Damien hummed softly. He wasn’t good- singing was never really his thing- but the song was nice enough and the intent was there, so it wasn’t all too awful.
Damien hummed softly. He wasn’t good- singing was never really his thing- but the song was nice enough and the intent was there, so it wasn’t all too awful.
Rowan relaxed a bit more and sighed. "I'm sorry you had to come over here to deal with my sorry ass…" He said softly.
“Don’t worry about it. I was gonna end up coming over anyway, so it’s better I’m here now.” He patted Rowan’s hair, ruffling it more than he meant to.
Rowan nodded and closed his eyes again. "Y-Yeah… I legit think something's up with me, though. Like, mentally. I shouldn't be so fucked up from just being left alone for a couple of hours."
“I’ll be honest, I wouldn’t be surprised, y’know. You should probably check into seein’ a therapist or somethin’- it actually helps, man.” He reached to pet Milo’s scruff.
"Mmm… I can't afford therapy. I'll just drown my sorrows in ice cream like everyone else." Rowan laughed weakly.
“I can help you get a job, man.” Damien sighed. “But tryna cover all this shit up is just ginna be painful as hell ‘n make everything worse.”
"Yeah… I might be able to afford to go like, once?? That could be enough to at least tell me why I'm fucky and Google can help me from there."
“One’s better’n none, I guess. I’ll send you my therapist’s email ‘n shit, she’s cool. Not that expensive either.”
Rowan nodded. "Cool, thanks." He sighed softly. "How do you like… talk to a therapist?" He asked.
“I.. don’t know, sorry.” Damien laughed. “Theres no real set way to, I guess.. usually my therapist just sorta asks me how life is, ‘n I fill her in on everything..? It’s casual.”
Rowan nodded again. "I'll have to get a whole lot of talking out in that one session." He laughed a bit. "Gotta make the most of it… How do I book an appointment?"
“I’ll send you the number to her office. I dunno when she’s free, evenings and weekends are usually pretty fuckin’ slammed, I think, but she can probably wiggle you in.”
"Mm… maybe I can go tomorrow morning then if she's available. I'm not gonna go to school. Just text me her number, will you?" He asked.
“Sure.” Damien dug for his phone, pulling up his contact for her and sending it to Rowan. “Just call her Katie. She doesn’t like to be called by her last name.”
"Alright, cool. Thanks." Rowan clicked on the message so the notification would go away and turned off his phone. "I'll call her later. What do you wanna do now that you're here?"
“Honestly? I really just wanna chill, y’know? It’s been a stressful fucking couple of days.” Damien shrugged. “Up to you, though.”
"Sounds good to me." Rowan smiled weakly and lay his head back on Damien's shoulder. "Been pretty shitty, hasn't it?"
“Shittier than a fucking public toilet.” He agreed with a snicker. Damien continued petting Rowan’s hair, readjusting his position to be a little more comfortable.
"What kinda drugs are in your hands that make that feel so fuckin good…?" Rowan mumbled, melting into Damien's touch again.
Damien choked on his words a bit, a little taken aback. “What-? Oh- fuck. Uhh, I think it’s just ‘cause my hands are really nice and my fingers are sorta long, so.. it’s like a comb, I guess?”
"Mmm… It's probably kinda weird how much I like this, huh?" He sighed softly, keeping his eyes closed as he steadily relaxed.
Damien’s heart fluttered hopefully in his chest, but quickly died down. “Nah.. I like when people do it to me, too. It’s nice and calming.”
Rowan nodded and yawned a bit. "It just makes me wanna melt into a fuckin puddle and fall asleep… is that normal?"
“I think so. You can sleep if you’re tired, man, don’t stay awake for my sake, I’m good. Got my phone ‘n shit.” Damien’s hand was essentially moving on autopilot now, the movements muscle memory.
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