@Celeste_X0X0_ group
She thought about it for a second “well….. i would help but i don't know your assignment. However did you manage to forget something with such importance?”
She thought about it for a second “well….. i would help but i don't know your assignment. However did you manage to forget something with such importance?”
"I was half asleep when he assigned it," King responded with a long sigh. He hated admitting that, "So I missed a few important details, but they're on my laptop back at my apartment."
Saying it with a hint of flirtiness in it, he didnt seem to catch she shrugged it off.
“Hm, thats understandable. Well, in the mean time what’re you going to do?”
King leaned against the wall and gave her a sly smile, "Observe, just kick back and watch. See what it's like being an employee at Forever 21. Though you can help me with that."
“Oh?” She took a step forward. “Whaddya mean by that hm?” She raised a brow, noticing his smile. It was rather cute, though she didnt voice it
"Well you've worked here for quite some time," King responded pushing of the wall, "I'm figuring you could show me the ins and outs of the place, as well as some other things I'm sure."
Her eyes widened at his last comment. “Don’t take everything you hear inappropriately Aria” she cursed herself under her breath. “Uh… yeah” she stuttered, though quickly regaining her usual confidence.
“Well, what do you wanna know?’ She turned around with a little bounce in her step
King had a sly grin seeing her stutter. He had caught her off guard and he was quite pleased at himself for doing so, “Well, you could tell me how much stock you get in a week or you could show me your stockroom. If you have one of course.”
"see, he didn't mean it like that" she thought as she froze for a second, trying to think of what he said since she was focused on what he had said before.
"right, storage room" she turned around and turned a corner near the back of the store, waiting for him to follow her.
King followed her a smile still on his face. He hadn’t been this blissfully happy in a long while. He had turned his phone off so no alerts would come through so he had nothing to spoil his good mood, “I’m coming.”
Swaying her hips just so slightly in front of him, the came to a big metal door. Taking a key from multiple keys around a ring on her waist, she unlocked it and opened it, waiting for him to come in before she went to turn the lights on. "now to find the lights… " she tapped her lips as she tried hard to remember if there was a switch or not
King spotted the sway in her hips and wondered if she was doing that intentionally or not. He stepped into the room after her with his eyebrow slightly raised, “I don’t know. On a wall seems logical.”
She turned to him, the only light coming from the door, slamming shut and leaving them in darkness. It didn't seem to bother her, but her chest pounded in her ears as she looked for the light. "well this is an old room so I think there might be a bulb with a chain you can pull on the ceiling" she says taking out her phone turning on the flashlight
“Got it,” King responded as the room went dark. He hated the dark. He would never admit it but the dark may possibly be his biggest fear. He took a deep breath in and out to calm his slightly shaking body as the flashlight got turned on. He pointed up at the bulb on the ceiling, “I think I see it.”
Her mind raced to other things as she looked around for the light. "okay, he's not doing anything" she told herself mentally. She was fine with it if he did. She did give him permission after all.
"oh, right" she says reaching up and pulling the chain as she stretched out her body best as she could, finally getting it. "ta da!" she says coming down from standing on her tipsy toes with a small bounce. "this is the storage room! Impressive right?" she said sarcastically.
Rows and racks of clothes and shoes, jackets, belts, hats. Any clothing item you could really think of was in here either hanging up, folded on the racks or stuffed in boxes waiting to be put out on display for people to buy.
King looked around. It was pretty impressive for just being in a mall. He had a grin on as he stepped towards her the shake from earlier completely gone now. He gave a nod, "Pretty impressive indeed. How long will it be back here?"
Not Moving from her spot where she stood when he moved closer to her "oh, well if you'd like we could leave right now. But we could stay in here as long as we'd like" she smirked
King matched her smirk as he walked up to her. He responded voice soft, "I'm fine if we stay here a while longer. Your not worried about leaving your coworker out to deal with whoever comes in?"
She backed up against one of the taller boxes, breathing in slowly as she looked at him. "n-no" she saidnsoftly, though trying to sound confident. She wasn't used to someone returning her flirtatiousness. But it was good to try new things out right?
"we don't get many people around this time anyway" her face turned red as hernchest rose and fell with every soft breath she took. Why was she so flustered!?
King's smile grew and he stepped up towards her against the box. She was taller than him, barely, something that he could get used to. He knew his own cheeks were red in color, "That's good. So we can be in here for a little while longer yeah?"
“Well if this would be beneficial to your assignment and learning, then…” she averted her green eyes for a second as she tried to keep composure. “I dont see why not” she mumbled.
"It would be beneficial to some of my learning yes," King responded looking at her eyes, or at least attempting to, "Of course your presence here helps as well."
Her hand pressed against his chest before running up to the side of his neck, her finger running along his jawline. “Oh, well if you dont need be ill go then” she says jokingly
King's hands rested on her just above her waistline. He kept them their as he grinned at her, "Would you stay if I asked you to? Because I would much rather you stay."
“Oh?” His touch sent tingles up her spine and throughout her body. She was resisting her illusionistic abilities as if she didnt this whole place would be a totally different scene at the moment.
“And why would that be huh?” She purred (not literally XD)
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