Derlik hummed a bit, turning to the guards with the soul in his bloody hand.
"Best not to fuck with a god," he said calmly. He disappeared now, appearing in the park he'd been trapped in. He lifted up the soul, squeezing it in his hand until it was crushed to dust. In a whirlwind, a giant wolf appeared.
"Twili," Derlik said gently, taking the wolf's snout in his hands gently.
"Hey sweetie. I'm so sorry you were stuck there…"
Evelyn was getting bored. Bored was bad. If she got bored she went and found herself the most entertaining thing she can find. Which is trouble. She practically made for it. "Hmph. Where is Daddy???" She whines, as she drank her icecream and tossed it away. She figured she'd wait 10 minutes longer and if he didn't show up, well who knows what she'd do. (I have no plans for what trouble she gets into so this is gonna be amazing play it by ear writing or really rushed shitty writing. We'll see. If he don't show TF up)
The wolf nuzzled Derlik a bit. Derlik smiled. In a moment, the wolf was the size of a pup, and he was getting himself back to the room. He was in the bathroom, washing up.
"Evelyn baby?" He called out, sticking his head out of the bathroom.
She had as soon as she heard the door open full on barrel rolled over the side of the bed, flinging all of her coloring stuff everywhere as she sank down into the gap between the wall and the bed, and sat there so she wouldn't get dragged to the bath. This gap wasn't small, big enough to fit another side table with a lamp on it so it really wasn't hiding per se, as she scooted herself UNDER the side table.
Derlik was majorly confused by Evelyn's actions. He stepped out, the small fluffy Twili following after.
"Evelyn, baby, what are you doing down there?" Derlik kneeled down at the end of the bed, looking at Evelyn.
"Did you… Eat an entire thing of ice cream?" He asked, tone stern.
She looked up at him and with a grin. "Noooooo!" Though her streaked face,icecream stained onsie and guilty smile said otherwise. "An' since I didn't,I don't need a bath!"
Derlik sighed a bit.
"Alright then," Derlik said, pretending to buy the lie. He held his arms out to Evelyn. "Hug?"
She looked at him. "I'm not that dumb, dumby!" She huffed and flicked his nose, and wiggled out between his legs. "I WANT MORE ICECREAM!" She then proceeded to bolt towards the door.
"Evelyn!!" Derlik leapt up, taking several large, quick steps after her to wrap his arms around her waist and pull her close.
"We can have a treat after, okay?" He kissed her head lightly.
"Hmph. Fine." She pouted, kicking her legs as she still made desperate attempts for escape, squirming the best that she could.
Derlik pinned Evelyn to himself, scooping her legs up in his other arm and trapping her.
"What some bubbles? I can get you some bath toys too." He kissed her forehead, going to the bathroom.
She snuggled in and nodded softly, finally giving in. She hated how he was able to do that. She just needed to be faster,she was sure of it. But he won this time.
Derlik smiled when Evelyn have in. He closed the bathroom door, kneeling down and holding her in one arm as he turned the bath water on, making sure it was just the right temperature as he added the bubbles.
"How many bubbles would you like?" He asked gently.
"Lots!" She cried out with a smile, bouncing in his arms, a little bit excited now, with a wide smile on her face.
Derlik added some more bubble solution, smiling at her excitement.
"Perfect!" He smiled, kissing her nose and nuzzling her a bit.
"Here, let's get your clothes off and get you in the bubbles." He turned the water off, the bubbles nice and high. He undid her onesie, smiling back happily.
She got it off,and slid into the water. "Daddy I saw a puppy in the room! She looks very soft." She commented cheerfully while putting a soap beard on Derlik and giggling.
Derlik grinned at Evelyn when he received the beard, stroking it a bit.
"A puppy, you say? Yes, she's very soft, and she loves to cuddle too." He smiled, pulling out a cup and washcloth to wash Evelyn.
She nodded and dunked her whole face into the water, and came up squeezing her eyes shut, and wiped at them, blindly grabbing the wash cloth and then handing it back. Now see, there was no pets allowed in this hotel. If Derlik wasn't careful he could get in trouble with the staff.
If anyone came up, they wouldn't find a puppy, but a young woman, so they were fine. Derlik smiled, getting some soap on his hands to start on Evelyn's hair. He was basically massaging her scalp, humming softly as he did.
She leaned into his hands, nuzzling into them a bit, and sighed into the relaxing atmosphere. Though, she relaxed a little too much as she closed her eyes and slowly sank deeper into the water, an almost loopy smile on her face. "Hmm…that feels nice…" She said softly, and gave a small yawn. Yes, even after all that sugar, she was getting relaxed. Not tired, just in a snuggly mood.
"I'm glad you like it, baby girl," Derlik said with a smile. He ran his fingers through her hair, making sure everything was coated throughly in soap.
"Here, tilt your head back," he instructed gently, getting some water in the cup to rinse her hair out.
She tilted her head back and then sat up and kissed him softly, before sinking back into his hands with a giggle. "Why does your face look like that?" She asked with a now sly grin. (I worded that way in case you wanted him blushing, or smiling, or whatever facial expression he's making)
Derlik chuckled faintly, kidding her back a moment. He had a soft smile on his face.
"It's because I'm in love with you," he said smoothly. He rinsed her hair out, careful not to get any soap in her eyes. He rubbed her scalp a bit more to make sure it was all out, then got some soap on the wash cloth to wash her body. He hummed, smirking a bit as he got all the left over ice cream of her face gently.
She gave a little pout and a small growl even escaped her throat as he wiped off the icecream, not too happy. She then suddenly got a bright idea, and she began to rock back and fourth. Slowly, at first. Side to side, watching the water slowly climb the walls until suddenly a huge wave overwashed the side Derlik was on, and drenched him completely. She giggled and clapped her hands. "Daddy needs a wash too coz he was in the yucky lake water!"
Derlik blinked a bit, water dripping down his face.
"Evelyn," he said sternly. Still, he smiled. "I'm getting a shower after you're done, unless you want me joining you." He smiled, running his fingers through Evelyn's hair. He put some bubbles there, chuckling.