so FUCK IT amirite
Damien’s hands were shakier than normal, meaning his texts took extra long to type so that he could ensure correct spelling.
im? gay?
dont think im gonna hit on u lmao its not like that i just wanted to get this off my chest
God, Damien felt sick with nerves. He had written and rewritten each text at least twice, but he finally got it sent. No going back now.
Rowan took a few seconds to take this in. It didn't really bother him, to be honest, but it did make him think a bit more about the cuddling earlier. Am I gay?? No… I'm definitely straight… right?
I don't fucking care that you're gay
I mean that in a good way tho
Like, you're my best friend
It doesn't matter to me who you're into
It matters to me that you're my friend, and you're a great friend
I'd be a huge dick if I tried to ditch you for something like that
i deadass think im gonna vomit holy shittt
Damien rubbed his eyes. Please, don’t let Rowan think that the cuddling was any type of flirting or anything past bros.
thank u tho
hey but like dont get the wrong idea about the cuddling and sleeping and shit thats not me tryna get w u
sometimes u just gotta chill w the homies
Don't vomit I'm the one with the concussion aha
And yeah, cuddling w the homies isn't gay man
Especially if I'm initiating it because I'm needy as fuck
Rowan smiled softly to himself.
Whoever ends up dating me is gonna have a hell of a job to do
i feel bad for her already lmao
Damien felt better already. Adrenaline was still kicking through his veins, but he could honestly feel himself beginning to crash.
thats like.a full time job bro hope u got a salary lined up
The privilege of dating me should be enough
I'm broke as hell
Rowan sighed softly, now stuck in his own thoughts. I'm definitely into girls… but there are some guys I kinda unironically find attractive too. That's kinda gay… maybe…?
Hey, can I ask you smthn?
Now it was Rowan's turn to have his heart racing.
gwt a job then freeloader
the publix i work at is hiring
Damien arched his back as he stretched, groaning just a tiny bit.
whats up
So like
This is probably really weird to ask, but
What if you definitely like girls, but like, you also kinda find some guys attractive unironically?
Rowan pulled Milo closer to himself, his heart racing.
Damien blinked at the question. This wasn’t exactly what he’s been anticipating. Then again, he didn’t know just what he expected, but..
not this.
like.. bi??
its not weird dw
Am I bisexual?
Fuck, that's like, half gay. Rowan groaned softly and buried his face in Milo's fur. Guess I'm not as straight as I thought…
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