forum Blood Oath (O/O CLOSED)
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I flicked his nose teasingly and did as he suggested, before reaching for the nearest cluster of flowers. “Talk to me about something. Anything. That has to do with you.”

Deleted user

I scrunched my nose at what she did before furrowing my eyebrows.

“I’d always wanted to be a soldier,” I started slowly. “When I was seven… I stole my father’s sword and nearly chopped off my arm. I was, despite what the stories say, a rather reckless child. My father never took his eyes off of me until I was fourteen.”


I chuckled softly but didn’t speak, electing to sit and listen while he told his story. Slowly, I began to work wildflowers into his hair, twisting the stems through each thick lock.

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I closed my eyes, enjoying the feel of her hands in my hair.

“And by that, I mean it,” I said a bit strongly. “He kept me in their room—had an extra bed there for starters. Wherever he went, I went. Most of the time, I would be studying while he worked. Then my mother finally told my father he was being too protective. I would not make the same mistake twice. My father—he’s a sucker for my mom. He can’t ever say no to her, so she deserves it until the last.”


I brushed a lock of hair from his forehead, nodding along in partial amusement while I listened. Quite the boy I have here…

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“… and when I was sixteen, he almost didn’t let me perform the Oath,” here, my voice softened. “He didn’t think I was ready. At first, I thought he didn’t have any faith in me. I thought he didn’t think I’d pass. It wasn’t that. It was just a parent fearing their son wouldn’t return home alive. He knew I would do it—he just couldn’t bear to say goodbye.”


My features softened, giving way to sadness. I’d always labeled the King as heartless in my head, but… that wasn’t fair to Colton. He was a father before he was a ruler..

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“The second week of my bonding was the hardest,” I winced. “My… abilities began to show. It was the toughest time for my family and I. They could not help me at all. I had to master them alone, because our types are the rarest. Nobody knows how to control them. I suppose you remember the time I disappeared for about four months?”

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I breathed deeply.

“It was terrifying,” I answered honestly. “I couldn’t… control them. I didn’t hurt anyone, but I almost did. So we had to resort to drastic measures and I finally got it under my control. Key made it easy.”

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I squeezed her hands, sighing.

“Anyway, If you want to hear stories about me as a baby, you have to ask my parents,” I tried to lighten the mood. “They will tell you in detail. Apparently, I once bit my maid’s hand when I was one. She was trying to change my diaper.”


I burst out laughing, the sound sweet and blissfully happy to contrast with the somber mood of our conversation mere seconds ago. “Ouch, poor maid.”

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I snorted.

“It was her fault,” I argued. “She shouldn’t have made me angry enough that I’d bite her.”

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“That’s no excuse,” I retorted. “She had it coming. Vivian’s more of a rascal than I was, and she’s never bitten anyone.”

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“Perfect,” I ignored her first statement. “It’s your turn now.”


I twisted my lips in thought. “When I was fifteen, I used to help my brother sneak out of the house after curfew. He’s always been much shyer than me, so when I found out about this girl who liked him…. yeah. I was his wingman, in essence. I’d make him tell me all about her after he snuck back in and it was just—it was nice, seeing my brother so happy. Coming out of his shell a little.”

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“Did they work out?” I questioned, opening my eyes to look at her.

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“Were your parents okay with you being Elliot?” I inquired, reaching out for her hand so I could give it a kiss.


“It was their idea,” I informed him, shaking out my red mane of hair. “They’re involved in a sort of… philanthropist group, I suppose. I was chosen to go. I think they were halfway between being proud and terrified..”

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“They chose the right person,” I murmured. “Nobody can do this except you.”