forum Your personal venting space.
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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Miriam you're hilarious

Awwww thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

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I have legit work to do that I told myself I'd start at 3:00 but yet hERE WE ARE AT 3:05 AND I CAN COUNT ALL MY REGRETS ON ONE HAND

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If you could just yell at me to start working that'd be fantastic, Shur

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  1. Ruby my dear sleeeeeep! Ya need it


i’m back now, and i didn’t get lots of it

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That sad moment where no one knows Darren Criss from his true form of entertainment.


lads im watching glee and blaine just walked in and my god HOTTIE

Blaine is a holy being.

god he is. fkhmbjketrhnhbkrn so pretty i wanna cry his ey e brows
idk if kurt is gna end up to be an ass but so far they're cute together


Oh mannn you're already so close to the s2 crescendo :o
I swear Glee is the ultimate teen show, I love it and its characters so much..
Fun fact, Chris Colfer auditioned for Artie, bur they loved him so much that they wrote Kurt in just for him

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