"I know, but support won't hurt," Tohru said, "I can't even imagine…"
He bit his lip a bit and settled on a menu page as he decided what he wanted to order.
"I suppose I won't press too much, though. I don't want to make things worse."
Davin looked at the menu, shaking his head. "No, you can't imagine." he replied simply. "Just…" he let out a breath. "Yeah."
Tohru choked a bit.
"S-sorry…" he apologized, yet again, "Sorry, I'm probably bothering you. I'll… be quiet…"
He waited for the waitress to come back, even if just to break up the awkard conversation a bit.
"It's fine, Tohru." he looked over at the other male. "I just meant…nobody else can really picture what that was like for me. What it is like. I didn't mean for you to stop talking, I just meant that it's…it's not something easily understood."
“Yeah… I just…” Tohru replied, suddenly becoming much more terse and meek.
He played with the pages of his menu distractedly until the waitress showed back up with drinks.
"What?" Davin asked quietly. "Oh. Thanks." he said to the waitress, then turned his attention back to Tohru. "You just what?"
“I don’t know…”
Tohru buried his head in his hands.
“I’ve messed things up horribly.”
He took a sip of his drink to avoid talking.
"What do you mean?" he asked, frowning a little bit. "Are we…are we not talking about the same thing right now?" the Kaythani male looked a little confused, looking over at Tohru.
“S-sorry… my mind is everywhere. I was with you, but… I don’t…” he held his glass in front of his mouth.
Stop talking, dumbass. You’re making things worse!
“Just ignore me…”
His eyebrows drew together. "I don't understand what you mean, Tohru." he replied plainly, studying the other.
“I said ignore me,” Tohru replied, a little snappy, “I don’t understand what I mean either, my guy.”
He lowered his head.
“I’m going to need a lot more to drink to get through whatever it is going through my head tonight.”
"Right, sorry." Davin replied, drawing back a little bit and taking a sip of his water. He wondered if they'd be able to order their food soon. He took a deep breath.
Tohru ran a rough hand through his hair. He was obviously stressed, and definitely didn't mean to be rude. Thankfully, the waitress was walking back over to take their order. She pulled out her notepad and pen before asking what they wanted.
Davin ordered his food carefully, glancing over at Tohru for just a moment, before tearing his attention away again, looking down at the table.
Tohru ordered next, and also asked for a second drink as he finished his first.
"Alright, I'll have that to you in a few minutes!"
"Thank you," Tohru replied, dipping his head.
He accidentally found himself staring in Davin's general direction.
Davin looked at him. "You shouldn't drink too much tonight." he said softly. "Really." he sighed, shaking his head.
"I know my limits, but thanks for the concern," Tohru replied, "I'll make sure I drink little enough that I don't get hungover or anything."
"Alright." Davin replied simply, looking down at his hands for a moment. He took a deep breath, shaking his head slightly. He didn't know what to talk about, since Tohru seemed to be in a bad mood right now.
Tohru's hands were shaking as he looked back at his device.
"What'd you get?" he asked, just trying to make small talk at this point.
He didn't want things to be more tense than they already were.
"Oh. Uhm. A burger." he replied with a faint laugh. "With a salad side. What about you?" he ran a hand through his hair, letting out a slow, soft breath.
"They have noodles and broth with vegetables," Tohru said, "So I got that."
The waitress placed Tohru's next drink on the table, and he thanked her, then started sipping on it. His mind was feeling a tiny bit fuzzy, but he was still more than sober enough to be tense and scared.
"Ah. That does sound good." Davin replied, watching Tohru drink. "Are you alright, Tohru? You seem…on edge." he studied Tohru, biting his lip a little bit.
"I'm on edge, yes," Tohru sighed, "but I'm not sure what's going on. I'm just stressed, I think…"
He swirled his drink around, listening to the ice clink against the side of the glass.
"I'll get over it."
"Okay. If there's anything I can do, let me know." he said, taking a sip of his own drink.
“I appreciate it,” Tohru said, “I… really do.”
He drank a bit more of his own drink.
By now, a pleasant numbness had started settling over him.