King lightly brushed his hand down her side before resting it again, "Because you make everything more interesting. And I would be sad if you left me all alone back here."
King lightly brushed his hand down her side before resting it again, "Because you make everything more interesting. And I would be sad if you left me all alone back here."
“Oh, well thats understandable” she smiled before pressing her lips to his and leaning into him a little bit more as her fingers ran through is hair.
King humed and pulled her closer to him. He could feel his ponytail slipping out of it's hold as her fingers tan through his hair. He honestly enjoyed the sensation.
Slowly pulling the hairtie out of his hair, careful not to pull it she slid it onto her wrist before running both hands through his hair, lifting out a soft noise when she was pulled closer, their bodies pressed together and her eyes fluttered shut
King let out a soft noise against her lips as her hands ran through his hair. He had forgotten how good it felt to have someone else touch his hair. He wrapped his arms around her waist.
Her lips trailed from his cheek to his jawline to his neck and back up before kissing him again. "so… Why thensudden change in interest Huh?"
King bit his lip when her lips strayed from his. He waited to pull away once more to respond, "You got me in a bad mood the other day. That's all."
“Oh?” Her hands ran down to his waist, slipping underneath his shirt, her warm fingers touching his back. “I guess first impressions don’t matter huh?” She kissed his neck once more
"Fuck," King muttered unwillingly. God it had been so long since he had actually done something like this. His head tipped back to give her more access to his neck and his hands roamed her back, "Yeah, they kind of don't with me."
When he cursed she stopped and looked at him "is there something wrong? " she asked in a hushed whisper
"No, no nothing wrong," King responded looking at her with a lopsided grin, "Just enjoying this probably more than I sure."
She pressed against him, her hands still on his back tracing his muscles softly “why should you not being enjoying this as much as you are?”
King's muscles rippled just slightly under her touch. He had taken his bandages off, but that didn't mean the bruises weren't still there. However, he was far too focused for the pain to get to him, "Oh, I told you I'm a busy man. It's been a while since I've let myself loose like this."
“Well you should loosen up a bit more” she kissed him lightly “i like you a lot more Ike this. Though i liked you the other way too” she let out a small laugh. She felt like she should at least get to know him more before they actually go any further, but she wasn’t about to voice anything. She didnt know if she wanted to wait
King hummed and smiled down at her. He wasn't sure if he wanted this to go further than this. This was fine, for now at least, "I'm glad you liked the other me. Though understand I don't often loosen up like this. But I guess I could try too more often."
“It looks good on you” she complimented before running her hand from his back to his chest, slipping out the bottom of his shirt and up to his cheek. She liked the feeling of warm hands around her. The warmth of someone else wasn't something she felt often. And she longed for more of his touch
King let his hands rest and arms tight around her. He put his face in her tiny hand and smiled up at her, that was still weird to him. He had never heard that him not being an uptight twat was a good look on him. Most of the time the people wanted him to be an uptight twat, "Well thank you."
A smile grew on her face just a little as she leaned forward away from the box, turning the tables and pressing him against the hard wall, not hurting him. Though showing him she coukd definitely be dominant when she wanted. Still pressed against his chest, she kissed him more aggressively before pulling away. "how long do you think you can keep up Mr goody two shoes?" she bit her lip as she looked into his eyes
King could feel his heart race as they switched positions. His bruises ached but the only thought in his mind was that was really hot. Then the kiss and most coherent thought left his head. This woman could get to him in ways he had never expected. A grin slowed it’s way onto his face when she pulled away. He may be pinned (and definitely enjoying it) but he could still show some dominance (what dominance?). He responded to her question by aggressively kissing her back one hand making its way to bury into her hair.
She gasped heavily as he returned the favor. Their lips lapping together, she loved the sensation he gave her. A warm fiery sensation if she didnt already have enough. That seemed to answer her question without actually answering it. Smart.
Her chest rising and falling heavy against hisnas he caused a shortness in her minty breath, caught quite off guard by his reaction and loving it so much more. Her body pushed him still to the wall as her hands ran fast all over the upper half of body as if she were going crazy. And that's what she felt like. And she loved it
(Thank you. Thank you. I’m here all week.)
King was panting every time he was able to breathe. And then, oh god to describe what she was doing to him with her touches and the way their bodies were pressed up together… He, fuck, there was no words. His hand entangled itself in her pink hair as his other hand explored her back since there wasn’t much else it could do. He loved everything about this and prayed to whatever deity was out there that this would become a regular thing. Minus the whole being in a Forever 21 store room.
(those little comments kill me XD)
Her eyes closed and her eyebrows furrowed as if she were talking about something was was extremely passionate about. And well, she was being extremely passionate in this instance.
Her hair fell some into her face, over her shoulders and over her back, dancing across it with every move she made and with every where husband went a new sensation came him it. She could feel his hard heartbeat against her own chest, as she wasn't sure he could feel her as she had more "protection" over her heart (if you know what I mean o-o).
Pressing their waists together as well now, she didn't know how or when this would be put to a stop, but oh she hoped it never would. He could probably use a more comfortable place instead of possibly hurting eachither on the hard walls of the storage room. Though she was a kinky little one, not afraid of the pain. More welcoming it than ever right now.
(Lol. Also the autocorrect (I assume) to husband man.)
King felt a groan slip out as yet another area of their bodies were pushed together. His eyes had fluttered shut and was entirely drawn into the moment he never wanted to end. Though a little voice nagged him that this should end sooner than later as well as they could pick this up later at one of their homes. He ignored the voice for now twirling her hair in his fingers and his hand slipped down to hold her, ahem, ass. It felt natural at the moment, okay!
(eXcUsE mE while I ChOkE ON MY TeArs of LAuGHteR)
She eyes opened for a brief second as his hand "slipped". (whOops)
Her lips pressing against his neck before her tongue lightly traced the muscles in the side of his neck up to his lips before kissing them again
(Lol we stan ‘accidents’ sometimes.)
King released a soft noise feeling her soft tongue on his skin. Fuck that had felt really nice. His head tilted upward as a natural reaction and he was perfectly fine with her in possibly one of the most vulnerable positions he could be in.
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