forum Awakened Shrine- closed group rp!
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Wander's smile took on a sad undertone at Gem's words.
"I'm glad you think I'm kind," He said quietly, as Gem moved her hand away, tilting his head some to her still. "But I'm not a human. I'm a spell, even if one with a consciousness." The man still had that sad smile, hands folded in front of him.
"Ah, oh dear! Here, we can just go straight from your work from here!" Wander took Gem's hands in his own, nodding some to himself in preparation.
"Here, say: I command you to take Space by Their hand, and lead Them to my feet."

Hearth slowly pushed herself to be standing, moving as such to ensure she didn't startle Calum.
"Well, a good start could be to leave this place. I can help with that." The spell offered her hand to Calum, smiling softly.
"And I am sure there is some reason as to why users have been called to us today of all days…" Hearth glanced around the room. Most everyone was already gone, and it had a mixed effect on the woman. She was glad her family was finally free of this prison, but… she knew that one day, eventually, they would be used against each other.

@JustALostM book

Daniel was happily walking home from a friend's house. He decided to go to the park and ride on the swings. As he was walking there he saw something that looked like a utility hole. He walked up to it, curious on why it was randomly right next to the entrance of the park. He looked around for any cover, but as he turned around to look, he tripped and fell. As he fell something was sticking out of the side and hit him in the face, knocking him out. Then, boom. Daniel fell on the cobblestone ground.
A while later he got up and shook his head. He felt his forehead and there was a scab on it. Oh…brother… He thought. One second he was happy and the next, completely confused. Daniel looked around and saw a rather bright neon orange light. He was curious so he decided to walk to it. It turned out to be an orange orb of some sort. He picked it up and to his surprise, it wasn't heavy at all.


Gem frowned slightly at his initial response, but quickly pushed aside the negative thoughts in her mind, "To work then, I hope you enjoy sweat's and other baked delights Wander. It feels kinda weird comanding you to do something, I'd much rather ask. I guess these things are specific aren't they." She said smiling before trying to picture the Bakery in her mind.
"I command you to take Space by Their hand, and lead Them to my feet." She said being extra careful and precise with her words. She Held on to Wander's Hands and visualized the bakery. It was a simple place, right in the middle of the Cities shopping district, light wisps of smoke rose out of a brick chimney. The air around it smelled delightful, like freshly baked things, and warm breads, It was a smell that lingered on Gem, or so she was told. There were a few tables out side, with little chairs, and umbrellas, the wall entire building was a Light Toffee color, the door was painted a Pale blue. A sign hung from the wall with the Logo, A Cookie leaning against a Marshmello with the name Marshmallow Crumbs surrounding it.

@furetakunai ac_unit

(Good job!)

Luck looked at the woman whose face was cupped in her hands. She was quite shocked at first, but it quickly washed off into a smile. She thought to herself, 'how cute!'

As the woman talked, Luck looked back down the path from whence she came. Suddenly, she was more impressed with it than the confusion she had once felt about it. She had liked the woman already, the one who called herself… Shine. What a fitting name for the peppy, yellow being. Soon enough though, her smile had turned to confusion.

"W-wait," she began, stuttering a little, "you're telling me… I'll be able to do that too?!" And like that, her happiness was back, with a swirl of excitement. Annihilating things with light, seemed to be just about one of the coolest things that Luck could imagine herself doing.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

The orb rested in Daniel’s hands for a moment, but in a moment it flashed softly, turning into a child that stood before the human.
“Hello! I-I’m Might!” The child smiled some, looking a bit nervous as they fidgeted with their robes.
“I’m a spell! I-” They stuttered off, looking at Daniel. “You- you’re a kid too! I, I didn’t know I’d get to be attuned with a kid!” They smiled some, looking relieved. They had their arms around themselves, smiling sweetly again.

Wander held Gem’s hands securely, smiling some at the mention of the sweets but not saying a word. Really, he was too busy preparing himself for what was to come next. He closed his eyes as Gem spoke the command, a glow coming over him like before.
In a moment, the man had disappeared completely, replaced with a glowing portal. Was Wander gone? Or was he the portal itself? If he was, did he really expect Gem to walk through him? Well, he really was a spell, not a human, as they had discussed. Though, it didn’t seem like Gem would need to, because even after the portal was formed right in front of her, in a moment without even walking into it, Gem was on the other side at her workplace.

Shine grinned as she saw Luck’s reaction to her, continuing her explanation with a cheery tune. She nodded enthusiastically, pigtails bouncing around.
“Yeah!! You can do it by saying my activation command! Do you wanna know it?” Shine was pouncing on the balls of her heels, pulling away to twirl once. Really, she was just so happy to be in her human resembling form. It had been such a long time, she wanted to savor every moment of it.
“And, can we leave the shrine please? It’d be so much fun to see the world!!”

@JustALostM book

Daniel jumped back, confused and scared. For a split second, Daniel forgot that he couldn't speak so he opened his mouth and then closed it again. He shook his head. Wish I could speak to you…But I can't. He thought. He sighed and shook his head. The one day I don't bring my translator… He looked at the spell and smiled. This is some joke. Is this some kind of Hologram? He poked Might. Feels mighty real… He was in a panicked state. Legit a kid, who looked about his age, saying he was a 'spell' came out of this orb?
(Daniel be like, "I am confushon")


Gem's eye's were alight with wonder as she found herself in front of the cafe that she had been picturing in her mind moments before, "Wander? You're still here right, Wait, can I only do it once and then you disappear? Oh, I don't want you to go." She said softly, She couldn't be to sad, after all this was her favorite place in the whole world. Besides she had work to do, dough to mix, new burns to acquire, frosting to taste. But Wander had been so kind, She certainly hoped he was merely delayed, perhaps he couldn't be scene in a public space.
She was slightly disoriented form the switch in location. Being magically transported was a feeling one had to get used to. She rested her hand against the building using it for support as she let herself adjust.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"I… It's o-okay! I can hear you perfectly fine!" Might said, smiling nervously. "Since you're the one who took me, I-I can hear you i-in whatever way you n-need me to!" Might hummed some, looking down a moment before looking up.
"And, and yeah, I'm a spell! When you say my act- activa- when you say the command that makes me work, I can make you really really strong!" They folded in on themselves when they were poked, flinching some.
"I-I… I'm sorry, b-but could you please not p-poke me like that..? I- It hurts…" Might shook their head a bit before Daniel could respond.

Wander took a moment to appear, but when he did, he was giving a weak smile.
"I'm here…" he said, breathing a bit heavier. "And, I'm sorry about taking so long. It's been many a year since I've had to do this, and I'm quite out of shape. I won't be able to do it again for another half hour, is that okay? And I'm sorry about the effects that will be hitting you too, sometime soon. I need energy to do this, and it comes from you…" Wander looked around some, looking fascinated by the new scenery.
"I… from you're reaction to me, I doubt there are other spells like me with the common person. Is there a way you would like me to disguise myself?"


Gem, felt an involuntary smile spread across her face when she heard Wander speak , "Oh good, and it's fine, I don't have anywhere to be for a long time so don't worry about it." Gem could feel the fatigue hitting her body as she stood there, it didn't bother her to much, "And don't worry about me either, I would have walked here any way." She sat in one of the chairs for a moment, "You can sit Wander, " She smiled up at him, "You just did a lot of work to get us here after all."
Now that they were out in the open Gem was once again reminded that this was a green tinted person with out a shirt on. "Oh, well you should probably have a shirt on, and if there is a way to untint your skin green, there aren't really green skinned human's. There are lots of people who wear monochrome outfits but also having green skin is just a bit… unusual." She told him with a smile, "I think it's lovely but if your goal is to blend in, that's the biggest hint that you're not entirely human." She stood up and pushed the chair in, after checking her watch, "I need to get changed and Check, in you're welcome to come inside."

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group


Wander moved to sit with Gem, letting out a sigh of relief.
“Thank you,” he said, letting out a quiet hum of content. He looked happy to be able to rest, not having really been expecting it.
“And as long as you aren’t affected too much, then…” Wander looked around once to make sure no one was looking at him, wrapping his arms around himself some in a slightly embarrassed realization when he saw no one else was dressed like him.
“Alright, then. Ah… there’s not a lot I can do about my skin tone on my own. Though… with a command from you, my body could take on a more human color. Really, I could look however you want me to with a command.” Wander chuckled weakly, nodding a bit when told Gem was going to change.
“Okay then, I’ll be in in a moment.”


Gem took the over sized hoodie that was tied around her waist and handed it to him, "This should work for now, It's huge on me so it should fit you. And look it's even green!" She didn't want to command him to do anything, it just felt wrong, If he asked her to she would but, It felt to much like she was taking control away from him.
"Wander, If you want me to help you change your appearance by Commanding you then I will, but I wont do it unless it's ok with you or you ask me to do it. I understand you're not human but, I can't just, I dunno." Gem opened the blue door the welcoming air of the Bakery spilling out onto the cold street, "I can't take your choice away from you."
Gem let the door shut behind her, the bell chiming behind her. She found her way to the back and changed into her uniform. and tying a matching blue bandanna in her hair to keep it out of her face. she made her way behind the counter where her mother, Cara, was sliding freshly baked cinnamon rolls onto display racks. "I'm here."
Her mother turned wiped her hands on her apron before pulling Gem into a tight embrace. Cara had honey brown hair streaked with gray fashioned in a tight bun at the base of her neck, and a round and kind looking face, "You're earlier than usual." She commented pulling away.
Gem Smiled, "A friend made a magical portal and teleport us both here So I didn't have to walk." Gem's mother smiled and shook her head. Cara shook her head but laughed, "He's out side right now, Is it alright if he hangs around till the end of my shift?"
Cara nodded, "The place is basically owned by you Lovey, not sure why you still ask me."
Gem Simply smiled and stepped around the counter to flip the sign that hung in the window to say Open.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Wander accepted the hoodie with a quiet thanks, thinking over what Gem was saying to him. Really, he'd never experienced anything like this before, even during the other time he'd had a user.
"I…" The spell was still shell shocked as he pulled the hoodie on, moving his leather strap to be over it so he was more comfortable. Wander would have responded, but Gem was already inside. So, instead, he put the hood up to hide his face as best he could hands going in his pockets. There wasn't much he could do about his legs.
The spell pushed the door open, listening to the bell chime behind him, looking around with a smile. This was all new to him, and he was enjoying every moment of it. He turned his attention back to Gem, grinning.
"This place is amazing… And, I would be perfectly fine with you covering me so I could fit in more. Really, I was the one who suggested it after all."


Gem turned as the bell rang, happy to see Wander enter the warm interior, "Ah good it did fit, I'm glad you like it, This is probably my favorite place in the world." Gem said with a smile, filling an empty napkin holder, She paused for a moment considering what he said. She walked up to Wander, and took his hands gently, "Alright let me think of how to word this properly." Gem thought for a moment, considering what the right words to use would be, there had to be a way to word it to give him some say, wasn't there. Her face lit up and she looked wander in the eye.
"I think I've got it, Wander, I command you to have a human skin tone when you deem it necessary to blend in with them." She Grinned, "I love finding loopholes." She let go of Wander's hands to pull down the hood and pet his hair a bit, standing on her tip toes to do so.
"I've got to get to work, I can't let you do much because you don't have a permit, but, You can taste test, and tell me everything tastes wonderful. I'll have to introduce you to my mother in a bit, she's in the back, but for now, have a seat. There's a room in the back if you want somewhere a little quieter too." Gem pointed out the door to the employee room.
The Bell rang and Gem Ran to great the first customer of the day waving a goodbye to Wander before giving them her full attention.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Wander was a bit star struck with how accommodating Gem was being to him. Most had jumped at the idea of changing how he looked, twisting his body to be what they desired most.
“Thank you,” he said, looking down at himself. In a moment, he was a skin tone close to Gem’s, everything else still monochromatic green. He held onto her hand for a moment, then let go when she pulled away. He tilted his head some so she could reach his hair, smiling still.
Still, Wander held back a small chuckle at Gem’s words. She went out of her way to give him control over what he looked like, but inadvertently gave him two other commands for him to follow.
“I’m sure it all will be! Yes, I’ll go take a seat in the back.” Really, Wander didn’t mind these commands at all, walking easily to the back to find a place for him to sit down. One would hardly be able to tell at all that he wasn’t the one choosing to do these things, because he would have chosen to do them anyway.

@furetakunai ac_unit

Luck seemed somewhat surprised by the request of the spell, once again, they looked down the paved tunnel that they had gotten there from. She looked up and their brows furrowed in slight confusion. How ever would she get back up to the surface? She decided to dismiss that and simply agree with a smile. They were sure that Shine would have a plan in order to ask such a thing.

"Sure we can!" Luck chirruped, "I'm excited to see the world too aha." She twirled her two-toned locks around her hand and looked about. After a few seconds of silence, she remembered the spell's other question. "Oh…" she began again, "yeah, what is your activation command?"

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

“Yeay!” Shine grinned, hugging Luck once before clambering up onto her pedestal again. The ceiling wasn’t too high up, and if they worked together they could lift each other out of their, if they were strong enough.
“And it’s I command you to take Sun by Her waist and dance the night away! Pretty cool, huh? Here, if we do it now, then we can get out of here! My abilities are heightened when I’m activated, and I could lift you out of here and you could call me up!!” Shine grinned, looking down at Luck and offering her hand.
“Com’on!!” The spell didn’t seem bothered at all by what she just said, even though Luck would be taking control over her for a period of time before they were out. Really, it seemed like it would be almost impossible to make this girl sad. Was that a good thing..?


Calum was anxious but he supposed that everything would work out fine. He took a deep breath and let himself relax as he moved so Hearth could stand. "Alright. So how do we leave?" He asks quietly, a small smile on his lips. He took her hand once again. This was kind of exciting if he thought about it. He could sense she was distressed about something, or rather bitter sweet he supposed. He would ask her about it later. For now they needed to focus on getting out. How were they going to get out again?


From the Back room Wander would be able to hear the bell ringing as people arrived, the soft chatter that filled the Bakery, And Gem's voice cutting through it all. She asked people how their morning had been, sympathized with the tired ones, lent an ear to the energetic. Rushed to assist her mother in the back when it was necessary, though it was at those time you could hear a slight yelp of pain as she inevitably did something stupid.
She came to the back holding a steaming mug, the only green one she could find. She placed it on the table where Wander sat, "I've been working on a new hot chocolate mix, So I hope you enjoy it." Presentation wise this looked to be a delightful beverage with a healthy amount of whipped cream on top. She paused by the door looking out at the happy customers. "If you smell or see anything you'd like to try, I think we have a special deal today, free samples to any especially green individuals." She gave Wander a smile.

@furetakunai ac_unit

Luck put her right arm across her stomach and grabbed her left one. Trying to hold on to whatever essence of the hug she could, it was nice and.. warm. She nodded when hearing the activation command and took a deep breath before repeating it. She loosened up and looked up to where the light shone down onto the shrine.

All of the situation was wild, the orbs, Shine, the ability to control a magnificent power. It was all beyond her greatest imagination, that a person like her, whose luck was terrible enough to be worthy of the name Unlucky, would finally be getting a shot to be something greater. Without a clue as to whether she'd climb or tumble, Luck belted out the command.

"I command you to take Sun by Her waist and dance the night away!" she echoed, and she could feel a rush in her heart as she did so.