forum Share the most recent line in your story
Started by @Starfast group

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@HighPockets group

I know I've said this multiple times but deep down we're all Victor

I wondered if it was Victor. I have so much empathy with the dude.

If it involves science it's probably Victor. Dude same, some of the stuff he goes through just about kills me to write, and he's the one who I find myself thinking of the most.

@Knight-Shives group

"You better not be reading Fanfiction!" Kris yelled as he walked into the house.
Edger startled immediately bookmarked the page of the Fanfiction he was reading then closed out the tabs, shut the computer, and swiped it off of the desk."what???? No!"

@HighPockets group

"Miss Thorn? Miss Thorn, I-"
"Lysander! Rowan told me that the pageboys were killed, how did you-"
"I ran. I ran away. I'm sorry, I failed you. You trained me to be better than that, but I was so scared, and everything happened so fast, I just…"
"I'm just glad you're alive."

Deleted user

"Charlotte, what the hell are you doing?!"
"Currently getting stabbed. How about you, hon?"

@Cookies group

(So funny story my last couple lines were something funny buuut guess who lost their document somehow?? Me. Its me. How did i even do this)


"Now kiss my feet…and worship me," the corners of his lips curled into a malicious smile as Shen began to crawl towards him.

@Mojack group

At the shout, you could see the panic as all the wastelanders separated in hopes of escaping what was about to happen.

Deleted user

Elise held him against the wall by the throat and watched him struggle for what little else he had in life. "True patience means bearing the unbearable," he groaned. Trying to loosen her grip, he continued, "If you are unable to handle the death of one person, you are not fit to be the Queen."

Deleted user

"I know that, but I've been a little -"

"Shut up-"

"Tied up for the past month or two."

"That isn't funny."

"It is."

@Cookies group

(I found it! Also why does crystrell sound like a seagull sksks)
"Ah-ah-ah!" Crys grabbed Misty's other arm.
"Oh God-"
"You and I were also in the middle of something… weren't we?"

@HighPockets group

"You're lucky that Claire survived. I'd have done anything, anything to try and bring her back if she hadn't."
"You can't do that."
"I'd try to, for her."