forum Blind love //romance OxO CLOSED//
Started by @Celeste_X0X0_ group

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"I won't," King responded giving her a smile. He held her close and let out a sigh and repeated, "I won't. But what about you Aria? Why are you a villain?"

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

She took in a deep breath, hiding her face. She felt as if she were being scolded. "I'm making it easier for so many people. I'm getting rid of the rotten, conceted, lustful and greedy men and some women even, who ruined people's lives. It happened to me and I want to prevent it as much as possible."


King went quiet for a moment. He went down and kissed her forehead before he responded, "Then, Then I don't want you to stop. You have the right reasons and… I don't know. I can't stop trying to stop you."


"Because I cared about you before I found out," King responded making gentle calming movements by rubbing her back. He, he hated that she was breaking down in front of him. He hated that this had to be a thing, "And I have this stupid thing where once I start caring about someone I keep caring about them no matter what. So, so you're stuck with me."

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

"you shouldn't King… You shouldn't be with me. I'm a psychopath. A murderer. I've been doing this since I was fucking 9. You shouldn't love a monster like me" she says pulling away and looking go at him, tears staining her face as it was stitched across with pain.


This was one of those moments where King wished he wasn't as sympathetic as he was, and there were a lot of those. Some voice in his head told him he should be mad, the woman he had fallen for was a psychopath and a murder. She had lied to him and more importantly, she had been doing this since she was nine. Nine years old Aria and had been killing men. Yet he couldn't be mad or hurt or anything. Sympathy and apathy sometimes didn't mix all that well together especially when King was as tired as he was. Another thought occurred to him as he looked at her crying. The city and it's hero program had been grooming Kin- Crystalline to be the next big hero with his versatile toolset. How would they take it if they found out he was in love with one of the most dangerous villains? They probably would agree with Aria, but damnit his heart just wouldn't listen. He looked at her lovingly even though a good part of him told him not to, "You're right, I shouldn't. But I fucking do. I fell for the big bad villain that's been killing since the age of 9. And I don't think I can just get rid of those feelings okay?"

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

How someone could even bring themselves to look at her was a mystery to her. Her sister never even looked her in the eye ever since they were little. Ever since Aria was adopted into the family after her house was burnt down, the mother few days dead and the father stabbed to death.
How this man could look at her in this pitiful horrible state knowing the monster she was and still say he loved her. It was remarkable to say the least. And she loved him. More than anything. And it showed In her eyes before she looked down at her hands pressed into fists against her thighs catching the tears.
"I can't control you. So I'm just going to thank you instead" she says choking back a sob.


King wanted desperately to wrap his arms around her and hold her tight to protect her from whoever hurt her so much that she acted like this. But he didn’t think she would let him and instead he just moved to hold her. Fuck his goddamn heart was just being put through the shedder. The teary eyes and almost sob broke him. He responded to her softly, “You’re welcome then.”

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

She let out a little chuckle, wiping her face carelessly as her pink hair stuck to the sides of her face.
"you know… " she sat back into his arms hesitantly. "I did it on purpose. The pink hair I mean" she says closing her eyes and leaning on him, letting his arms go around her. She remembered their first night oh so vividly it was almost ridiculous. The feeling of his hands on her body sent shivers down her spine. The horrible feeling of terror and nostalgia she pushed down her throat and let herself enjoy the moment. Convincing herself he wouldn't hurt her as everyone else had in the past.
As the weeks passed she finally fully trusted him not to hurt her.


“Yoi did? I’m guessing so people would never forget you?” King responded offering some semi meaningful reason. He held her close and one of hands started to calmly thread through her hair. Memories of their first night together popped into his head and he, he didn’t regret anything. It had eventually lead to this even if it had taken time for their strange relationship to blossom like it did, was, is.

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

She laughed a bit, though the only way you could tell was her chest rising and falling a little and the soft sound of air through her lips before she persed them together. "no, I sing when I don't want them to forget. Putting images in their mind. I did it because I knew someone would recognize me. Secretly… I wanted to get caught. I wanted to have a chat with the big guys. Oh, that would have been so much fun" she sighed thinking about it. "I wanted someone to know who I was" she says running her fingers through her hair. "I like being on the run anyway. Whether my sister was with me or not. Well… She's not even my sister but that doesn't matter" she rolled her eyes.
"good guess though"


“I never would have guessed you wanted to get caught,” King murmured to her softly. The earlier use of his power finally taking its full effect on King as the remainder of his adrenaline dissipated. He had a soft smile on his face as he held her fighting off sleep, “I never wanted anyone to know. It would just put them at risk with how many villains I’ve pissed off. I’m sorry I ruined your big reveal. I can probably arrange that meeting if you want to though.”

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

"no no, it's fine. You're sweet though." she looked up at him. Noticing his sleepiness, she readjusted herself to make him comfortable. Maybe they would fall asleep right there. She was pretty sleepy herself.
Letting out a small yawn as she relaxed on his chest. "you seem tired. I can go home and let you sleep if you'd like"


“No, it’s fine. You don’t have to go if you don’t want to,” King responded hoping his silent plea for her to stay came through. He shifted slightly to make her more comfortable as well. His tired eyes kept their focus on her even though sleep threatened to close them.

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

"I don't want to go to be honest" she says cuddling closer. She wondered if he had ice-cream… No she wasn't going to eat ice cream now. She'll ask him tomorrow.
"but you can sleep if you'd like. We can talk tomorrow" she says nuzzling her head to his warm chest and closing her eyes listening to his heartbeat.


King let out a silent sigh of relief that she wasn't leaving. He yawned and finally let his eyes shut not caring that if Preston came home he was going to have so many questions, "That would be nice. Really, really nice."

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

(Okay XD)

As soon as the light fled into the living room Arias green eyes fluttered open only to be intertwined with King. Looking up at him, a small smile rose on her face before she set her head back on his chest. She was still in the tight leather suit she wore when doing her “work”. Remembering last night she let out a sigh.
Closing her eyes again, she decided to wait until King woke up.


King woke up from his deep sleep his mind a little groggy as to how he ended up with Aria on top of him, in a leather suit. Then he realized he still was in his hero uniform and remembered the events. This was going to be an interesting conversation when it happened. He was going to wait until Arianwoke up, or at least showed signs she was awake. He still couldn't wrap his head around the fact that Aria was Mercy. But he guessed it made some sense.

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

She wasn't actually surprised to know he was a hero. He studied law school and she always had this underlying suspicioun.
When she felt his heart rate speed up as everyone did for a second when they woke up, she looked up at him. "hey~" she says in a soothing soft voice. It was obvious she was pretty tired though


"Hey," King responded holding Aria close. He gave her a soft tired smile since he had just woken up. He could tell she was tired and assumed it was also because she had just woken up. He didn't know where to take the conversation from there. It felt dangerous to talk about last night at least in his eyes.

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

She sat up and looked down before yawning, her hair falling in her face before she pushed it away.
"sleep well?" she turned back to him, trying to not think about last night.