forum Your personal venting space.
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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I also wacked my good knee on a concrete wall {also at the military training} and now it hurts to bend it
And I've got a good blue bruise
So now I have a brace on one knee and a bandage on the other lol

@saor_illust school

So, um, this was bothering me a really long time ago but I need to rant about this now:

Hello fellow rpers, it's nice to meet you. You all have really awesome ideas, and I understand if sometimes, you can't think of a response so you respond to all your other rps first and spend twenty minutes thinking of a good reply, or you let me know that the rp isn't going the way you wanted and you drop out of it, or you have some grammar or spelling issues. But please, don't just abandon the rp if you don't like the way it's going. I'm not going to mention names, or in this case usernames, but I just remembered about this issue and it really bothers me. I would appreciate if y'all would let us know when you don't like the way it's going, or it's not going the way you thought it would. It really helps me out, and lets me know so I don't have to worry about it.

Okay thanks for listening to my ted talk Imma go hide under a rock now.

Deleted user

Hello ma dudes… so i feel even more like shit. my boyfriend isn't telling me whats been the reason's for his recent night terrors other than the fact that he's seeing me get hurt… i understand some things may be frightening but…i just felt like i did something wrong because most of Friday he barely talked to at all…… me being unsure and stupid af i asked him if he wanted some time alone, and he told me yes… then after i gave him time he was even MORE quiet….and he told me he hated being left alone….and i beat myself up over it because i should've known better………..he said it's not my fault ….but i guess in my past relationships when the guy was silent or wouldn't talk it meant he didn't want me with him or near him……idk what to do to help my boyfriend….it's bringing me down to the point my depression is starting to come back….but if i told him what's on my mind im afraid he's going to get worse…i just really need some help right now… it's hard to talk to Ev anymore and no offence i still barely know half of you >~<

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Hello ma dudes… so i feel even more like shit. my boyfriend isn't telling me whats been the reason's for his recent night terrors other than the fact that he's seeing me get hurt… i understand some things may be frightening but…i just felt like i did something wrong because most of Friday he barely talked to at all…… me being unsure and stupid af i asked him if he wanted some time alone, and he told me yes… then after i gave him time he was even MORE quiet….and he told me he hated being left alone….and i beat myself up over it because i should've known better………..he said it's not my fault ….but i guess in my past relationships when the guy was silent or wouldn't talk it meant he didn't want me with him or near him……idk what to do to help my boyfriend….it's bringing me down to the point my depression is starting to come back….but if i told him what's on my mind im afraid he's going to get worse…i just really need some help right now… it's hard to talk to Ev anymore and no offence i still barely know half of you >~<

Talk to him.

Deleted user

I've tried , but he shoves it away instantly. WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?? i told him im here for him always, and he can talk to me…he used to tell me everything on his mind when we were just friends.

Deleted user

Would you mind me asking what type of guy he is?

the shy, quiet emo type of guy, not really much of a big crowd person

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One of my friends disowned me for literally no reason and all our mutual are equally confused as to why she hates me now.

wait how old r y'all

Like 16

im 15 soon to be 16

Deleted user

Teenage girls are fickle af

eh yeah i mean being a psycial girl is just BLEH, but when you mentally and physically are stronger than most girls in your school its crazy how some people would turn their heads

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Ok…. He'll (hopefully) talk to you when he's ready. Don't try to push him into it; I know that you're worried about him, and that's sweet, but if you push him it'll only make him want a little more distance from you. You can still talk to him about other things though.

Good luck, I hope that this is somewhat helpful!

Deleted user

yeah thanks, i was just lost is all… i havn't been with someone THIS quiet since middle school {junior high for some people}, lets hope he will. (crosses my fingers)

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