"She's twelve," Nick replied, thinking of his sister. "I just don't want anything to happen to her. It makes me a bit nervous to be away from her, which is stupid of course, and I know she's smart, but still…"
"She's twelve," Nick replied, thinking of his sister. "I just don't want anything to happen to her. It makes me a bit nervous to be away from her, which is stupid of course, and I know she's smart, but still…"
Cas nodded. "Makes sense… I'm an only child, so I don't really know what it's like to be protective of a sibling or anything."
“It’s great, but also scary,” Nick said. “I’m worried about her a lot, but I always felt less lonely with her around.”
"Mhmm… I wonder if things would be better for me if I had a sibling?" He mused aloud.
Nick bit his lip. “Maybe, but dwelling on it won’t help. You’re not alone, you’ve got me.”
Cas nodded. "Yeah… you… you're right. I'm sorry."
“You don’t have to apologize,” Nick replied gently. “You were just thinking. It was just a suggestion. I’ve learned for myself that dwelling on things rarely helps.”
He quietly nodded again, looking over at the cell door. "D'you think they'll feed us?"
“Probably. They don’t want us to die,” Nick responded. “Though when or what is anyone’s guess.” At that the snoozing boy watching them began to wake slowly.
Cas watched the other boy silently, moving a bit closer to Nick just in case he wasn't friendly.
The boy opened his eyes, then glanced at the two of them, seeming not to care much. "H'lo," he said once he saw them looking.
"Hello…" Nick responded quietly. The boy didn't look very friendly, but he'd spoken to them.
Cas nodded as a greeting, too nervous to try and speak. He tentatively reached out to take Nick's hand.
"I s'pose I should introduce myself, I'm Leo, and I'll be watching you prisoners," he responded with a smirk. "Lydia told me that you two were special, but I don't see it."
Nick rolled his eyes. "Are you just going to taunt us with your stupid–wait, Lydia? As in the pirate famous for separating the heads of people from their shoulders?"
"That's the one," said Leo, clearly enjoying their fear. "I believe you two have already had the pleasure of meeting her. They never do get her picture quite right on those Wanted posters, do they?"
Cas whimpered quietly enough that only Nick could hear him, moving closer to the other. He definitely seemed nervous now. "She… s-she's not gonna kill us, is she? She said she wouldn't as long as she got her money…"
Leo laughed. "No way to know. She said that, but if she tires of you two quickly, you could be a lot of fun. I wonder what would happen if beheaded one of you while the other watches."
Cas went pale, shivering a bit. He gripped Nick's hand tightly as he stared at Leo, shuffling anxiously.
Nick gave Cas's hand a reassuring squeeze, but he was also terrified, just slightly better at hiding it.
"You two are fun. I think I'll enjoy having you as prisoners," Leo taunted.
"If… if you're just watching us, then why are you in the cell too?" Cas asked weakly.
Leo raised an eyebrow. "I have the keys," he responded, holding up a key ring. "I didn't even realize I was in the cell. S'posed to clean up since the last guy that was here died." He let himself out with a wicked grin, going to sit on a rickety stool.
Cas went pale again, huddling close to Nick for warmth. "It's freezing in here…" He whispered.
Nick leaned against Cas, holding the smaller boy against him. “Stay close to me, I’ll keep you warm.”
Cas nodded, his breath clouding in front of him despite no one else's doing so. He huddled very close to Nick, shivering.
Nick used his powers to make himself warmer to help Cas warm up, holding him close. Leo scoffed at the two of them.
Cas closed his eyes, ignoring Leo. He relaxed a little bit from the comforting heat emanating from Nick.
Nick ignored Leo as well, hoping the other boy would stop being annoying if he and Cas didn’t respond. Luckily, he did.
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