Nick couldn’t help but smile at the sight of Cas wearing his clothes. They were ridiculously big on the boy.
Nick couldn’t help but smile at the sight of Cas wearing his clothes. They were ridiculously big on the boy.
Cas tugged at the shirt to make it fit better, but unwrinkling it just made it reach his knees instead. "You can't even tell I'm wearing anything under this…"
Nick chuckled, blushing at the remark. “No you definitely can’t,” he agreed. He yawned. “It is time to sleep,” he added.
"Okay…" Cas yawned as well, taking Nick's hand and following him to the bed. His hair had gotten fluffy and disheveled from pulling the shirt over his head.
Nick flopped onto his bed, the blankets flying up before falling softly back down. He grinned and rolled onto his back.
Cas lay down next to him and wrapped his arms around him. "I love you…"
Nick turned towards Cas, putting his arms around the other boy. “I love you too…” he whispered sleepily.
Cas tucked his head under Nick's chin and closed his eyes. "Night…"
“Night,” Nick repeated quietly, closing his eyes as well.
It took Cas a little while to fall asleep, but he eventually dozed off in Nick's arms.
(And time skip probably lol)
(yeah hahah)
Nick woke up, glancing at Cas with a smile. He still looked amazing even when he was asleep.
Cas was breathing evenly and calmly as he cuddled with Nick, seeming content. He stirred a little and gripped Nick's shirt tighter.
Nick tightened his hold of Cas slightly in response, but stayed pretty relaxed as well. This was nice. It was better than nice, it was almost like one of his stupid romantic daydreams come to life. Nick had always been a bit of a hopeless romantic.
It took a few more minutes for Cas to slowly open his eyes. "Mmm…" He shifted, his head bumping up against Nick's chin.
“Morning sunshine,” Nick mumbled, his voice a bit scratchy from sleep. He assumed Cas was awake anyway, and not just shifting in his sleep again.
"Morning…" Cas yawned, still very slow and sleepy at the moment.
"Did you sleep well?" Nick asked, heavy with sleep as well.
"Mm…" He nodded a bit, trying to keep his eyes open.
"Still tired?" Nick teased. "Maybe we should get up and move around."
Cas wrapped his arms around Nick's neck, not really wanting to get up of his own accord.
Nick chuckled. “Or we can stay here for a bit longer.” He didn’t mind not getting up. He considered himself to be a morning person, but being here with Cas felt so nice.
"Cool… m'tired… morning's dumb…" He mumbled, nuzzling against Nick's chest tiredly.
Nick smiled at that. “Okay, whatever you say, love,” he said softly, relaxing again.
"Do we have to be up for anything? And by we I mean you, considering I'm still in hiding."
“Not for another hour,” Nick replied. “My dad wants to have a family breakfast. He thinks it’ll be a great ‘bonding’ exercise. I think it’ll be a good chance for him to compare me to Jane.” He rolled his eyes.
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