forum Your personal venting space.
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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Guys, I made the mistake of telling my dad that I want to be an author, and now he keeps pressuring me to finish writing one of my stories. Mind you that this man totally doesn't understand the concept of writers' block, nor does he understand that I switch between my numerous stories when I get stuck. Thus is very frustrating to me, and he's sucking the joy that I get out of writing. Ugh!!!!!!!!!!

I have a kinda similar but very different problem. I told my mother I want to go to art school but she doesn't like that, saying "art doesn't pay the bills". She's trying to pressure me into university but I DON'T KNOW WHAT I WANT TO DO get off my back!


And….also, I agree. Don't fall in love with guys, cause that's not what you do when you're…I dunno, younger than like twenty or something. My parents say I shouldn't get a boyfriend until I graduate college and have a job. Though you guys might be different, I still think you shouldn't date in middle school or maybe high school. It just doesn't make sense, since you don't know if the other person truly loves you, or just wants to have a boy/girl friend. I mean, that person is still trying to figure themselves out and you're trying to figure yourself out so try finding someone when you have yourself together first. Don't let finding a girl/boy friend or having one keep you from other things, like school or doing what you enjoy. That person shouldn't be hogging your life, but they should be a healthy part of it. Why did I write this much somebody help me hahahaha

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