forum Your personal venting space.
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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we get a parking lot and a baseball field and are told to disperse

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but yknow something, my ex , WHOM I STILL IN LOVE WITH, helped me…and yesterday we umm….accidentially kissed…i guess i really wanted to kiss him , like badly


I’m just imagining the classic “clumsily dropped your books and fell down a flight of stairs directly into your crush, lips touching” kind of scenario

@Pickles group

I’m just imagining the classic “clumsily dropped your books and fell down a flight of stairs directly into your crush, lips touching” kind of scenario


@Pickles group

Okay, um, try to take deep breaths, drink lots of cold water, maybe something with caffeine if you can, make sure you at breakfast, and believe me, I know it seems like everything's falling apart, but trust me, it will get better
I tried my best, so..

@Mojack group

Alright, little technology vent here.

IpadOS is apparently a step in the right direction in terms of updates.

It deleted all of my safari tabs for the second time just now, glitched my YouTube, and made Twitch run a lot slower for me. Not to mention they changed the controls for getting out of split screen.

I wish it didn’t update automatically so I could hold off of going to iOS 13. Instead, it decides to update at night, without any notifications.

I honestly hope they do fix the bugs.

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Okay, um, try to take deep breaths, drink lots of cold water, maybe something with caffeine if you can, make sure you at breakfast, and believe me, I know it seems like everything's falling apart, but trust me, it will get better
I tried my best, so..

That's not gonna help with my situation, but I appreciate the attempt to help….

Deleted user

i'm sorry mir, i don't quite understand what your saying

Our 'recess' is a parking lot

Deleted user

Well I'm actually doing pretty alright, just normal depression. But. I've been gone for a while just busy with school. Saw my boyfriend 2 days ago (feels like it was just moments ago though) Anyways other then that I'm doing alright. It RAINED TODAY WHEN I WALKED TO SCHOOL so I'm happy. And really really tired.

Deleted user


@TeamMezzo group


yesterday started pretty normal, except I didn't have the before school club i normally do, so i had to take the bus to school. it started raining right as i got to my bus stop. then, this a-hat who i won't name out of respect was… ugh. then, i had a 112(!!!!) point test, after a field trip for orchestra because we had a concert last night(we combine with the other school's orchestra and they usually go slower than us, yesterday was no different). then i had a whole period of notes in german, then the test, then lunch which is always terrible. i spent my free period reading, which was a good de-stresser.
bio: notes! all 50 minutes!
language arts: my teacher had an existential crisis which made class get out late!
algebra: more notes! and word problems, which my brain like doesn't process, love autism amirite?
bus ride home sucked, as per usual. i took a five minute brain break when i got home(at 3:20), then did homework until my mom picked me up for piano(we left the house at 4:10) when i had done my bio homework and almost threw my algebra book across the room.
at piano, the sensory overload started.
i don't remember much of what happened. i just almost had a meltdown.
then, i ate dinner on my way to my orchestra concert. then, it was the concert, which started late and ran long. i got back home at about 7:45, then I continued my algebra homework.
remember that sensory overload? it hadn't gone away. it was still happening. algebra homework ended in a meltdown, I finally got the assignment done at about 11:30.

needless to say, today's been a sleep-deprived, post-meltdown hell. i feel like shit, i just wanna go home and sleep.

sorry this is a long vent, i needed it aha


It seems like you've had a very busy day, maybe you should try mindfulness, anyway take care of yourself mezzo, you can always come to me, or the venting space here when you have panic attacks

@TeamMezzo group

It seems like you've had a very busy day, maybe you should try mindfulness, anyway take care of yourself mezzo, you can always come to me, or the venting space here when you have panic attacks

thanks shuri, we've been trying, it's hard though(especially with it being finals week and the fact that we're a system/autistic). thank you for being here for us <3


Four boys are playing tips or something near me and I'm low key panicking because I keep seeing it in my peripheral vision and I'm really scared of things coming towards me (especially my face) so it's not a good time

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