forum Blind love //romance OxO CLOSED//
Started by @Celeste_X0X0_ group

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King got a pair of underwear and pants on before looking back to Aria. He wouldn't mind if she stayed undressed a little while longer, but wasn't going to stop her from doing what she wanted, "You should be. I make pretty good pancakes."

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

Before he got dressed she noticed a few bruises on his body that had been covered up he makeup. With how much they did last night, no makeup would stay on anywhere.
She gave him a concerned look, though she was sure he didn't see her. Still sad to see the beauty of his chest and muscles and his whole body in general go, she found her own clothes, lazily slipping her undergarments on. She sat in her for a few seconds more debating whether to put her tight sweater and skirt back on, though now deciding against it. They were the only ones here, so it was fine.
"hope you don't mind. I don't feel like putting those clothes back on" she says pulling the strap up to her black bra, readjusting it on her shoulder.


"I don't mind at all," King responded seeing her in just undergarments. He thought for a moment slipping his shirt on and going to open the door. He looked over at her, "If you want to borrow one of my shirts you can. It's just an offer though." He stepped out to check that his roommate really wasn't home and he wasn't. King thanked the lord and walked over to the kitchen.

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

(okay so what if his roommate was like one of her hookups in college and they meet at his apartment or something? Just a kind of stupid fun idea lol)

She sat there biting her lip as she tried to think of what to do. Finally with a playful smile she slipped on one of his big shirts, just going down to her but, she walked out of the room and into the kitchen. Hugging him from behind, she kissed the side of his neck just to surprise him.


(Yesss. This will happen, soon.)

King had started the batter and was pleasantly surprised when he felt Aria hg him from behind. He was more shocked at the kiss on his neck. He turned head so he could see part of her face. She was wearing his shirt. He spoke softly to her, "Hello there."

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

“Hello” she purred, her arms above his shoulder, resting on his chest. She could never get over how warm he was. She loved it maybe too much.
“When does your roommate get back again?” She asked, her hair falling over back in the low ponytail she put it in. She would put it down later, but now she liked the fact that she didn't have to worry about it constantly
She hoped his roommate would still be out there somewhere doing whatever so she didn't have to leave early. Her cuddly tired actions showed the fact that she liked it here.


King checked the clock from where he was. This was nice having Aria leeched onto him. A constant presence which was something he had been missing for a long while. With the batter finished and griddle warmed up he poured the batter on to begin making the cooked discs, "It should be another hour or two. Unless he got kicked out early."

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

“Hm” she thought about it for a second. It would kind of suck with him here, and it would be rather awkward, but at the same time there was a small chance his roommate wouldnt mind. Right?
Ah, she didnt know anything. So she just kept to herself and would see how it played out when the time came. But for now she was too busy loving King.
“so do you cook often?” She asked releasing him from her hold and leaning on the counter


"Quite a bit actually," King responded saddened to have her leave his back but also glad that she could talk to her face to face. He really hoped his roommate hadn't gotten himself kicked out so he could enjoy this wonderful moment with Aria, "I have to do most of the cooking between the two of us."

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

“Man, your roommate sounds like such a bum. How does he get all of these girls you talked about?” She asked half joking but curious. “He have an enormous d**k or what?” She rolled her eyes, obviously regretting saying that. It was in a joking manner of course. She didnt want to know


"No idea," King responded with a laugh. He understood her slight joking manner and didn't both to respond to the d**k comment. "I think he's a smooth talker and then follows up on his smooth talk well. That and it's never the same girl, mainly because they tend to learn after the first time."

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

She couldn’t help but laugh at his way of putting it. Not sugar coating it one bit.
looking over to the pancakes, she was actually surprisingly hungry. Due to her fast metabolism, she was hungry quite often. “So how long have you guys been roommates?” She turned to his face instead of the food, deciding to be patient.


"A while now," King responded flipping them over the first side a nice golden color. He honestly couldn't remember how long it had been, "I got saddled up with him when I moved here since our parents knew each other."

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

“Oh how fun” she says sarcastically. “Do you plan on getting your own place when you graduate out of law school or what?” She tilted her head to the side


"As soon as I get a job yes," King had sometimes dreamed of the day he got out of this place. He looked back over her and kissed her cheek as he removed the first batch, "I'm throwing a party once I get my own place."

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

A smile appeared on her face as he kissed her, leaning into it. “A party huh? Thats exciting! What kind of party?” She was only curious as to his plans for the future. She still wanted to get to know him more even though she decided on this being just a fling. Still having no idea how he felt.


"A 'I'm finally on my own' party," King responded with a laugh and offered her a plate of pancakes. He gave a smile to her even though he had decided this to be just a fling for her safety. He felt saddened by that but refused to let it show, "I can invite you to it when it finally happens."

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

That wasn't the "what type of party" she meant by that. But she would take it with a smile.
"that's be nice. Oh. Only if you want though. I don't want to be too much of a distraction" she smiled and winked at him before taking the plate.


"Oh, I'm sure you wouldn't be," King responded his face tinting pink. He started on the second batch of pancakes, "In fact, I might make you the only guest."

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

Her eyebrows raised in interest along with a little laugh followed by taking a bite of her pancake. Man, they were so good.
"that wouldn't be fair to your other friends and such. Maybe an after-party of the party." she joked, taking anything bite.


"That could work," King laughed with a smile. He went back to fixing up his own pancakes, "It'll be more fun that way won't it?"

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

“Oh definitely” she says happily, too fixated on the pancakes now. “By the way, how do you get it so good? The pancakes i mean” she smirked at him as she could have implied more than one thing. ;)


King definitely heard the double meaning. He shrugged as he flipped the pancakes on the griddle, "Oh a bit of practice. You know how it is."

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

she actually didnt really know how it was. Shes tried to cook all her life but she could never do it to save her life. If she tried she would probably end her life before any hero could get to it.
Her mind flashed back to that one pirate hero but she shook her thoughts and looked back at king.