forum A witchy one on one (closed)
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Tolly, who had been preparing to curl up into a sad little ball on the couch and sulk until Cas got back, perked up. "I'd love that! Do I need to get anything before I leave?"

Deleted user

Tolly took it with no hesitation, rising to his feet with a bright smile. "Then I'm ready to go when you are!"


Cas laughed at Tolly's enthusiasm and tugged him towards the door "ready," once out of the dorms, Cas walked to the shop he owned

Deleted user

Tolly took in the shop with wide, interested eyes. The shop was musty, sure, but it also seemed to have hidden depths. Like an antique shop, but more… magical. "This place is so cool! How'd you find it?"


"my mom started it with my dad when they were students here. They passed it down to me when I came here. It'll only unlock to blood ties." He said, grabbing the door handle and pulling it open

Deleted user

"Neat!" Tolly enthused, walking in after him and looking around at the shelves. "Are you going to give it to your kids? I mean, if you chose to have any."


Cas headed to the counter and switched on a light to turn on the lamps around the shop "yeah I do, even if I end up adopting and raising non-magic weilders, I want them to know what my parents built up and our history."

Deleted user

Tolly nodded, admiring the store now that the lighting was better. He snapped out of it as soon as his eyes brushed over the counter where the cash register sat. "So how can I help out?"


"well, I'm going to be in the back, organizing invantory a bit. You manage the front counter. Once someone comes on, help them find d what they need and ring them up. Everything is in alphabetical order so it should be relatively easy to find. Or we can switch and you organize invantory, if you want."

Deleted user

Tolly shook his head. "Nah, I'll man the front counter. Do you have some kind of uniform or am I good in this?"


He looked Tolly up and down "that should be fine. I'll be in the back if you need me." He called over his shoulder, grabbing some papers and heading over to a small door near the back of the shop

Deleted user

"Sounds good," Tolly agreed, stepping behind the counter and figuring out where everything was. Once he was done gaining his bearings, he leaned over the counter, watching Cas work with a soft smile.


Cas organized all the jars and vials onto the shelves. He tapped his foot impatiently as he tried to figure out where gargin root juice should go, it the roots section or specialty section. In the end he chose specialty since it wasn't in root form

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Tolly laughed quietly at Cas' concentration, finding it completely adorable. "Whacha doing, Honey?"

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"Can I help?" He asked, peeking outside to make sure nobody was approaching the door. "I promise I'll hop back here if anyone comes in."

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"Great!" Tolly cheered, jogging over to where Cas was standing. "What do you need organized?"

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Tolly nodded, grabbing the ginger salt and wandering over to the 'G' section. He found the place that needed restocking and filled it with the salt, wincing at the sharp smell

Deleted user

Tolly returned to the back of the store to grab another box, this one called 'mermaid hair' and began to restock that, going through three or four more boxes until someone finally walked into the store.

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Levi wandered into the shop, shooting Cas a smile and wandering over to where Tolly was standing. Tolly nudged him playfully, coaxing a small smile onto his face. "I'm just here for Cait again. She wants me to pick up tormeline crystal, black cat fat, and nightshade."