forum Your personal venting space.
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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@GameMaster group

I'm really nervous because I finally got prescription acne medication but it makes stuff worse for a lot of people but I feel obliged to try it out for the three months. Plus they literally gave so little instruction on how to use the seemingly medical grade products or what order to use them in so now I'm just really fricken stressed out. Has anyone here used retin-a or whatever it's called. Did it make stuff worse or better?


i accidentally fell asleep some four ish hours ago and woke up an hour ago. why couldn't i just sleep through the night, man? now i'm gonna be awake for a while cuz of a random nap -_- it's past midnight already


Piece of advice-
Do not ask someone if they’re okay in passing. If you see someone looking sad and you care enough to ask, don’t ask them if they’re okay but not stop to hear their answer. Don’t just walk past.
If you’re going to ask, stop and listen to their fucking answer.


Piece of advice-
Do not ask someone if they’re okay in passing. If you see someone looking sad and you care enough to ask, don’t ask them if they’re okay but not stop to hear their answer. Don’t just walk past.
If you’re going to ask, stop and listen to their fucking answer.

But also social amxiety has caused me to do this a lot.
Definitely not on purpose


Guys, if you're mad at someone, don't freaking MAKE THEM FIGURE IT OUT. IF THEY ASK WHY IT'S PROBABLY BECAUSE THEY'RE TRYING TO BE A GOOD FRIEND AND CAN'T FIGURE IT OUT/ CAN'T REMEMBER. MY FRIEND JUST DID THIS TO MEEE….. (I have the slightest clue why she's mad but she half denied it when I asked her.)

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