forum Your personal venting space.
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

people_alt 117 followers


im interrupting but
honestly i feel so sad and guilty about (re)coming out this summer
cuz they offered to buy me new electronics that they wont control at all, they're nice to me, they take me places, my mom supports me thru depression episodes, everything is finally calm and there's little drama
and when i come out i know it'll be a shock because i've been pretending to be a cis girl for the past year or so bc they threatened me if i didnt do it so i did cuz what was i supposed to do
and they'll get so angry and what little peace we had will be ruined and everything will go to shit and i just dont wanna ruin what we have i'm just so sick of this i just wanna live my life


hello. this is @EllieGrace-Cant-Even I have taken Lolas laptop hostage as I try to connect with you all. I have been grounded until further notice aka "when I gain my mothers trust back" so I have no fucking idea when I shall return to you peeps but I hope it shall be soon. I miss y'all sooo much you guys don't even know. if you want to communicate with me, just give Lola here a message and I will "respond" Lola is my messenger (HI UM, UNWILLINGLY SO BUT OKAY THEN-)pigeon. I will return. I am not dead. I really want to talk to y'all so please don't hate me for being inactive. Lola is now staring over my shoulder. and I am delirous. I have a lot of sugar in my system. and I am very small. I have no money. no access to y'all. so you can imagine the kind of stress I am under. READ MORTAL INSTRUMENTS IF YOU HAVENT ALREADY bye!!!!!!
-Ellie Grace the majestic vampire unikitty!

Hi this is the actual Lola
im going to go write and then fall asleep
plz contact in about seven hours
bye >^<


Hi my homecoming dance was last night and it was really fun but now I'm sore as hecc.
Also the person I thought was my best friend is causing drama in our friend group and putting distance between us and if it goes on like this for much longer I won't be able to stay friends with her. It's basically a form of bullying at this point so that's g r e a t


Not at our good, Christian, homeschool dances, nothing even remotely weird ever happens there because 90% of the people there are related and every single family has 47 children

Well, I say that, weird stuff does happen but not that kind of weird, I mean two of my Discord friends interrupted the music to start a 20-minute long Christian rap battle filled with terrible roasts and not a single swear word in sight kind of weird
(I recorded the entire thing on my phone for proof)




yeets all the hugs, cookies, love, and presents @ you because you are amazing and deserve the world

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