forum Awakened Shrine- closed group rp!
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group


"I see…" The shrine had fallen to ruin, then, outside of this chamber. "Here, if we climb onto my pedestal, and one of us lifted the other up, our combined height should be more than enough to get to the edge." Hearth looked at her stone place, then up to the edge of the hole.


Gem made her way back to the front and behind the counter, sliding the new batch of rolls in to replace the empty pan. Her mother retreated into the back. Gem went back to working the crowd, handing out beverages, and desserts, Wrapping frsh warm loves of bread up and handing them off. with a smile and a bright "Thank you!"
She stole a glance at Wander every so often, her customer service face falling for a moment to revel a genuine smile as she saw him enjoying the treat. She cleaned up spills, winked at small children as she snuck a fresh cookie into their hands, All with a bright smile and a happy tone of voice. If one watched closely they would start to see the strain in her eye's and the cracks in her grin. People began to slowly filter out of the building as they headed to work or school, leaving a mostly empty cafe behind, with a few stranglers coming in every so often. But now it was quiet.
Gem slumped into a chair at one of the tables and rested her face in her hands. She look over at Wander again, "We can go as soon as my Dad comes in, he has to take Sage to school so he might be a bit late." The bell rang and she stood up quickly,
"Hello! Welco-" Her smile fell for a moment when she saw the face, but she quickly attempted to recover, "Welcome, what can I get for you today." The new comer was a tall man, light blond hair and deep brown eye's, the atmosphere in the bakery went from warm and comforting to strangely tense in a matter of moments.
"Gem, I came to see you." The man stalked forward, Gem;s eye's widened, she seemed frozen there as he approached, "I missed you Peach." He reached for her face and Gem took a few shaky steps back bumping into the table.
"Sir if you're not here to purchase something I request you leave." Gem said quietly, the chipper voice strangely quiet and weak.
"Don't be like that, you know you want me to be here." Gem flinched when he touched her face, she wacked his hand away.
"Carden, Don't touch me." She said shakily trying to slip away,

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(I want to murder him already :)

Wander kept himself out of the way, not offering any help even though he was more than willing to. Instead, he kept eating his cinnamon roll, wiping his mouth off when he finished it and going from the room a moment to get his hot chocolate. With the drink in his hands, Wander sat down out in the room with Gem still, quite enjoying beginning able to see her work and spend time with her.
The spell offered encouraging smiles whenever Gem would turn to look at him. She was a hard worker, he could see that, and she was doing a great job. Still, with how much of his attention was on Gem, Wander couldn’t help but see how it was all affecting Gem in the end. He wanted to do something to help her unwind after work, but he didn’t know enough about her to know what would help. They had just met that day, after all. Perhaps he could ask her if there was somewhere, in particular, she wanted to travel to.
Making his way over to sit with Gem, Wander nodded some.
“That sounds alright. How are you doing?” Wander couldn’t get his answer, with Gem shooting up to greet the newcomer. A look of concern came to his face when he felt and saw the change, standing to move to Gem’s side, leaving his drink behind. His own eyes widened some when he saw what was happening, making his way over to grab Gem’s hand. He would be more than willing to be used to get out of this situation if necessary. Though, him taking her hand could easily be taken otherwise.
“Are you blind, you sniveling murkworm? You must be, to be such an ass to someone who clearly doesn’t want you here. Or are you, an absolute waste of human life, just stupid? Obviously there is something impairing your judgment, you lily-livered egg-sucking bumbling buffoon.” This was… well, this definitely not something one would expect from Wander. He placed himself slightly in front of Gem, mostly so if this ‘Carden’ did become violent, Wander would get the brunt of it. It was only right, after all, since Wander was the one who insulted the man.

@furetakunai ac_unit

Shine had her hands securely around Luck’s legs to make sure she stayed balanced, grinning. The spell helped as much as she could, noting just how well Luck was able to handle herself with this.
“Yeay~!!” Shine kept herself still despite the urge to celebrate, pushing up against Luck’s feet to help the human push herself up.
“You were so good at that!” The spell called up once Luck was out of the shrine, impressed. She giggled some, looking up at Luck.
“And okay, here we go!” Shine shone once, reverting back to her orb form for a moment. She flew up to join Luck, floating by the woman a moment before going back to her human form.
“Woah…” Shine looked around, taking in the parts of the forest she’d never seen before. “It’s so… big! It’s so much different than the last time I was out with a user!”

Luck raised an eyebrow at Shine's comments. "Is that so? It's really that different?" she inquired, looking around, "then, what was it like before?" Luck felt like she was being nosy, asking into these things, but she couldn't help her curiosity. She got up from the ground and dusted off her dungarees a little. At least, spots visible from the sunshine. She looked down at the laces of her shoes as she whispered one last question. "…and.. when was the last time you've been out with a, erm, user?"

Her shoes were simple white and red shoes. White laces and decals, red everything else. They looked almost exactly like the ones her father used to buy for her when she was younger. It brought a slightly sad smile to her face, one that tugged on before reverting back, just like a rubber band.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"Mhm! I saw changes from the shrine, of course, but… it really has grown a lot more than I thought!" Shine spun slowly to look around, keeping well away from the edge. She was smiling still, bouncing a bit as she folded her hands behind her back.
"And… it's been a while," Shine admitted, voice softer now. "A long, long time ago… I've heard stories from the others, who got to go out more than I did, but… it wasn't the same." Shine looked back at Luck in time to catch the smile, a small little sad one on her own face.
"Thank you, for picking me."


Gem, instantly shrunk into Wander when he moved to stand with her, "Wander," She whispered warningly when he stepped in front of her. Carden's face reddened, his face shifting from sickening confidence to brutal anger. "You're not a part of this conversation, brussel sprout , and I'm not someone you want to anger, so I suggest you step aside before I-."
"You!" Carden froze, as a new voice boomed through out the room, A hero in flannel, Gem's Father, had come through the door, and all 6'5'' of him was very, very angry , "I've kicked you off my property once, and I've had you removed from my property another time, I'll do it again you Gobshite, Get off my land, and stop buggin' my kid." Carden didn't move and for a moment only continued to glower at Gem and Wander, "You, Deaf, Get out Eejit."
Carden turned and abruptly stormed out of the cafe, his dramatic exit ruined by the cheery clang of the bell. Gem had been Clinging to Wanders hand and visually relaxed as the sound of the bell faded, She smiled as if the incident were forgotten. "Wander this is my Dad, Liam Blaney." Cara emerged from the kitchen then wiping her hands on her apron "Liam, I didn't hear you calling a customer names again did I."
"No, Love, you wouldn't have wanted him as a customer, What's his face, Cardnel, Carson, Showed up again." Liam replied wrapping an arm around her when she walked over. Gem's father had a similar eye color to gems, but dark brown hair, and a well groomed beard.
"Who's this gentalmen?" Cara asked smiling warmly at Wander.

@furetakunai ac_unit

Luck met Shine's gaze and a more genuine smile formed on her face. "Of course! But…" their brows furrowed slightly as they examined the spell, "I don't get why more people wouldn't pick you. You're so unmistakably beautiful." At that point, Luck's eyes refused to flinch from the luciform woman. She wanted to see the spell genuinely smile again, for something about seeing the woman this way… stabbed Luck's heart with a deep feeling she couldn't identify. Was it sadness? Perhaps some strange form of regret? It was hard to discern. But, whatever it was, it began to make Luck impulsive.

The dark-skinned girl leapt forward and embraced the spell. The girls two-toned locks rocked forward gently and brushed over the shoulders of the two. Shine was warm, quite unsurprisingly. The spell was a ways shorter than luck, but this much was to be expected. Luck was quite tall. She whispered quietly into the spell's ear as she gently rubbed a hand atop the other's head. "Your smile made my day so much better, and the pure happy vibe to bring behind you."

"You're perfect, Shine," Luck affirmed, "and no matter how many times others are chosen over you, it's simply because others can't see your beauty the way I do. You're not of less worth, people's eyes just don't all reflect light the same way."
She grabbed the shoulders of the woman gently and held her back at an arms' length so she could completely observe the luciform spell. "So please… when I'm gone from this world, and you're in wait of another user, please remember my words, Shine!" And despite the serious tone of her speaking, Luck said all of this with a vibrant smile and happy, olive-green eyes.

(Imma cry I wanna protect Shine so badly she's too precious for this world.)

@furetakunai ac_unit

(Also! I finally got around to writing poems based on the song in the starter. I'm going to do each orb one at a time, no particular order. So for rn, here's Shine's poem. I know, I suck, gimme a break tho.)

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

“Give the command, and we can leave,” Wander said softly in turn, not taking his eyes off of Carden. He didn’t want to get punched in the face, as he got the feeling he would, but he wasn’t going to let this man hurt Gem. The spell was ready to retort at the warning when Gem’s father stepped into the bakery. He held back a sigh of relief, glaring at Carden on turn until the man finally left.
Tense from the encounter, and the diverted fight, Wander let his shoulder’s fall, letting out that breath of relief. He turned to Gem, letting a smile come to his lips when the spell saw the one on Gem.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you sir,” Wander said, turning back to Gem’s father. He realized his hand was still in Gem’s, but didn’t take it away. Sure, it did bring a green blush to his cheeks, something faint, but he wasn’t going to pull his hand away until Gem wanted it. To be honest, he wasn’t sure he entirely wanted to, either.
“I’m Wander. Gem and I just met today, actually.” It was clear from how Gem wanted Wander to hide his green skin tone that it wouldn’t be smart to say he was a spell.

Shine blushed faintly, a yellow orange color coming to her cheeks when Luck called her beautiful. The spell reached up to play with one of her pigtails, looking down at the ground.
“I-I’m glad you think so…” Shine had never really been called that before. Not in that way, anyway. She’d been praised for being a beautiful thing before, something to be looked at and admired from a distance. Being told she was beautiful like this.
Shine was surprised by the hug, eyes widening some. Then, the spell felt tears coming to her eyes as she hugged back, a small smile coming to her face.
“I-I…” Shine held onto Luck tightly for a moment, then pulled away when the human did. She rubbed at her eyes, grinning now.
“I will! T-thank you!” Shine looked up at Luck, unable to hide the adoration and appreciation the spell had for the human with her.

(She is… )
(:0 It’s so awesome!! It fits her so well!)

@CasiCasino group

“You say that now…” Blink still refused to look at Karat, fists tightening some. “But then I get to be too much to handle, and you get angry and snap at me to shut up and behave, a-and when I’m trying to fight against it you tell me to be happy and smile, a-and the next thing I know I'm trapped, a-and no one c-can… can hear me…" Blink closed his eyes at what were obviously memories, turning completely around to start walking away.

“I’m not… I’m not like your old ‘friend’ or whatever you call them. Give me a god damn chance, Blink,” he said firmly, walking after the purple orb. Of course, being that he wasn’t an easily irritated person by nature—but rather by environment—he followed Blink with more than just a calm tone. Hearing the orb say such things about his own past made him feel a bit bad…

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"Funny, you've-" Blink came to a stop, trembling some as his body turned him back towards Karat. He still refused to look Karat in the eyes, unable to hide the tears that had been falling.
"F-fine, I w– will…" Blink glared at Karat, hands shaking. Humans just didn't understand, did they? They spoke however they god-damned pleased, and they saw nothing wrong with throwing commands around with every sentence that came out of their mouths.
"And it's user. I w-would never call a-a human a– a friend."

@furetakunai ac_unit

“Yeah, thinking would work too… so long as you have the intent for it to work, of course…” Might was much more withdrawn after they were poked, looking down submissively.
“Mhm, there are, but, but they all have their own users. A-and, I’m the orb you picked up, s-sir. When you did, you picked me, a-and I got to take this form. B-But, if you prefer me to take the orb shape, t-then just say so, and I will…”

Daniel shook his head and waved his hands in front of him, signifying that Might was fine the way they had looked. After he finished with the motion, his dirty blond hairs were slightly scattered across his forehead, but he didn't mind them and just gave Might a smile. Quite a shy one, but it was genuine regardless.

"You're fine the way you are," he thought, trying to reassure Might just a little bit. The whole situation was strange to Daniel. An orb that turned to a kid, spells, activa… commands, and apparently, increases in strength once said. All very foreign to a boy that often is looked down upon and pitied for the sole reason that his throat doesn't dare croak a single word. Though the pity was admittedly good for getting what he wanted. But this foreign event was something that he'd at least try to welcome.

"So uhh… what is this command you were talking about..?" he inquired. His mind was slow, having people be able to hear his thoughts was truly an experience that Daniel found to be peculiar.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Might looked up some, their hair falling in their eyes some.
“I… o-okay then…” The spell offered their own shy smile, still curled in on themselves some. They let their hands slip into their sleeves, putting their arms up underneath the shawl they worn over their robes. They didn’t really often have moments when they could talk, so they just keep to themselves on most occasions.
“Thank you, s-sir.” Might kept closed off, physically at least. Really, they couldn’t help but feel like this time was going to be different. Daniel, Daniel was a kid too, right? He could take care of Might, or at least treat them nicely. Not just tell them to behave and smile.
“Oh, it’s, ah… I command you to take Body by Their arm, and help them rise to Their best. I-I’m sorry if it’s too hard t-to say…” Might looked down at the ground, their feet shuffling a bit.


"Wander, oh you must be the one who got Gem to work today." Cara smiled glanced at their hands momentarily, smiled wider and quickly tried to hide the fact that she had seen at all. Liam patted Wander on the shoulder, "Thanks for standing with her, She's tough as nails, but well, some thing rattle even her."
"Liam why don't you get checked in so Gem can leave, she has a life out side of this place." Cara said pushing her husband towards the back. The older gentlemen grumbled but complied. Cara looked at Gem for a moment searching for something. Gem tried not to squirm under the burning gaze, it seemed as though the woman had seen what she needed to see because she smiled brightly, handed Wander a goody bag, "A little thank you." she said and hurried back to the kitchen.
Gem dropped the smile and leaned on Wander for support, Closing her eyes"Old mistakes love to come knocking at the worst of times don't they." She opened her eye's and straightened, gently letting go of Wander's hand. "I'm going to get changed and then we can leave alright, you can wait for me out here if you'd like." Gem quickly retrieved her things and changed avoiding her fathers burning stare as she left the changing room and went back to wander. She took his hand and gent;y pulled him towards the door.
"Let's go, I have some places I'd like to show you."

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

“Yes, I was ma’am.” Wander offered a polite smile. He didn’t quite understand the look and the smile, seeing as he wasn’t used to people thinking of him as just a spell. Really, he didn’t think anything of how Gem and he were, not in the sense of thinking there was any chance. Besides, they had just met, not to mention how Wander wasn’t even technically alive. The spell looked to Gem’s father, nodding some.
“Of course, sir.” He was quite polite, this spell. The only reason he had no such formalities with Gem was because he had a feeling she wouldn’t be quite alright with it. Wander’s eyes widened a bit when handed the goody bag, holding it close.
“A-Ah, thank you, ma’am…”
“Yes, I must agree.” Wander looked down at Gem as the woman leaned against him, a sad, understanding smile coming to his lips. “But they can be a chance to confront the past, and finally move on… even if forcefully.” The spell shook his head.
“Alright, I’ll be right here.” Wander wasn’t sure how he felt, alone in the front with the bag, without Gem’s hand in his, but he didn’t let himself dwell on it. It was none of his concern what he did and didn’t feel, that was for Gem to decide. Though, he couldn’t help but recognize the sensasion in his chest and stomach when Gem took his hand again, easily following behind.
“I look forward to seeing them, then!” The spell smiled brightly, glad to let the incident leave their minds. He didn’t like seeing Gem upset.


Gem's mind was a much more cluttered space than her current attitude showed. He was back, No stop thinking about it, But he was there again, No not now later, you can deal with this all later. Gem's smile could hide it all but her eye's never could, little truthful gems set in her lying face. She let her feet walk down the familiar route, left on 5th street down two blocks take another left. The only outward sign of the turmoil was how tightly she gripped Wanders hand, and the dullness of her eyes.
"Ah here we are!" She stopped they were back at the park, though a very different part of the park than they had been before, "Now, I don't normally go down old questionable trails with large pits in them, Normally I go on walks through this part of the park." She stepped off the sidewalk and onto one of dirt path that ran through the grass, "Now, don't tell anyone, if word got out this trail would become much more popular than it is, but this is the loveliest walk through the park, It reminds me of the woods my Grandparents have on their land back in Ireland." She began down the path letting the noise of society be replaced with quiet bird calls and the rustling of leaves.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Wander’s smile fell some. No, this hadn’t stopped yet. Gem was still upset, even though she tried to hide it. Wander held onto Gem’s hand firmly as he was led along, moving to stay by her side instead of behind.
“Mm… I didn’t know there were parts of the forest like this.” Wander smiled some, trying to keep his moods up some for Gem’s sake. Really, it was a bit heartbreaking, to know just how small the forest of the shrine had become. Not now, Gem was already going through enough after that man appeared in the shop.
“It does seem to be quite serene here, and it’s good to be reminded of family.” Wander fell silent then, letting the sounds of nature surround them. Maybe it would help Gem. So, the spell walked hand in hand with his user, keeping close. He wanted to make her feel better, but he really didn’t know how… So, he’d do his best.