forum Share the most recent line in your story
Started by @Starfast group

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Deleted user

"Heh. I never thought I would die at the hands of my soulmate."

Deleted user

"I'll dropkick you to the 5th moon if you don't hand that over."

@Knight-Shives group

"Why did you kiss him if you knew he wanted to murder you anyway?"
"Well for one he was cute… For two I actually remembered to apply snake venom chapstick beforehand. He's definitely dead now."

Deleted user

"In case you all forgot, I'm like, the most ace of all aces. Could you keep the noise down?" she yelled up to the ceiling, receiving a "sorry" and a quieter household. She sipped her coffee, and turned to the next page.

@HighPockets group

"Do have, like, a knife or something?"
"Yeah. Why wouldn't I?"
"Of course you do. You also probably have a handgun, a garrote wire, and a few pairs of brass knuckles."
"Nope. No handgun."


'He told me not to scream and I wasn’t really sure why, until I could feel the small pine needles being stripped from my skin. '

Deleted user

"Gods damn it, why can't you go 5 seconds without stabbing someone?"

@HighPockets group

"Could you please act like a normal human child?" Giana whispered.
"Oh, all right." Robin said with a sigh, and an apple that had been softly floating by fell to the ground with a thud. Giana glared at Robin, who gave her a sheepish smile. They continued forward, with Giana only having to drag Robin away from three vendor's carts before finding the one she wanted.
"Hello dear," an old woman said, peering at Giana from behind the stand. Her gaze drifted to Robin.
"What lovely eyes your friend has!"
"Thank you! I wear them almost every day!" Robin said cheerily, and the woman looked as though she was about to faint.
"You cannot say that to humans," Giana hissed, but Robin didn't seem to be paying attention.

Deleted user

"I love the sounds you make for me, baby. You're being so good." he said. Destiny closed his eyes, whimpering a little, and tried not to feel.


"Get in the cage," Daniel froze. It was already too late to run. Shen stomped toward him and grabbed him by the hair, digging his nails into his scalp. "Get in the goddamn cage!"

@HighPockets group

"Why do you like science so much? Like, the mathy parts and the chemistry."
"I'm not sure. I think that part of it is that there's just one answer, it's not subjective."
"But you like thinking and analyzing."
"I like asking and answering questions that I can get concrete answers to."
"You can get concrete answers in the arts too."
"Yes, but they're not as solid. I like knowing that my answer is right."