@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group
"Ah- nothing." Derlik wasn't going to fuck with Evelyn right now. Not at all. He scratched at his neck, staying silent after that.
"Ah- nothing." Derlik wasn't going to fuck with Evelyn right now. Not at all. He scratched at his neck, staying silent after that.
"No you had something to say. Spit it out god of chaos. You're a god so any anger I deal out you can handle very easily, right? Just tie me up and put me somewhere." She said this with a growl to her voice, and took a drink of her soda. Suddenly she saw a bar, and called Evan. "I found a bar it's called Island Get Away. No I don't care if it's sounds like some dumb surfer dude bar, maybe I'll get laid tonight. Lik pissed me off so he ain't getting good angry at the world sex that's for damn sure. Uhuh. WHY do I gotta wait? Whaddya mean I always cause trouble? Okay THAT WAS THREE TIMES! Look. I'm going. Y'all either be there or be square." She hung up, then crossed the street and walked in.
Derlik scowled a little. He went into the bar after Evelyn.
"What is that want you want to happen? To just be tied up and left to rot?" Derlik was starting to get pissed too. Why did he have to take this from Evelyn? Because he wanted her to like him? He'd never been liked before, why would he need it now.
"No. No. I'll have a cherry limade margarita please. I don't want to be left behind. But I also know men. Promises promises right up until the vanish." She sighed and looked around the bar. "No one worth fucking except you. Actually, that's not really a bad thing."
"Oh? Why is that? Last time I check, you don't want to just fuck with anyone you come across." Derlik was still standing there, arms crossed. He was very ticked still, and half tempted to drag Evelyn out of here.
"I'm a horny drunk." Evelyn stated simply, as she paid for her drink,and then took a sip of it. "I trust you, so that means I won't have any regrets in the morning." She kissed his cheek. "Oh also. Another thing. I don't ever ask people out. It's a personal respect thing. So from here on out. It's your moves."
"And if I don't do anything?" Derlik leaned against the bar, not ordering anything yet. "If I don't make any moves?"
"Then the gods were wrong, and I keep dating shitty abusive men and woman until I die. Get me the heaviest drink you got." The drink was slid down, but Evelyn didn't catch it as it bumped into Derlik's hand. "For you." She then paid for that as well.
"I'm not going to let you get abused anymore," Derlik mumbled to himself. He accepted the drink, looking at Evelyn a moment. He wasn't sure what he was going to do not, so he took a sip of his drink.
"Good. I'm done taking control of the whole flirt talk game. So. The cards are in your hand now. Whether you play the love game or not is up too you." She sipped on her margarita, and it seemed she was relaxing a bit. Just a bit though.
Derlik nodded. He would, but later. He wasn't going to go chatting after her immediately. He took another sip of his drink. Damn, this was strong. He glanced at Evelyn again, eyes softening.
Evelyn's band soon piled into the bar, and after everyone got drinks, Evelyn began to chat away with Mary casually, like friends. Forgive and forget was sometimes what Evelyn had to do just to keep herself from killing everyone she knew. Surprisingly Evelyn handled things pretty well. And under the table she took Lik's hand and held it tight, but it was such a casual movement. It wasn't hesitant, it was done confidently.
Derlik easily took Evelyn's hand in return, letting the others talk. He soon finished his drink. It still want enough to get him drink, but he felt satisfied with the alcohol in him now. He stayed by Evelyn's side, rubbing the back of her hand lightly.
Suddenly, the juke box started playing a song that both Evelyn and Evan knew the whole dance too. The two got up, took eachothers hands, and off they went around the bar. People started clapping and cheering as they watched the twins. They were a strange pair indeed, as Evelyn was twirled and dipped.
Derlik watched Eveyln and Evan dance, smiling a little. He didn't get up to dance, letting them have the spotlight for now. He clapped as well, getting a bit. Evelyn was just so chaotic, he loved it.
Eventually the song ended, and they were asked for an encore. The pair shrugged and Evan watched as Evelyn's face slammed into the jukebox glass, and watched as Evan flipped through the songs. "OOH OOH OOH! THEY HAVE SARAH BROWN!" "Wait really? That song isn't super well known I didn't think they'd have it." He put in the money for the song and soon enough they were dancing off again. Suddenly Evelyn spun off, grabbed Derlik's hands, and with some impossible inner strength, she yanked him out of the bar stool and started leading him in the dance, while Evan grabbed Liam's hands. (Sarah Brown by 5j Barrow. It's an okay song. They're other song Seagreen Dress is better tho. But I'd look up both)
(Okay, I'll look it up then!)
Derlik was more than happy when events pulled him up, dancing with her gracefully. There was a touch of wildness in everything he did. He grinned, letting out some wonderful laughter as they continued.
As the song ended Evelyn sat down and took a long drink. "I like your laugh. It's like crashing tidal waves." She said this with a nod, and then took another drink. Evan and Liam talked as the bar exploded into cheering. Some other song came on and their dancing inspired a few others to try dancing. Evelyn just smiled as she put her head on Lik's shoulder.
Derlik wrapped one arm around Evelyn carefully. He rested his head on hers in turn.
"Well, I love your smile. It makes you look like a godess yourself." He smiled gently. "There's a lot about you I love."
"Yeah? Good." Was all she said. She wasn't about to go about saying I Love You all willy nilly. He wasn't done working towards her heart yet. "Also a lot of goddesses are super snooty I feel like, so. Thanks?" She finished off her drink. "Blue ice raspberry lemonade please!" (I think Ice is the name of the alcohol I'm thinking of. idk tho)
Derlik chuckled a little.
"You'd make an amazing goddess. You've got the looks, and I'm sure you could get quite the following." He smiled, leaving back in his seat.
"Don't wanna be a goddess. I wanna be smashed to death at age 40 by a giant speaker, when some rival band who is jealous of my success cuts the chord on one of the speakers and pushes it onto me, therefore squashing me mid-show. I wanna go out with a bang. Can't do that if you're immortal. WHERE IS MY-thank you!" She paid him and started on her second drink, when some guy walks over, and sits down,side eyeing her tits as he orders a drink.(I tried googling surfer dude talk and I've decided it's too cheesy and bad to try to come up with a shitty douchey flirt.)
Derlik laughed as Evelyn explained how she wanted to die.
"That sounds like a very you way of going out," he agreed. He glanced over when the other man sat down, wrapping his arms more securely around Evelyn.
He looked at you, and then smiled a charming smile, and flicked his long surfer hair back. "Hey there, you look pretty bangin'. I'm Tyler." "Every single surfer dudes name is either Tyler or Blake, you ain't special. Keep your eyes to yourself before I make them into jewelry." The guy's mouth gaped open like a fish, and after he got his drink, he got up and walked away with a disturbed look on his face. "I know how to as well. Expect a bunch of dudes too come up because they won't believe what Tyler Numero Uno is saying about someone as pretty and spunky looking as me. Also you aren't my boyfriend, quit acting like I belong to you yet. We're in the talking stage still. You've gotta work harder then that for me."
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