forum Your personal venting space.
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

people_alt 117 followers


Oh Miriam
You should speak up about it.
Speak to your principle, school counselors, teachers, friends, anyone
That's literal abuse.
That is manipulative emotional abuse


Literally, when I told my counselor about my similar situation, she called me insane and called my parents (but your counselors might be better than mine, therefore it's probably a good idea to go to them)


School counselors rarely help. That's why they're there and not somewhere better

I deadass wanted to say it straight up but I didn't want it to seem as though im preventing her from getting any help.


(You guys arguing over who’s the most annoying… Yeah, jokes on you, I’m actually the most annoying, because unlike many, I didn’t give myself that nickname…)

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Sorry to interrupt y'all but SHURI PLEASE I need relaxing bird memes

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  • New Guy Simon, Ev's friend
  • Difficult homework
  • Ruby not sleeping
  • My stupid problems

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  • New Guy Simon, Ev's friend
  • Difficult homework
  • Ruby not sleeping
  • My stupid problems

Sounds cool. Ruby, I'm late and I don't have context, but you need to sleep. Also,,, Miriam what the heCk, your problems aren't stupid-

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