forum A New Kind Of Chaos (0/0) (CLOSED!) (Stalkers Whale-cum!)
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@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Twili was a bit confused by someone petting her, but when Derlik came into the room she calmed down. He patted her head, slipping in bed with Evelyn.
"You okay?" he asked when he saw the look on her face.

Deleted user

"Yeah…" She just put her head on his chest and pulled the dog into her lap, continuing on loving up on it. It was weird to see her quiet, but this was sad quiet, as troubled thoughts filled her simple mind. She buried her head in her neck. "Help…help me stay little." She said softly, embarrassed to even ask such a thing.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Derlik raised his eyebrows a bit in surprise, but he nodded.
"Okay, baby girl," he said, slipping back into Daddy mode. He pulled Evelyn onto his lap fully, Twili between them. He patted her back, reaching up to scratch her head lightly.
"Which movie do you wanna watch?"

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Evelyn snuggled in. "You pick." She said quietly, giving off a yawn. "But first you need clothes! Can't have your sausage out for the world to see!" She said this with quite the fake cheeriness to her voice, a plastered smile on her face.

Deleted user

She went quiet and snuggled against him, going quiet as she closed her eyes and just relaxed, trying to not focus on the thoughts that began to crash into her mind. You're not good enough for him and you know that. Only a matter of time before he leaves you.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Derlik finished dressing, sitting down with Evelyn on the bed again. He picked up the television remote, taking a moment to figure it out before finally getting a Disney movie on. He patted Evelyn's back again, kissing her head.
"Why don't we color?" he suggested. He wanted to distract her from whatever was making her feel sad.

Deleted user

"I dun wanna color. I just wanna snuggle." She said with a smile, kissing his cheek. She curled right up and pressed her face into his neck, and shyly stuck her thumb in her mouth, too little now to get her paci on her own.

Deleted user

She took it with joy, and she found herself falling asleep in his arms, tired from the days events. And thus she began to make little whines and groans, hiding in his neck. "Nu go sleep…" She mumbled against his neck.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Derlik rocked Evelyn a bit, patting her back still.
"I love you, baby girl," he said gently. Still, it was bed time. He started to sing the lullaby from earlier again, gently coaxing Evelyn to get her to sleep.

Deleted user

"I love you too…" She said quietly. Because she was drifting off she began to wiggle and squirm and move around to keep herself awake, making more whines and grumpy little sounds. She would also be pouting if there wasn't the pacifier in her mouth at the current moment.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Derlik leaned his head on Evelyn's when she started to try to keep herself awake. He kissed her forehead lightly.
"It's time to go to bed," Derlik said gently. He kept sat up, Evelyn in his arms.

Deleted user

"If we're goin' to bed, why we no lay down?" She asked softly, wiggling out of Derlik's arms and sitting next to him. Her arms then latched onto his side, head pressed to his chest. Her eyes shut tight. "No…no lights. No sound…" It seemed her tiredness was getting to her as she mumbled this.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Derlik turned the television off, the lights flickering off for him without him having to get up. He laid down, bringing Evelyn with him.
"Good night, baby girl," Derlik said gently. He pulled the blankets up over them, kissing her head once before falling silent.

Deleted user

"Gnight…" She mumbled as she fell asleep. She woke up groggily the next morning, still pretty little and she groaned and rolled over, covering her face in the sheet and burying her head under the pillow. "No sun." She mumbled, not ready at all for the day.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Derlik woke up soon after Evelyn did, moving closer and wrapping his arms around her again.
"Hey," Derlik said softly, kissing Evelyn's head as best he could. "When did you wake up, Evelyn?"

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"Jus' did Daddy… I dun wanna be awake. Too eaaarly." She whined, putting her arms over the pillow in an attempt to block out the sun light.

Deleted user

"Mhm." She nodded and crawled into his lap. Her brother and the drummer hadn't come back yet, and she wondered what happened to them,but not enough to really look into it.

Deleted user

She nodded. "Mhm. I'm still tired though." She said this as she hugged him tight, burying her head into his neck,sleepy and groggy.

Deleted user

She nodded. "Mhm." She buried her head back into his neck, holding him as close as she could.