forum Your personal venting space.
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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I have one app on my phone that, despite being pretty fun, I rarely play, due to the fact that it leeches my battery life like nuts, doesn’t allow my phone to auto turn off, and could easily make the device overheat.
(Fun fact: your phone is nearly twice as likely to overheat and catch fire when playing while charging for long periods of time)

Well last night I somehow managed to open the app without realizing it, and it just sat there constantly heating my phone while I slept in my most warm, fuzzy, and flammable pajamas on this very dry day…
At about 4 AM, I woke up all sweaty, wondering why it got so hot in here, when I noticed a burning feeling on my left shoulder…
There was my phone, still running the stupid game, only now it was hot enough to burn my freaking skin.
I quickly closed the app and all my apps, gave the phone a bit of time to cool, shut it down completely, and made sure my shoulder was okay.

Luckily, my shoulder is fine, just some slight burns, and my phone appears to be undamaged, however if I had left it much longer I doubt that would’ve been the case…


(Also, just to clarify; by slight burns I don’t mean like “oops I licked the iron again”-type burns, more like those sunburn-type burns where you’re not really burned or in pain but the area is now constantly warm and emits an uncomfortable amount of heat)

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I have an app that does that as well which is frustrating because it also doesn’t charge but luckily I’ve never come close to fires from that sort of situation

I have however come close to fires in my house when I was younger from different reasons though

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Hello Mortals! im luna and im taking over Jake for today! don't worry he'll be fine, he just had a bad night.

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I have however come close to fires in my house when I was younger from different reasons though

When..when did this happen??

Before i had proper internet connection so i wouldn't have known you (so really long time ago.) we didn't have very good lighting either and used candles for some stuff which probably wasn't a wise choice at the time but it didnt happen often so dont worry

@Mojack group

I have however come close to fires in my house when I was younger from different reasons though

When..when did this happen??

Before i had proper internet connection so i wouldn't have known you (so really long time ago.) we didn't have very good lighting either and used candles for some stuff which probably wasn't a wise choice at the time but it didnt happen often so dont worry

Ooh that makes sense then. but still, stay safe

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I'm under an unbelievable amount of stress :D

hmm, same here actually. if you'd like to talk about it you may PM me

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I'm a bit sad; yesterday was my birthday (and it was fun and all, but..) and it was my first time not in my birth country to celebrate my birthday. Canada is a nice country to live in and all, but I've lived in Belarus nearly all of my life and adjusting is hard.

it's not even full-on sadness either, it's just weird sadness. I'm sure it'll go away eventually though once I do adjust.


Eh it's not important enough for pms. I have to draw part of our school in art class and I chose the hardest angle, apparently. My whole class is having mental breakdowns and I keep managing to make it harder for myself somehow. In addition to that hell of a project, we have to do weekly drawings for the class (which I always stress myself out over because I try too hard) and I'm also doing inktober during my own limited free time, which usually ends up being during school. Also one of my friends is not being very friendly and she's causing drama in the friend group and I'm just not feeling too good mentally


I'm good, just trying to figure out how guys work so I can draw one
I've only ever been able to draw girls and sometimes portraits of more "pretty" boys if I have an exact photo reference…
I don't have an exact photo reference
This is a lot more difficult than I expected
(it's also a lot of fun though so I refuse to give up)

Deleted user

I'm a bit sad; yesterday was my birthday (and it was fun and all, but..) and it was my first time not in my birth country to celebrate my birthday. Canada is a nice country to live in and all, but I've lived in Belarus nearly all of my life and adjusting is hard.

it's not even full-on sadness either, it's just weird sadness. I'm sure it'll go away eventually though once I do adjust.

i hope the best for you, keep pushing to do your best.

Deleted user

oof so heh….any advice on how to get someone to fall for you??


oof so heh….any advice on how to get someone to fall for you??

Smile at them, glance at them, talk to them as much as you can, do what you can to be sweet and helpful without being clingy
P.S: I'm single don't listen to me

Deleted user

oof so heh….any advice on how to get someone to fall for you??

Smile at them, glance at them, talk to them as much as you can, do what you can to be sweet and helpful without being clingy
P.S: I'm single don't listen to me

alright, well right now he needs a friend, he got broken up with {the ex i still like} so im going to be helping him with everything i can. maybe i can get a chance to be with him again, not now of course in the near future

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are you saying that because of what i said or what (sorry im confuzzled)

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my arms hurt again! can ANYONE guess why?? awkwardly laughs then looks down at ground making no eye contact

Deleted user

my arms hurt again! can ANYONE guess why?? awkwardly laughs then looks down at ground making no eye contact

lifts your head up, why does your arms hurt?

Deleted user

my arms hurt again! can ANYONE guess why?? awkwardly laughs then looks down at ground making no eye contact

lifts your head up, why does your arms hurt?

oh god ….did you…………..hugs you

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