forum An angsty gay fantasy rp! (O/O)
Started by @MusicElle-is-here

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"Ah, I see," the woman purred, looking at the two of them the way a lioness might look at her prey. Her bright eyes were full of calculation. "And you're completely sure that your fathers will pay the ransom? If not, there would be disastrous consequences."


"I'm the only heir, and while my father has some questionable morals, he isn't stupid. Especially not stupid enough to start a war with pirates. He'll pay." Cas said, trying to convince himself as well.


“Hmmm,” the woman mused, staring at Cas like she was trying to see right through him. She sighed. “Welcome aboard then. But I’m not promising good treatment or really, anything besides you two not dying unless I don’t get that ransom. If you want to leave, now is your last chance. Once you board my ship, the only way off is by paying me or dying.”


"Yes, ma'am." Cas bowed politely again. "Thank you very much. I hope you won't be disappointed, and not just because I'd die if you were."


She smirked. “Of course.” Her voice was dripping with contempt. “Tie them up,” she commanded the man next to them, who instantly grabbed both of the boys by their arms with a grip like iron. “I’m sure you understand, boys.”


Cas winced, but nodded. He was a little nervous as he was tied up, but he was pretty sure they wouldn't kill them so long as their fathers paid up. All he could hope was that he was actually important enough to his kingdom for his father to bother to try and get him back.


Anxiety fluttered in Nick’s stomach, but he trusted Cas and Cas seemed sure their parents would pay up. Besides, at least they were together as they were tied up and taken aboard the ship, which unbeknownst to him, was only a the smaller ship of the two the woman captained.


Cas looked over at Nick apprehensively, hoping to god that this would work. He stayed quiet, however, since he didn't know how much they could really trust the pirates not to hurt them.


The woman and man transferred the two boys into the brig of the bigger ship, where a bored-looking boy a few years older than them was keeping watch. “Have a good night’s sleep, boys!” the woman trilled, smirking as she walked off, leaving them alone with a haggard-looking old man in another one of the cells and the boy watching them.


Cas sighed and looked up at Nick again. "Let's just hope this works…" He went over to the wood cot in their cell and lay down.


"Care to join me?" He asked maneuvering himself so that his bound hands were now in front of him instead of behind.


He glanced up at Cas. The cot didn’t look very big or comfortable, but being with Cas would make it less bad. “Of course.” With a bit of effort, considering the fact his hands were tied, Nick stood and walked over to the cot.


Cas huddled up against Nick as best he could when the other lay down. "Looks like we're keeping each other warm for the night."


"I know, I know…" Cas yawned and buried his face in Nick's chest. "I love you. Whatever happens, don't forget that."