forum Awakened Shrine- closed group rp!
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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@CasiCasino group

When he was suddenly pulled like that, the man fell to his knees, gasping slightly when wind started circulating around him again. He felt like the wind has just been knocked out of him earlier, only to have it replaced with the sudden air around him again. He slowly got back up to his feet, looking at Blink to see that he had been quite exhausted as well.
“S-Sorry for making… y-you use that…” was all the man was able to mutter out.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Hearth looked around once, letting out a sigh.
“I’m to assume the way you came in isn’t a viable option? Then, I suppose we could use my pillar to try to reach the hole in the ceiling. It isn’t very high up, but you would need to go first. Are you good with heights?” Hearth left her hand in Calum’s, thinking over what they could do. With her previous experience, there was an exit designed for every spell and user, but she wasn’t sure if her’s was still open, or if the others would be okay with the two taking one of the other spell’s routes.

Wander listened calmly to the sounds around him, looking out occasionally. So many new people… the spell hadn’t often been able to be around others in this form aside from users in the past, so for humans to be able to see him and think he was one of them was extraordinary to Wander. He grew extremely concerned when he heard Gem’s yelp of pain, but he was still under the command to take a seat in the back room from before.
The spell looked up when Gem came out with the mug of hot chocolate, nodding. “Thank you! Are you alright, though? I heard you yelp before.” Wander took the mug in two hands, holding it in his lap.
“And, thank you, everything here looks so different from what I’ve seen before! I’ll be sure to ask!” Wander blushed some at the last quip Gem made, smiling back. It was so nice here, Wander had never expected to be treated in such a way by a user.

Shine grinned as she was activated, twirling her skirt again. She seemed to glow a bit, especially when the patches of light hit her skin.
“Here, come on! I’ll get you up on my shoulder, and you should easily be able to reach the edge of the hole!” Shine grinned, reaching down to grab Luck’s hand and pull her up onto the pedestal. The spell was quite strong at the moment, especially for her diminutive size. She grinned, and without Luck being able to really do anything she picked the woman up, having the user stand on the spell’s shoulders.
“Here, can you reach?” Shine was steady under Luck, bringing her as close to the edge as she could.

Blink was shaking, but it was hard to tell if it was from exhaustion or anger.
Don’t,” They snapped. “Don’t even b-bother. It’s just like that stupid fucking song, you know? ‘Use an iron fist, or you will be tread upon?’ It’s not possible a-at all for it to be wrong! I’m j– just a spell, there’s no reason to care about how I might feel. I’m j-just a goddamned tool…” Blink looked away from Karat after their rant, hands clenching into fists.
“So, don’t bother e-even pretending to care. I’m used to it.”

(Jesus that's a lot…)


Gem ginned, and held up her hand for Wander to see. The back of her hand now had a bright read burn across the back. "I wasn't paying attention and brushed my hand against a hot pan." Gem walked over to sit with Wander, "It's not that bad, well, it's not the worst, I spilled hot coffee on my arm once that one lasted a while."
"Oh, you can go where ever you want, you don't have to stay here while I work. You can explore, or do anything really, And you can always come up front and look at every thing if you want to." Gem was determined to let fluffy green boy do what he wanted for a change.
She glanced at her watch and sighed, before standing up and stretching her arms, "I have to go get bread out of the oven, and punch some dough, Wanna come with me?"


(… If anyone hurts Blink I will personally slap them across the face and confiscate the purple orb. I feel like Gem's going to find out about all the others and just want to adopt them all. )

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(You can tell I drew them all over a long period off time because of how all of them have different face shapes! XD)
(Blink is my chaotic rat bastard child who will definitely be getting hurt at some point 👉👈. And it'll be interesting to see what Gem does, for sure)
(Honestly, saaame lmao)

"A-Are you sure? It looks painful…" Wander shifted to be looking at Gem's hand as he spoke, looking concerned.
"And that sounds extremely painful! Really, you're quite the clumsy one, aren't you?" The spell wouldn't have dared to speak to previous users in this fashion, but he felt comfortable around Gem. It showed, too.
"And it will be quite nice to go exploring, for sure. I've never seen so many people in one area before, it's fascinating." Wander stood as well, hands in his pockets as he nodded. It was much warmer than before, to be sure, and Wander liked it. It was also something of Gem's, not just a thing he'd been commanded to change to, which felt extra special.
"Yes, I would very much like to come!"


Gem laughed, "You could say that, It's more I get distracted easily, and It's fine, I'm used to them." She couldn't help but smile seeing Wander relax more. "The kitchen is this way." Gem pushed through a swinging door and entered the warm kitchen, there were several ovens back here, and one brick fire place. Gem wasn't allowed any where near the fire place any more, so she handled the normal ovens. She grabbed an oven mitt opened one oven ad began pulling out loves of perfectly golden bread, popping them on a counter before quickly shutting the oven and adjusting the temperature. She carefully shook them out of their pan's and onto a cooling rack.
"The trick to keeping your bread nice fluffy and tall is to let it cool on it's side. Or at least that's what Mom tells me and I'm not inclined to test her judgment." She stacked the hot pans carefully and pushed them over to a sink before grabbing a pan of cinnamon rolls and carefully sliding them into the oven.
"She pulled off the oven mitts and placed them back on the counter before moving over to where a bowl was about to over flow with dough. Gem quickly washed her hands and pulled the cloth off the top, "This is one of the most satisfying things to do." She commented before punching the dough, It instantly began to deflate, she gave it a few more good pokes before recovering it with the cloth. And ricing her hands off once more.
"I think I have to frost some Cinnamon rolls before I tag back in onto the floor." She smiled, her face was flushed form the warmth of the kitchen, "Isn't it great back here."

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

“It would seem so,” Wander agreed, smiling some. He followed after Gem into the kitchen, closing his eyes a moment at the warmth of the room. His spot in the shrine had been partially in the sun, but this warmth was different. He felt welcomed here, not trapped.
“Woah…” Wander opened his eyes, looking down at the bread. “It looks really cool! And it makes sense too…” Wander watched Gem put the cinnamon rolls into the over, smiling still. “Everything here looks so amazing!”
Wander tilted his head when he saw the bowl of dough, head tilted as he waited to see what Gem was going to do. He jumped a bit when he saw Gem punch it, chuckling some at himself.
“It looks like it is.” Wander smiled some as Gem covered the dough again, nodding.
“It really is… thank you for letting me watch.” The spell offered a sweet smile, head tilted and hair bouncing.


"Of course." Gem pulled a tube of frosting from a fridge and pulled a pan of rolls forward, carefully adding swirls of deliciousness to the top of already delicious looking combination of cinnamon and bread. She looked so care free and happy here, this was her element. This was where she was raised, and what she had always wanted to do. This was clearly a different side of the very optimistic girl, there was something softer in her actions behind closed doors. She was by no means harsh when around other people, but she just seemed so, gentle, in comparison to the girl that had jumped and tumbled into a pit.
She glanced over at Wander and grabbed a Popsicle stick, putting a small amount of frosting on the end before offering it to him. "I think this is the best frosting in the world but then again I am rather biased, what's your opinion?"

@CasiCasino group

Blink was shaking, but it was hard to tell if it was from exhaustion or anger.
“Don’t,” They snapped. “Don’t even b-bother. It’s just like that stupid fucking song, you know? ‘Use an iron fist, or you will be tread upon?’ It’s not possible a-at all for it to be wrong! I’m j– just a spell, there’s no reason to care about how I might feel. I’m j-just a goddamned tool…” Blink looked away from Karat after their rant, hands clenching into fists.
“So, don’t bother e-even pretending to care. I’m used to it.”

Karat looked at the other for a moment before shaking his head.
“Don’t confuse my caring for a fake show, Blink—“ he said, almost sternly. “You’re a spell, sure, but from what I can see you have feelings too,” he stated firmly as he straightened himself. “And yes, I’m still confused as fuck as to why you exist and whatnot. But if anything, you don’t deserve bullshit from anyone, especially not from me,”

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Wander watched Gem work, hands folded behind his back so he wouldn’t get in the woman’s way. She looked like she was enjoying herself, and it made Wander feel good when his user felt good. The spell smiled softly as Gem put the frosting on the already glistening rolls, doing his best not to let his stomach growl.
Wander blinked a bit when the popsicle was offered to him, bending down to take the frosting in his outh before pulling away.
“Mm~!” Wander savored the sugary sweet icing for a moment before swallowing, offering a bright grin.
“It’s really good, I love it!” This was so nice, Gem wasn’t just treating Wander well, she was treating him just like another person.

“You say that now…” Blink still refused to look at Karat, fists tightening some. “But then I get to be too much to handle, and you get angry and snap at me to shut up and behave, a-and when I’m trying to fight against it you tell me to be happy and smile, a-and the next thing I know I'm trapped, a-and no one c-can… can hear me…" Blink closed his eyes at what were obviously memories, turning completely around to start walking away.

@JustALostM book

Daniel sighed. I can't really say the 'spell'…I guess I'd think the spell? I'm not sure. Daniel looked down. It's hard being a mute. At least you can talk… Anyway…Are there more of you? It looked like there were other people. here… And What do you mean by 'I picked you'? I just picked up the weird orb and then you poped up-

@furetakunai ac_unit

Shine grinned as she was activated, twirling her skirt again. She seemed to glow a bit, especially when the patches of light hit her skin.
“Here, come on! I’ll get you up on my shoulder, and you should easily be able to reach the edge of the hole!” Shine grinned, reaching down to grab Luck’s hand and pull her up onto the pedestal. The spell was quite strong at the moment, especially for her diminutive size. She grinned, and without Luck being able to really do anything she picked the woman up, having the user stand on the spell’s shoulders.
“Here, can you reach?” Shine was steady under Luck, bringing her as close to the edge as she could.

Luck wobbled slightly while atop the shoulders of the woman for a brief moment, but quickly reached up a cherry wood coloured hand. Just a few centimetres shy of reach. She decided to put just a little more faith in the steadiness of the spell below her and lifted the heels of her feet up, standing on the balls of her feet. Luck swung their arm forward and caught on to the edge of the hole, a smile crossing her face with immediate relief.

"Got it!" she exclaimed happily. She reached the other arm out that wasn't extended, her right arm. Since she was relatively good a lifting heavy objects, she was hoping she'd have enough upper-body strength to raise herself to the surface. And with this hope, she held the edge of the hole tighter and removed her feet from the spell's shoulders. She hung their for a moment, regathering some senses, and looked up. 'Just a pull-up with extra steps,' she told herself. She flexed her arms until they made 90 degree angles and then threw their upper torso onto the surface. They kicked a little to use the momentum to claw themself the rest of the way up, and giggled slightly at how silly they likely looked.

Once out the shrine, she panted for a few seconds. Her body was already exhausted from the physical exertion that the maneuver took. She spoke through labored breaths, "I dunno how to properly call you up," she began, and started to motion her arm towards herself, "so c'mere please."

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

“Yeah, thinking would work too… so long as you have the intent for it to work, of course…” Might was much more withdrawn after they were poked, looking down submissively.
“Mhm, there are, but, but they all have their own users. A-and, I’m the orb you picked up, s-sir. When you did, you picked me, a-and I got to take this form. B-But, if you prefer me to take the orb shape, t-then just say so, and I will…”

Shine had her hands securely around Luck’s legs to make sure she stayed balanced, grinning. The spell helped as much as she could, noting just how well Luck was able to handle herself with this.
“Yeay~!!” Shine kept herself still despite the urge to celebrate, pushing up against Luck’s feet to help the human push herself up.
“You were so good at that!” The spell called up once Luck was out of the shrine, impressed. She giggled some, looking up at Luck.
“And okay, here we go!” Shine shone once, reverting back to her orb form for a moment. She flew up to join Luck, floating by the woman a moment before going back to her human form.
“Woah…” Shine looked around, taking in the parts of the forest she’d never seen before. “It’s so… big! It’s so much different than the last time I was out with a user!”


" This is the last task I have back here before switching back out with Mom, So now we bring these to the front and let her take over back here." Gem put the frosting away then looked up ant wander before grabbing a napkin and a cinnamon roll and handing it to him.
"You may be able to hide what your words say, but you're eye's." She smiled, looking into them, "They're not quite as secretive."
She picked up the tray of rolls and started back towards the front, "Now this time I must request you come with me, I can't leave you alone in the kitchen."
(Wander's reaction to being treated well is killing me, baby who hurt you )

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(e v e r y o n e)
(It's understandable, respond when you get like you can. No rush <3)

Wander nodded, stepping back out of Gem's way as she dealt with the frosting.
"Makes sense-" Wander's eyes widened some when the cinnamon roll was offered to him, stammering out his thanks as he took the food in his hands.
"I-I suppose so…" A blush came to Wander's cheeks, a faint green color that matched his hair, as Gem looked into his eyes. The spell followed dutifully behind Gem as they left the kitchen, taking a bite out of the cinnamon roll. He was surprised by how sugary it was, smiling at her chewed. He looked blissful, enjoying himself immensely with the treat.


Calum shakes his head. "I couldn't get out, even if I wanted to…" He murmured softly, his eyes shutting as he ran his hand through his hair. He hums with thought. "I think that could work." Calum nods at what the other suggested, "I'm not to scared of heights, so I should be fine. Just tell me what to do." He shrugs and returns his gaze to her.