forum Your personal venting space.
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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I ALSO FEEL SAD. i was going to surprise someone for homecoming with a big banner and snacks.. But sadly everyone that i'd want to go with is'nt going…. half of them dont even like me…..

Deleted user

I ALSO FEEL SAD. i was going to surprise someone for homecoming with a big banner and snacks.. But sadly everyone that i'd want to go with is'nt going…. half of them dont even like me…..

I was that human who was going to go but alas, Ren fair. I would rather go to hoco with my friends then Ren fair but, whatever. There's always next year.


Guess who just found out they have to work tonight and Friday and babysit Saturday and has a headache and have to go to a mandatory club meeting but need to go to math tutoring and I have a biotechnology test today and a math test tomorrow and I want to die this week


nah im just really tired but ty

Why are you so tired?

im p low on energy normally bc Teenager and Mentally Ill but i wake up at 5:45 for school so that takes whatever was left

Deleted user

Haha guess who has overly strict parents and 3 missing assignments their parents are shitting bricks about??? MEEEEE! Guess whose fault it is? Partially not miiiiiiine. Guess whose going to instead of doing my work go to the mall with my boyfriend and our best friend? Duh. Me. I can do the missing work once i get back.

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

nah im just really tired but ty

Why are you so tired?

im p low on energy normally bc Teenager and Mentally Ill but i wake up at 5:45 for school so that takes whatever was left

Ah, I see…. I was gonna guess that you were up all night doing nothing but homework; this has happened to me several times.


nah im just really tired but ty

Why are you so tired?

im p low on energy normally bc Teenager and Mentally Ill but i wake up at 5:45 for school so that takes whatever was left

Damn that sounds exhausting, what time do you go to sleep at my guy?


Haha guess who has overly strict parents and 3 missing assignments their parents are shitting bricks about??? MEEEEE! Guess whose fault it is? Partially not miiiiiiine. Guess whose going to instead of doing my work go to the mall with my boyfriend and our best friend? Duh. Me. I can do the missing work once i get back.

Ev I get you I have those parents I mean I……kinda like all my friends because of my parents…. but hey hahaha

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