Frost was beginning to form on Cas's hair and parts of his skin. He couldn't move much anymore, feeling as though his entire body had been frozen.
Frost was beginning to form on Cas's hair and parts of his skin. He couldn't move much anymore, feeling as though his entire body had been frozen.
Nick was finding it more and more difficult to hide his fear. Maybe if he got Cas out of the cell and onto the deck it would help? “Unlock the door!” he called to a frightened Leo. The other boy vehemently shook his head. “Unlock the door or I’ll fry you.” Nick lit a fire in his palm, moving it away from Cas. Leo unlocked the door. “Can you walk?” Nick asked Cas softly.
"I… I-I d… don't think so…" Cas stammered, his teeth chattering a bit from the cold. He kept his eyes closed, huddled close to Nick.
Nick nodded and scooped Cas up, carrying him out of the cell and up the stairs while Leo huddled in the corner. Nick rolled his eyes at him and prayed no one would notice as he opened the trapdoor onto the deck. Unfortunately, there were a couple of pirates there.
Cas whimpered quietly as he glanced around at the pirates. He was still shivering violently in Nick's arms, so he was entirely helpless.
Nick carefully set Cas down. “None of you make a move toward him or I’ll roast you,” he announced, his hand lighting with fire, subduing the pirated momentarily.
Cas leaned against Nick's leg, his breath clouding in front of him. His shaking was making Nick quake as well, and he felt like he might pass out.
Nick glanced around at the pirates with a quick nod before collapsing to his knees. “Cas! I—I’ll warm you up!” He knew that it was futile even as he heated up his body, pulling Cas into a bear hug.
Cas was growing weaker in Nick's arms, quiet whimpers occasionally escaping him. He wasn't in any state to care that the pirates were watching. His skin was now frigid to the touch.
Even Nick began to feel the chill through his heat slightly, seeping in. It wasn’t unbearable, but he noticed that he didn’t feel as warm as he usually did. He had no idea to fix this and it terrified him.
"N-Nick…" He opened his eyes to look up at Nick weakly. His eyes were tired, but they were definitely filled with fear. Fear that he was practically too frozen to feel. His skin was ghostly white, and his eyelashes had tiny pieces of ice stuck to them.
“Cas…” he whispered. As he was distracted, the pirates moved in, grabbing each of Nick’s arms and moving him off of Cas. He tried to throw them off but they were too strong as they pulled him away. “Cas!”
"N… N-No!" Cas fell to the ground, shaking violently. He wanted desperately to go to Nick, but he couldn't move.
Nick’s hands heated up, but the third pirate put a knife to his neck as he swallowed nervously. “Make fire and you die,” the man threatened in a low voice. Nick’s flames faded before they had even come into being. The pirates all but ignored Cas, believing him to be helpless.
Cas fell into another coughing fit and collapsed. His coughing caused more ice to jump up in spikes on the ground, and it froze the pirates in place.
Nick watched Cas, more scared than ever. The pirates were shivering now, gooseflesh creeping up their arms. Even Nick could feel the chill permeating his usual aura of warmth. He felt so helpless. Cas couldn’t die like this, not now. Suddenly Lydia emerged from the captain’s cabin, her eyes widening. “What in the stars is happening here?” she exclaimed.
Cas was hugging his stomach and shivering violently, barely conscious by now. Ice slowly spread across the deck from where he was laying on it.
“I don’t know,” Nick answered Lydia quietly, gazing up at her with a combination of fear and hope. “Can you help him?”
Lydia pressed her lips together. “Well, a dead prince is no good to me…I suppose I can try.”
Cas suddenly fell limp, his consciousness fading. He was still lightly trembling on the ground, but being unconscious made his shaking weaker.
Both Nick and Lydia looked at Cas in alarm and Nick darted under the pirate’s knife, using his captor’s shock to break free and run over to Cas.
“Nicolas, don’t be a fool! I have an ancient talisman that is supposed to help against what is ailing him, but you being over there will only weaken you as well!” Lydia called, glaring at Nick before hurrying back into the cabin and retrieving a old, rusty silver necklace. Nick glanced at it distastefully, but hopefully, as a tear rolling down his cheek froze on his face. His hands trembled, and he felt as if he was in a bath of snow and ice.
Lydia walked over with the necklace, putting it around Cas’s neck, before walking back to the other pirates. “That should help.”
Cas stayed unconscious for now, unaware of the minor chaos and larger panic he'd caused around him. His skin was almost pure white, and his hair looked like he was graying due to the frost on it. He was still shaking, which got worse as he started to grasp at consciousness.
“Is it working?” Nick asked frightfully, frost creeping onto his fingers. His lips were blue with the sudden chill.
“I don’t know,” Lydia responded, all mirth drained from her face for once. She looked serious, almost worried.
"Nnn…" Cas groaned softly, stirring a bit as he fought to wake up. "N-Nick…" He whispered, his voice faltering and breaking.
“Cas!” Nick breathed, clinging onto him. He was shaking from the cold, and could practically see his breath in front of his face.
Cas opened his eyes weakly and noticed Nick. "N… No… I-I'm hurting you…" He tried to push Nick away, but he couldn't.
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