forum Share the most recent line in your story
Started by @Starfast group

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"We've been set up…" Drake murmured under Raygon's yelling. "Raygon! We've been set up! Get ou-" That's when the building exploded. The lower floor was shredded and the upper floors collapsed, crushing any surviving ruins of the bottom floor.

@Echo_6 group

The two of them stared down the wall, watching as the man disappeared over the horizon. "You should've let me throw him out the window," Donovan said plainly.
"Shut up."


"Now, you are a hero right?" he said, spinning the gun between his hands. "So… knowing 'heroes', you wouldn't let anyone be killed on your watch." He cocked the pistol and pressed it against his own forehead, mania dancing in his eyes.

@Knight-Shives group

"Hello heroes." The man smiled then cut a rope that was attached to a large device that was soon to kill many. "Shouldn't you stop that. Forget about me heroes, save the citizens."
Nightengale laughed "oh I guess you don't know us too well, if you think we will change priorities." Then dozens of knives when at him as a distant thud of the contraption crushing many citizens.



The three kids whirled around, prepared to fight, or run, it depends. They expected a large man or a sly looking female, but all they saw was another kid. He looked pretty harmless. He pushed himself off the fence and landed neatly and silently in front of them. "You guys go to Compass High, right?"

"How did you…?"

Deleted user

"Are you going to give me a monologue about your tragic backstory now?"
"Yea- wait, how did you know?"
"Every enemy of mine does this when we meet, buddy."

@Mojack group

With garbage polluting the area, this could be rather troublesome for further space operations in the future.


“Frances Krista Grohl, where have you been?” She asked jokingly, acting like a scolding mother.

Sheena rolled her eyes slightly. Anarchy was the farthest one could get from a mother.

Frankie rubbed the back of her neck sheepishly. “Sorry, uh, we just uh…”

“Oh, her watch got knocked out of time somehow and I took her to get milkshakes, she just lost track of time.” Penny cut in, smirking slightly at Anarchy.

“Hey, how’d you know to answer when I didn’t ask you?” Anarchy said, laughing even though she was glaring at Penny over Frankie’s head.

“Well, because I was there, silly!” She said, her smile a bit too sweet.

@Echo_6 group

He pressed the dagger closer to Helldor's throat. "You attacked my little sister," the murder in his voice was chilling. "You murdered my best friend. And now you are going to learn why you don't do that."

@Mojack group

Obhil smiled - although it wasn't a friendly gesture, more of a "You're on thin ice, so I suggest you go along with it," type of smile.

@Knight-Shives group

"WHY THE HELL DID YOU LET HIM OUT OF YOUR SIGHT?" He screamed then sighed and whispered, "he's an adorable walking disaster… Where is the nearest animal shelter?"


“Hey, how’d you know to answer when I didn’t ask you?” Anarchy said, laughing even though she was glaring at Penny over Frankie’s head.

“Well, because I was there, silly!” She said, her smile a bit too sweet. Sheena shook her head slightly at Anarchy. No, Frankie’s right here, let it go, calm down-

“And? I asked little Frankie here!” Anarchy said, ruffling up the younger’s hair again with a sarcastic smile.

Sheena stood. “Ya know, I could go for some coffee. I’m gonna go make some. Care to help, Frankie?”

Deleted user

"You're… you're him. The first King of Mon'goezichi!" Abarat readied his blade. "Gods damn you! Why are you fighting against us? We're allied with your grandsons!"

@HighPockets group

"The boy king of Spring is a good king and a better man."
"I bet he'd beg to differ."
"Not many could have withstood what he did in Oleander's clutches."
"And many have had worse done by Oleander. Where are their thrones and crowns, their respect and their praises?"