forum 1/1 Hades <3 Persephone with @TheElemental_wants_to_stab_something
Started by @Fenrir

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Sarah blinked. It took a moment for her to process what he had said, then she blushed pink, staring at the ground. She was never good at accepting compliments. “Thanks,” she mumbled shyly.


He nodded and glanced at the floor "when do you go back?" he asked, trying to change the subject.


He sighed softly "They don't let you stay longer?" he asked, hoping she would be able to stay "I don't get to see much of you, especially now that the summer months will be comeing."


"I know," she said softly, stopping next to him. "It sucks, and I really, really miss you. But sometimes, you just have to realize that others are in charge of me and can tell me to do things that I want to do. I want to stay."


He rolled his eyes, hating Everytime she brought up that point, knowing he had no contact from over that choice. "Why do you keep making good points that I can't argue against?"


"I'm the king of the Underworld, I dare to go where no one wants." He winked and smiled charmingly


"what can I say? I'm a gentle man to a tee." He laughed softly a d bowed "so where are we heading to?"


"I swear, if they closed this…" Corbin grumbled "ha! Good." He pulled open the door and tugged Sarah in "question, how good is your balance?"


"thats fine, it'll work for this." He pulled her inside "two please." he said, to the counter man up front