forum Awakened Shrine- closed group rp!
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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@furetakunai ac_unit

Luck had taken note of the butterfly that landed on her head and giggled slightly. There was so much yellow around, the sunlight, the butterfly, the flowers. It made her feel happy and warm. Almost as though she were still on the surface hopping onto pads of sun. She looked up the place where the light beckoned her and walked closer to it, watching the butterfly go on ahead of them practically cured their unease.

She eventually made her way to the yellow orb, grasping it in her hands with curiosity. wary of the butterfly, she turned her wrists to examine the orb further, and once again uttered a small whisper. "Beautiful," her green eyes reflected the smooth surface of the orb as it practically hypnotized her.

'Use a loving embrace
Or never see light again'

She shook her head slightly, dismissing the tune once again. How silly, unbelievable even. Truly so, truly so the song was. Just what were the odds of her falling to a extravagantly striking sphere? Unlikely, right? …right? Instead of shaking her head to dismiss the thoughts however, she nodded. Confirming to herself that it was nothing but a fear-mongering nursery rhyme.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

The orb rested prettily in Luck's hands as it was examined, seeming to enjoy the praise. In a moment, it was stretching and shifting, reshaping into a small woman with pigtails, all of her a monochromatic shade of yellow.
"Thank you user~!" Luck's hands were cupping the woman's cheeks, and she seemed just as pleased in this form as the other.
"I'm Shine, I'm a spell! When you activate me with my command, I can let you manipulate light, even into a super-duper focus beam to cut through rock! See those rocks that make up this place? I was the spell that helped with that!" Shine looked pleased with herself, grinning up at Luck.
"And you're my new user now!"


Gem stood there for a moment, it was a person, or was it a person? A very green person. A very Green person with out a shirt on, A very green person with out a shirt on who's head had just been in her hands, with very fluffy soft looking hair She knew she had to say something so she did.
" I think you're even prettier now ." Gem hid her face in her hands, what was that?, she could feel her face burning as a flush spread across her cheeks. She took a deep breath, and lowered hands. the least she could to is be nice to this green, good looking gentleman with out a shirt on with very soft looking hair.
"I'm Gem, and- I'm sorry you hair just looks so fluffy, and I really want to pet it." She buried her face in her hands again, regretting every word that came out of her mouth. She once again lowed her hand and took a deep breath, finally meeting Wander's gaze. His eye's reminded her of the orb, they had the same shifting colors.
"Sorry, Let me try again, I'm Gem, I'm sorry if I disturbed you or anything. Um, Can you help me get out of here?"
Finally something other than nonsense.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Wander listened intently as Gem spoke, like he was hanging on to every one of her words. He seemed to chuckle to himself at Gem's embarrassment, keeping his hands folded in front of himself.
"Thank you! I'm glad you think that. And no, you didn't disturb me at all. Really, I must thank you for taking me. I can't take this form without a user, and I do enjoy being like this." Wander offered an encouraging smile.
"And I'll definitely be able to help you out of here! I'll teach you the command you can use to activate me so you can portal out. First, though, here," he said, bending down some as he took one of Gem's hands in his own. He lifted it up, setting it in his hair. It really was so fluffy and soft… Bouncy, too, the curls moving with every touch.
"I don't mind at all if you pet my hair!"


Calum gasps sharply at the sight of all the blue flowers. He loved how soft the glow was. He remembered faintly the lullaby's his mama would sing him before he went to bed. His moms had always liked blue flowers, but he had never seen such beautiful ones as these. He didn't dare touch them, just respectfully looked at them as he walked down the tunnel. He felt peaceful here, nothing was going to harm him here. He was safe. He paused when the tunnel opened up a little bit and blinked when he saw the blue orb. The lullaby pulled at his mind once again however, he shook it from his head as he wandered closer. Calum wasn't dumb, but he was certainly entrapped. Something about the orb just made him feel… safe. Like feeling his mothers hugs, or his mama making her chocolate chip cookies while laughing and singing along to the radio. The memory made the side of his mouth twitch into what could almost be considered a smile. Before he knew it, he was standing in front of the pedestal. His hand hovered over the orb before he gently cups it in his hands.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

This orb, instead of flashing like previous ones had, glowed gently. It started to reform, soon taking the shape of a woman. Her hands rested lightly on top of Calum's as she perched on her pedestal. She was completely blue toned, eyes closed.
"Hello, user," she said, keeping still. "My name is Hearth, and I am a spell. By touching me, you have claimed my power as your own. You may affect the emotions of those around you as you see fit, but the cost is losing the ability to feel that emotion for a period of time, no matter what happens to you." Hearth opened her eyes then, showing them to look exactly the same as the other she had previously been.
"I hope I am able to serve you well."


Calum jumped, but didn't move in fear of accidentally pulling her, dropping her, or something worse. He gazed at her as she spoke, taking in her color and her appearance. Blue. Such a calming color. Everything about her seemed calming. It was… nice. He blinked a few times, "Whoa, hang on. Power? Affecting people's emotions? What's going on-" He tried to wrap his mind around it, tried to understand the situation. He takes a deep breath and looks up at the woman. "Okay. Help me understand. Why me?" He asks quietly, not moving from his spot. There had to be a reason, right?

@CasiCasino group

Yeah, right, okay—
Karat was a bit taken aback by the fact that Blink has actually said yes to the idea. Not that he was going to do it, after all. He sighed, remembering the poem about the purple orb. Something about… an iron fist? He sighed and looked back at Blink.
“I said— bring me up from here, now!

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Hearth had a veil attached to her long hair, lace and flooding fabric covering what her stuff bodice didn't. She looked like someone from a long time ago, when modesty was a requirement instead of just expected. She offered a small smile of encouragement as Calum worked things through in his mind.
"I am not sure why you were the one called to me," Hearth admitted. "Perhaps we could learn together, because I'm the end, you were the one who have attuned yourself to me. I hope you use me wisely…"

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Blink had been gloating in their success at getting Karat to shut up, but it ended quickly when the man spoke again.
"N-no!" Blink panicked just a bit, but they came off of their pedestal as if being dragged. They grabbed Karat's hands, glaring at them with seething rage.
"Y-ou– say I c-command you to take Ti-ime by– by His throat, and force Him to His knees." The spell was still glaring at Karat, the words being fought against and spat out.

@CasiCasino group

Karat had panicked a bit when the words came out. Those words weren’t what he had expected to come out. He swallowed softly.
“I’m sorry…” he whispered before repeating the words “…I-I command you to take Time by His Throat, and force him to his knees.” he muttered out.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(yeah, just go ahead! It's fine, don't worry!!)

Blink shook their head silently at the apology, unable to speak until the work they were c-command to do was done. Once the last word was out, Blink half, breathing heavily as the time around them stopped. Even Karat was frozen, for now.
The spell was still under the command from before, so they weren't able to do anything except their job. They grabbed Karat, their abilities enhanced so he would be able to bring their user to his destination. With a leap, Blink had brought Karat to the edge of the hole above them, not even able to think about the family they were leaving, perhaps for the rest of Karat's life span.
Letting go of Karat's hands, time returned to normal. With the command having reached it's conclusion, Blink withdrew, still breathing heavily.
"Unfortunately, sir, I will not be able to obey you again in this fashion for another half hour."


Gem's flush deepened but she didn't pull away, "It really is soft," She smiled, glad he wasn't offended. Wader seemed to be rather kind, and Gem rather appreciated that. "You know there aren't enough kind people in this world Wander, I"m glad to have met another one." she gently ran her hand across the soft curls before removing her hand. "I'm glad I could be of assistance, I do have work pretty soon so getting out of this pit is pretty high on my to do list."
She glanced at the watch on her wrist and her eye's filled with panic, "Oh, well actually I have work in roughly 30 minutes and that's how long it takes to drive there from here so, yes please, If we could get out of here , in the very near future It would be great." She looked back up at Wander, she didn't want to panic him, she also didn't know what he would do once they were out of this pit. Would she have to take him with her to work? Sure an extra pair of hands was always appreciated but did he have somewhere else to be? People to visit?


He takes a deep breath, glancing over her. He was scared for a moment, but everything around him was so calming… it felt nice as he slowly took a deep breath. "Yeah. I'd like to learn together… So. What do I do?" He asks quietly, "How can I help? There must be a reason why I'm here?" He asks quietly as he gazes up at her. "We'll figure it out." He wanted to understand. To fix things. Wanted to see where this life will take him. He took a deep breath and sighed softly. He just needed to calm down.