@Celeste_X0X0_ group
“Oh then you should do that. I dont want you to be tired” she says stepping up to him and kissing his cheek.
“Oh then you should do that. I dont want you to be tired” she says stepping up to him and kissing his cheek.
King laughed as he looked up at her and moved to kiss her forehead, "Well thank you. I'll take that as your cue you'll be leaving soon then?"
“Yeah, i should be anyway” she smiled as he kissed her “Ive got work at three, and i need to make sure my sister isn’t freaking out wondering where i am”
"That makes perfect sense," King responded smiling, "Before you go, I would suggest changing. Don't want to freak your sister out, even more, wearing a stranger's shirt and showing off your underwear. Wait, I drove you here didn't I? Do you need me to take you home?"
She thought about everything he said before letting out a long tired sigh. They had stayed up pretty late last night, so it wasnt surprising she was tired.
“My sister wouldnt be surprised if i showed up in a strangers shirt. She would only give me a lecture about it” Aria rolled her eyes with a laugh. “And hey, what if i like showing off my underwear?” She teased, wrapping her arms around his waist, pulling him into her. “I could just take the bus. Maybe…. actually it might be best if you did. I don’t recall any bus stops being nearby” she says laying her head on his shoulder and closing her eyes for a few seconds. The fact that she couldn’t be in an actual relationship with him killed her.
But she wasnt about to put him in danger.
King hummed and let her rest against him. He held her back carefully as he reminded of what he couldn't have. This moment may be nice, but it was definitely fleeting as the moment she stepped out of his car they were going back to coworkers or just another fling. It would be so nice to have her as a girlfriend, but it was far too dangerous, "I can take you home then. Got it?"
"okay fine" she says squeezing him a little bit before pulling away.
"I'm going to go get changed though. Thanks for the shirt" she says with a smile before heading into the room.
A few minutes later she came back in the same outfit as last night, the skirts slit up her thigh was ripped a bit from last night. The strap still tight around her thigh.
"you ready?" she asks, pulling her haircut from her hair letting her pink hair fall over her back before running her hands through it
King had been sitting on the couch waiting for Aria. He looked over as she exited the room and smiled before standing up from the couch. He walked over to her and didn’t bother to ask for his hair tie back, “I’m ready.”
"good." she smiled as she headed to the door. She would have sat on the couch and kissed him, but he was tired and she had to calm her ongoing horniness down.
"thank you for driving me even though you're tired" she says, actually appreciating it
King followed after and opened the door for Aria. He gave her a tired smile to her, "It's my pleasure. I'm not just going to leave you stranded here."
Once they were in the car, the cold morning air sent shivers all throughout her body as she curled up on the seat. Once king got in she looked over to him with a smile, though yawning right after wards. She should probably get some sleep as well. At least until 2
King started the car up once he got in and smiled back. He cranked up the heat feeling the cold of the morning and knowing it would effect Aria. He tried to remember her address from yesterday and looked over at her, "Mind reminding me of your address?"
(sorry I'm having troubles coming up with a decently length reply…)
(To be honest, I don't, and never will care about length. As long as it's decent writing and I can work with it on my end. If you want to write long replies, go for it. But I'm just putting it out there.)
(just typed a random address…)
"147 south drive. It's more on the edge. I sent you the text didn't i" she says leaning over the arm rest in the middle.
"Yeah," King responded nodding as he started to drive towards that area. He leaned back in the seat, "I just forgot what it was."
“Oh that’s fair. I’ve never been good with addresses either” she smiled.
(So should we skip to where something’s happening? Like a few days or something and maybe Aria kills a dude or somethin?)
(That sounds good. I'm guessing King would be there trying to stop her or something?)
King laughed a little. He had a bright smile on, "I feel that. I've gotten turned around in this city more times than I probably should have."
(Yeah! Should we do it now or wait till there home?)
(We can just do it now. I've got no quarrels with that.)
(Okay! I’ll get it up soon. Hopefully.)
("Hopefully" I feel that. But take your time.)
Aria, or “Mercy” this time had once again seduced a man at one of the bars in the back alleys of the town. At about 2 in the morning, she pressed against his big arm as he laughed, obviously knocked hard by all of the alcohol hes drank. Leading him down the alley Beside her motorcycle where she had parked it, he turned to her with a smile before she twirled out her blade, stabbing him hard in the stomach and stepping away.
“You disgust me you know that hon?” She says leaning against the alleys brick walls, glaring down at him as he held his stomach and yelled in pain. “You better shut up or ill cut that d**k of yours right off. Got it?” She says kicking him to the ground. He had been a social worker for different foster homes and kids, hurting them whenever he got the chance. So shes decided to repay him a little bit.
“This is what you get for ruining peoples lives” she jerked him up by his hair, kneeling down to him. “Ill have mercy on you” she whispered in his ear, making him quake right there. “You- you’re..Mercy” He mumbled before trying not to scream in pain as his stomach bled out onto the ground. “Good job, you got it right” she smiled at him before standing up and reaching for her mask, slipping it over her face and throwing the knife straight into his head. “Goodnight” she says through the mask.
King had gotten a call that Mercy was out doing her work again. He had been told where and made his way over on his own motorcycle it being faster and more easy to manuver. He was decked in full Crystalline gear his hand now a mess of scarred pink tissue from the burn, but he kept it gloved as the pirate. Until the scar faded to be more normal looking, he couldn't risk going ungloved. As far as he knew Mercy had been spotted at a bar with a civilian. Of course there was more too it as he had been finding out. He arrived at the bar alley, where thought Mercy would be, just in tkme to see her brutally kill the man. He got off his bike ready to fight.
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