forum Awakened Shrine- closed group rp!
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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@JustALostM book

Orange is the youngest
Who gives strength and courage
Use a gentle hand
Or lose them both to it.
(My add on)
Orange, Just a fellow,
Likes to play the cello.

@JustALostM book

I may rewrite the song later on with my take on it. But who knows? I'm not all too good at writing.

Same. I'll try to rhyme but that will take time. My mind is blind in the way of the Rhymes.

@JustALostM book

Trust me, it will not be cool once you actually see it. For someone who writes a lot of poetry, I suck lmfao

I write No poetry. So it's an easy match for you.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Haha, I'm sure we can all tell I'm not good at all

Okay, I'm thinking once everyone's got their characters up we could start, and let people join for a bit afterwards until the progress of the rp is too far along?