forum Your personal venting space.
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

people_alt 117 followers

Deleted user

Damn. I don't know shit about things to do in a relationship even though i've been in like 7

same here (i know im practically your everyday slut / whore)

@saor_illust school

Oh izzy did I do that with ours?! I'm so sorry if I did…

No Amber, you're not at fault. It's a certain someone who again, I'm not going to reveal them because I'm not that mean, but they don't follow this discussion, at least I don't think they do.

Deleted user

Me: Gives helpful relationship advice.

Also me: In mid 20's and has always been single….


pats your back its okay at least you're not a whore like me { meaning i am always in some type of relationship}

Deleted user

So i know i talk alot on here but right now im havig really bad visions { i have them alot , as much as i have flashbacks} it feels like the people i want to talk to is talking to me….and with it im crying really REALLY hard… idk what to do anymore…………..

@saor_illust school

Alright so I'm going to call on my inner Shuri-ness and try to actually help someone
Deep breaths, in and out. You can get through this

Uhhh I honestly have no idea what else to say so forgive me if I make things worse

Deleted user

Listen to me, babes.
You gotta focus on us and tell us everything that is going through your mind.
We are here.


I want to cut so much right now I don't know if I can stop myself tonight

Use rubber bands instead. It's what I do when I feel the urge to cut.
or maybe just mark your arm with a sharpie instead, meditate, or occupy yourself with something

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