forum Your personal venting space.
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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i can't right now, this is all i have, everything else has been taken away from me, stolen is probably the better word to use

@saor_illust school

Because the ability to protect someone, and help them heal is truly the treasure of the human condition.
That's why.
That's why I'll devote my life to help those in need, those who are my friends, family, and precious to me.
And while I can't speak for the rest of you, I promise I'll be here.

aha yeah
but truer words have never been spoken <333
this is why you're awesome shuri

@saor_illust school

We're here for you Ruby!!!

I have to go to sleep….


I'll even offer you my cat… I love her very much, but I believe that owning a pet can help with stress.


Because the ability to protect someone, and help them heal is truly the treasure of the human condition.
That's why.
That's why I'll devote my life to help those in need, those who are my friends, family, and precious to me.
And while I can't speak for the rest of you, I promise I'll be here.

aha yeah
but truer words have never been spoken <333
this is why you're awesome shuri

You too, chicken wing

@saor_illust school

you dont have to…

But ruby
we want to
because, you see, well i can't speak for everyone but i consider you one of my best friends
and like every single one of my friends, online or ones i've seen less than three inches from me in the physical world, we're all flawed.
no one is perfect
and while that doesn't give anyone excuses to mistreat someone, even if their actions stem from ignorance, it's still not okay.

@saor_illust school

Because the ability to protect someone, and help them heal is truly the treasure of the human condition.
That's why.
That's why I'll devote my life to help those in need, those who are my friends, family, and precious to me.
And while I can't speak for the rest of you, I promise I'll be here.

aha yeah
but truer words have never been spoken <333
this is why you're awesome shuri

You too, chicken wing

aww thanks shuri

@saor_illust school

i know you know this already but
life is tough
and it's not always fair
but you're a strong girl
you know why? you made it into this world
like 14-17 years ago
and you survived this long
you can do it
i believe in you
and the day i'm legally allowed to do this
and when we get closer so this doesn't seem to stalkery-ish
i wanna fly over to australia
just to give you a big ol' hug


Ruby, I know you’ve gotten a load of heartfelt messages, but no matter how late I am I still need to put my two cents in.
I know that everyone has said this, and I know for a fact it’s true for every single one of us: we will not go anywhere. You, as you are, flawed and yet so extremely dear to us, will be helped and lifted up by us for as long as it’s needed. We won’t go anywhere, ever, and anytime you need us at any single time I promise you one of us will be online for anything you need. We’re a team, hell we’re a family, and that means that no matter what you say we’ll be here for you.
We really, really love you, Ruby.

Deleted user

oh amber… love you too <333

edit: oof, i had the other name in there, sorry amb <33

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