forum Awakened Shrine- closed group rp!
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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@furetakunai ac_unit

Template: (note please use this template only it's to help me)

Name: Luck Caynor
Nicknames: Starry (by her friend, who likes to think of her as her "lucky star")
Age: 24
Gender: Demi-girl (she/her and they/them)
Sexuality: Questioning
Race: Human… did I answer that right? Or uh.. I guess South African to be specific.
Looks: (here's a picrew if you want it)

  • Eyes: Dull, olive-green irises with a wide almond shape. Eyelids are often droopy and give her the appearance of being tired.
  • Hair: She wears it down just to her lower back in faux locks that go from deep brown to a light blonde in colour.
  • Face: Like an upside-down egg, soft jawline, and puffy cheeks. Their nose is a bit tomato-like and round, and naturally her face has bluer undertones. Freckles that extend across their face from their nose to right under her eyes.
  • Body: Hourglass, though more due to the fact that she's got a slim waist rather than her being busty.
  • Height: (googles conversions.) 5'11"
  • General weight: (more googling) 169 lbs.
  • Typical Cloths: Typically, light and floral-patterned things and a nice dark pair of dungarees for contrast. Some kind of charmed earring and a necklace, as well as canvas shoes with tattered shoelaces. She always has some kind of makeup on and can rarely be seen without it.
  • Work clothes: As she's not one for dresses, she normally wears some type of suit or one-piece outfit accessorized by a jacket. Wears about 5 cm black heels and black stockings. Keeps her hair up in a bun.
  • relaxing cloths (if applicable): Just some sweatpants and a tank top, though unlike other times in the day, when she's relaxing, she refuses to wear a bra with the rare exception of sports bras. She finds most bras to be uncomfortable and unnecessary.
  • Distinguishing Marks: Freckles across her face and a diamond-shaped birthmark on the bottom of her chin.

Personality: She's the type to quote Vines under stress, she takes every serious situation seriously, but can never manage to show it. It gets her in more trouble than anyone would like, especially herself. She likes to make jokes in an attempt to comfort people, although, she really does it more for herself as she finds herself mentally dying in uncomfortable situations. She's a social butterfly with a passion for spreading her wings, but she unfortunately tends to bring the Butterfly Effect in her wake. Wherever she goes, there's usually some bad or tragic event that happens while she's there or soon after she leaves. Pretty unfortunate for a person named Luck. But even still, her friends find it a blast to be around her and they always find themselves striking up a conversation, meaningless or not. She isn't quick to anger, and even when she is angry, she tries to handle the source of irritation with a bright smile and push off the feeling. Though if by whatever odd chance you do manage to push her past that, she will not blow up at you. Rather, she'll resent you and make sure that the large extent of her anger lasts a long time, and whatever you did to her doesn't die unless it's on their terms. She likes to call it "slow-cooked revenge"!
Background: Grew up in what one could call a broken home. Luck had a single father from the time after she turned 1 y/o. Her mother was theorized to have left home with a good amount of her things and never returned. Her father had to quit his previous job and move to a small apartment just to have a chance to provide for her properly. She had no contact with any relatives growing up, despite her father being on the phone with them all the time. After 14 years, Luck came home from school on her 15th birthday and found a note from her father on it. It read: "I'm sorry, I can't do this anymore." With this, she had officially been abandoned by both her parents and spent a good while after heartbroken, living with a friend who offered to provide for her. Eventually, she graduated and got a good job, and kept in contact with the friend who pretty much saved her. She never heard anything from her parents since her 15th birthday, but still awaits a day where they call or something, To say they're sorry, to say they love her, something.
But despite this story, she keeps a relatively positive outlook on life and decides to keep in mind some words her father told her when she was little: "The past and the future are not intertwined, but when you try to hold onto both, it feels like they are."
Likes: Clowns, janitors, stuffed grape leaves, opera, Hestia (goddess of the home and hearth), Aphrodite (goddess of beauty and love), gemstones, bugs, sunlight & staring at the sun, her father and mother.
Dislikes: Meat dishes, arrogant people, dogs, people that make her frown, seeing people cry, dancing, playing woodwind/brass instruments, mockingbirds, jazz music, classical music, theaters.
Strengths: Lifting heavy objects, deductive reasoning, has a photographic memory of every event that's happened to her after the age of five, isn't often in a bad mood, always listens to what people have to say even if she doesn't like them, using her head.
Weaknesses: Comforting people (she tries her best though), running for prolonged amounts of time, being stern, effectively communicating the products of the use of her head, dealing with children.
Fears: Ominous gas, being under things/people she can't lift, elephants, being in aeroplanes (though isn't afraid of heights).
Pets?: None.
Powers: n/a
Other: She likes writing poetry in her free time, but is often too shy to share anything unless asked, her neck tends to flare up like she has a rash when she's under too much stress.

(Yikes, I took so long. Sorry~ Lemme know if I need to change something.)

@CasiCasino group

It can be argued that the only reason Karat had ended up inside the park in the first place was because of his stress over work. The public park in the middle of the capital didn’t seem to help him at all, hence why he was here to find some actual peace. Walking along the path, one that looked straight out of an ancient film, he noticed how the areas around him seemed… naturally chaotic, if anything. It looked as if the area he found himself in hadn’t been taken care of for decades— maybe centuries, judging from the moss and all the weird looking vines around.

Eventually, while walking through, Karat would find himself stepping on false ground, falling down beneath the ground instead. With a loud thud— and a miracle— he fell and had cursed softly, looking up at the hole which he had fallen from. With a sigh, he slowly stood up. This day couldn’t have been any worse and here he was… he noticed a light at the other ‘end’ of the tunnel and, with fingers crossed, had gone towards it. He inspected the tunnel-like cave system for a moment, running his fingers through the rough textures of the walls. Once he was at the other ‘end’ of what he thought was a tunnel, he’d found himself surrounded by orbs. Ones that looked… straight from the kid’s poem he’d heard since he was in kindergarten? He’d noticed some other tunnel-like structures, leading towards the same room— this one.

He looked around, mostly at the orbs as he neared the purple one for its amethystine colors and beautiful cut. He liked it, it was as if the purple orb had hypnotized him to it. Without much thought at all, he reached out towards it.


The sound of Gem's boots against the dirt path seemed to echo in the morning quiet. The Birds were slowly waking, and as she walked the world around her came to life. It was just before sunrise, the world still cloaked in gray hues. Gem went on a morning hike as often as possible. This was a new spot, in the older part of the park, she had been shocked to find a trail to begin with. Her footsteps stopped as a new challenge appeared.
Gem stared down the pit in front of her, It was quite wide, probably a reasonable depth and it would be very unfortunate if she were to fall into it. Though, the more she looked at it the less wide it seemed, and it couldn't really be that deep, she rationalized as she took a few steps back. There wasn't really much of a risk, She thought as she began running towards it. As her feet left the ground Gem's attitude was positive a confident grin on her face. As the opposite edge begin to rise in her field of vision, that smile fell, her eye's filled with panic as her outstretched hands faild to grip the edge and she began plummeting towards the ground.
"Nope, nope nope nope nope!" She shrieked as she fell hitting the edge and rolling into the ground below. She groaned laying flat on her back, "Add that to the list of stupid things I've done this morning."

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

The tunnel Karat traveled down had begun as compacted earth, something that could simply have just been formed by water over the years. The further he continued in, though, the less dirt and the more cut stone was forming the path to the main room. This place was ancient, vines hanging down from the hole in the ceiling that revealed the forest above.
There were six entrances in all, each evenly spaced and framed with stone, roots, and vines. All of them led to the center, carvings in the wall and floor each pointing to one of the pedestals the orbs rested upon.
When the purple orb was touched, it flashed, stretching and restructuring into the silhouette of a person. With a pop, they figure was human, stretching with an annoyed yawn.
“Congratulations, user, you have claimed my abilities. I am Blink, and I give you the ability to have time paused so you may be taken to another location without having to actually do anything.” The person yawned once more, scowling some.
“Look, enough of that crap, basically you can teleport in exchange for some of your lifespan, kay?” They pushed off the pedestal, standing by Karat with their hands on their hips. They were on the shorter side, and looked monochromatic- everything was some shade of purple- even their skin had purple undertones.
“Of course,” the person smirked some. “That’s if you can manage to keep me under control. And I swear to the gods I will rip your tongue out if you try any of that ‘commanding’ crap. I had enough of that from the Creator, I’m not going to take it from a weakling like you.”

The pit Gem had tried to jump across had seemed shallow at first, but the walls were steep. There was no way she would be able to climb out of it without help, and with the lack of cell service and the seclusion of the area, that wasn’t likely to happen.
As with Karat, there was a tunnel leading away from the pit, the entrance with wildflowers growing along it. It had not been disturbed for a long time, roots lacing along the edges where the plants had become too ambitious.
A yellow butterfly flitted down, landing lightly on Gem’s nose before hurrying off, their scattered flight bringing them down the path before Gem. It also brought attention to the light that was to be seen there. An exit? Quite probable, with the amount of light.

Blink looked up when they heard a faint shriek coming from the tunnel that pointed to the yellow orb, laughing dryly with a dark smile. It bordered on a frown, really.
“Why don’t we get going, hm? I want to get out of this hell-hole I’ve been trapped in.”

(Y’all owe me big time I had to go through so much trouble to get this done lol)


Calum had a long day, he spend most of it finishing up work as well as college, and then spent the after noon with his mums. It had been a nice lunch and he had missed his mama's homecooked meals. He sighed and walked out into the cool air, drawing his jacket around him as he relaxed. He hummed softly to the music he was listening to. He hadn't really been paying attention as he walked, after all, he felt he knew the way home fairly well enough, but when he looked up from scrolling through his music, he had to pause- this was not the way home. He looked around in confusion, his eyes darting back and forth as he looked around, trying to get used to his surroundings. But he didn't really have a moment before his foot hit nothing but air and he was tumbling backward into- well he wasn't sure. All he knew was to cover his head as he rolled down the rocks and the dirt, a small "oomph" coming out of his lips once he landed. He groans and slowly stands. This wasn't good in the slightest. The hill was steep, so he doubted he could get out that way. He rubs at his head as he stands. He couldn't wait here, it would take to long. The best thing he could do is push forward and hope that he could find a way out. He glanced around the place that he had fallen into, seeing a tunnel of some sorts. Well. Something was better than nothing. He removed his head phones, placing them into their case and into his jackets pocket before moving forward.

@furetakunai ac_unit

As she usually would, Luck wandered through a quiet park to soothe her mind. She had a tough day of work ahead of her in a few hours, paperwork, co-workers. And before she dealt with that, she always strolled through the park and stared at the way the sun shone through the tree leaves. Quite a magnificent sight, in their opinion. As always, she'd step on the little patches where the sun shone brighter, a small habit she had held onto from childhood.

As she hopped onto another bright spot, she felt the ground beneath her dip away. She yelled slightly and reached her arms up in some hopeless attempt to not fall. The sunlight snatched away from her and she landed into a darker– and somewhat colder– place. As they got up, Luck rubbed their hipbone, showing signs of most obvious pain. The fall took her for quite a loop. In fact, she was still in slight disbelief of it happening. She got up and mumbled, "whoops."

She stared down the tunnel and flipped her locks over her shoulders. Her olive green eyes focused on a glow she could see at what she assumed was the end of it. They began creeping towards it and dirt changed to stone, it slightly gave her the creeps. What was this place? Some long abandoned dungeon? She found herself soon staring at colourful orbs. Her eyes caught on all of them, but they snapped back to yellow with a smile. She approached it carefully and whispered, "Beautiful…"

Faint remnants of a melody swam through her head as she walked closer. It felt like… it was a warning? 'No', they dismissed their thoughts quickly. They must have been being silly.


Gem stood brushing the dirt from her cloths and hair. she couldn't climb out, and there was no point in staying. She watched as the butterfly flew down a tunnel she had previously failed to notice. She considered trying to climb out, at least once to say she had, but didn't. She followed the tunnel admiring the transition from earth to stone. as the room opened up, she first noticed the shining orbs, though the green one caught her eye.
The words a lullaby sung to her long ago flashed through her mind, there was no harm in just touching it was there? She steeped up to the pedestal the green orb was one trailing a single finger down the smooth stone.
She couldn't determine what shade it was, at times it was a deep emerald green like a pine Forrest, then there were lighter more yellow tones and deeper shades tinted with blue. Certainly there was no harm in picking it up. Gem gently lifted the orb , she expected it to be heavier then it was, it seemed to fit comfortably in her hands.
"Why would they make a song of warning about such a pretty little thing." She whispered

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

This tunnel at Calum was traveling down had bioluminescent flora, every petal and leaf a different tone of the same shade of blue. It was strange to say the least- this tunnel wasn’t sloping it seemed, and much too close to the surface to have these kinds of plants. They were woven into the stones and earth, tilting towards Calum just a bit when the man passed by. Their glow didn’t overpower that at the end, becoming more and more until it was the exit, bushes and bushes of flowers and stems and leaves surrounding it.
There, at the very end of the tunnel, the only pedestal in full view from the flora surrounding the exit, was the blue orb. It was the same shade as the flowers, floating there and beckoning with a gentle pull. It’d feel like home, like Calum was supposed to be there, loved and welcomed.

This tunnel entrance was surrounded by sunflowers, all facing towards the dark instead of the sun. The tunnel opened into the room the others were in, but the only thing that would seem to be important would be the yellow orb. It almost seemed to glow some even before Luck approached, in anticipation. It was finally her turn to come out!
The hole above all of the people’s head let sunlight shine through, a patch falling on the orb as it beckoned to Luck. Come, come closer. There’s no reason to listen to that silly old song that had been made to keep people away. What was so dangerous about a little orb?
The yellow butterfly that had come down the green tunnel made its way over, landing lightly on Luck’s head and staying there. It flapped its wings a few times, slowly, as it watched. Then, it moved, landing on the orb. Nothing happened.

The orb didn’t glow immediately after it was touched, resting in Gem’s hands a moment. When it finally did, it reshaped quickly, into a green-hued man with his head in Gem’s hands.
“I’m flattered you think I’m pretty,” he said, lifting his head and standing fully. He was easily six feet tall, smiling some.
“Hello, user. I am Wander, and I am a spell. By touching me, you have claimed my abilities. With my activation command, you will be able to open a portal to go to any place you have seen. Unfortunately, this will cost some of the energy you would have used to go there yourself, to ensure I work properly.” Wander gave a small smile, folding his hands in front of himself. He really wasn’t wearing much on his torso, just an arm sleeve and green leather strap. His hair was fluffy too… it looked so soft.

@CasiCasino group

Karat massaged his temples and sighed audibly.
“I’m gonna pretend like I understand anything you’re saying… So what, I can teleport now if I manage to keep you ‘under control’? I don’t—“ he sighed again, reaching out as if to touch Blink’s shoulder, genuinely looking down.
“Look, I don’t have time to play games so I’m just going to go straight to the point; where’s that orb, where the hell did you come from, why do you look like a fifth-grader, and why the fuck do I want to do non-innocent things to you?!” He spoke out before letting out a low breather. “Right… do I need to get you out or something again?”

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

“Yeah, you can-” Blink glared at Karat as the man reached out to touch them, a small growl coming from the back of their throat.
“Don’t fucking touch me.” Blink pulled back, by the pedestal again.
I’m the orb, and I’m actually a spell thank you very not.” Their words were spat out, dripping with their sarcastic poison. They didn’t want to answer Karat, but they didn’t have much of a choice. “And I was made here, just like the others. I swear to fuck if you call me a child again I will castrate you, and if you try to do anything like that I will castrate you and force-feed you with it!!” Blink looked furious with the idea, a blush coming to their cheeks.
“And seeing as I’m the only one who could get you out of here, I think you’ve got it backwards, and there’s no way in hell I’m telling you what you have to say to activate me.”

@CasiCasino group

Hearing what the orb— er… Blink— had to say, Karat’s eye twitched for a moment or two. Sure, the furious looks looked promising, but since the other’s skin was so… delicately colored, their blush was as clear as day. Not that the man would make note of it, yet.
“Right so— do I have to plead for you to get me out, get on my knees and beg, or do I have to satisfy you somehow mister ‘aggression in a nutshell’?” he asked, genuinely hating the atmosphere right now. He wasn’t sure if it was the environment or just him, but the temperatures were rising somewhat, and he could feel it. Of course, he knew it was going to be difficult to get ‘Blink’ here to spill the tea, but he’d try.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"You can beg if you want. It'd be fun, seeing a human on their knees for me." Blink folded their arms, moving to sit on their pedestal again.
"There's no way in hell I'm not going to be walking all over you if you act like this," they huffed, smirking some. There was no way they were going to tell- well, except if they were commanded to, but there was no way they going to tell Karat that.