forum Your personal venting space.
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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stay tuned for the next episode where ev spills the tea..

Right here on 🤘 Disney Channel

[draws tea pot with magic wand thing-y they use ah]

(I don't know how to do that with emojis so here we are with a rock symbol)

saaaa dude! aha

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omfg i LOVE THIS!! aha


Hey, can you guys please just yell at me for a moment?
Thank you

Ella I will not yell at you unless there is very very valid reason, which I highly doubt there is. What's up?

Deleted user

Regarding what, unless you'd rather not say?

yeah, you don't have to tell us but we are here if you want to talk to us <3

Deleted user

SO. Connor. CJ. CJ and them have been dating for like oh, a few months? Over the summer, into last school year and into this school year. I went to summer school with Connor. He was constantly hitting on me, though he gave CJ a promise ring right? Right. Anyways. He caused me and my boyfriend to nearly break up 3 times. And so then let's fast forward. CJ fucked Connors best friend right? She thought he was getting bored of her, and reassured her he wasn't, things went silent. Then a few days later they break up and it turns out, he was cheating anyways. Also I'm crying right now because of one of my closest friends.


Well… Uhhh…
I have a problem that I really can’t talk about, been dealing with it for years now, and the weight of it only really hit me a few months ago… To most people, it wouldn’t be considered a big deal, but I’m worried if I’m unable to stop, things might get worse and develop into a much, much bigger problem which I, personally, would rather avoid. I’ve tried everything I can to force myself to give up this issue, from taking baby steps and giving myself all sorts of positive messages/motivation/advice, to tears, distractions, and inflicting minor pain upon myself… I can’t really give much more detail than that but I’m thinking maybe if other people yell at me instead of me yelling at myself then maybe things might be more effective…???

I really don’t know

I’m tired

Please don’t judge me too harshly

Note: with my extremely vague wording it probably sounds way worse than it really is, I swear I’m not doing anything illegal or life-threatening, don’t worry

@TeamMezzo group

Well… Uhhh…
I have a problem that I really can’t talk about, been dealing with it for years now, and the weight of it only really hit me a few months ago… To most people, it wouldn’t be considered a big deal, but I’m worried if I’m unable to stop, things might get worse and develop into a much, much bigger problem which I, personally, would rather avoid. I’ve tried everything I can to force myself to give up this issue, from taking baby steps and giving myself all sorts of positive messages/motivation/advice, to tears, distractions, and inflicting minor pain upon myself… I can’t really give much more detail than that but I’m thinking maybe if other people yell at me instead of me yelling at myself then maybe things might be more effective…???

I really don’t know

I’m tired

Please don’t judge me too harshly

Note: with my extremely vague wording it probably sounds way worse than it really is, I swear I’m not doing anything illegal or life-threatening, don’t worry

hey i can't yell at you, only remind you that you're amazing and wonderful and deserve the world, pm's are always open if you need anyone

Deleted user

SO. Connor. CJ. CJ and them have been dating for like oh, a few months? Over the summer, into last school year and into this school year. I went to summer school with Connor. He was constantly hitting on me, though he gave CJ a promise ring right? Right. Anyways. He caused me and my boyfriend to nearly break up 3 times. And so then let's fast forward. CJ fucked Connors best friend right? She thought he was getting bored of her, and reassured her he wasn't, things went silent. Then a few days later they break up and it turns out, he was cheating anyways. Also I'm crying right now because of one of my closest friends.

oh sweetie, it's okay, you can get through this <3

Deleted user

I went to grab the phone which he stole to give to back my other friend he stole from me, not knowing that it was on the floor and not between his legs. All I saw was the fact that he put a phone between his legs. So then Jakob punches me in the stomach, and in the arm, and in the ribs, and now I'm curled up in a corner crying.

Deleted user

Well… Uhhh…
I have a problem that I really can’t talk about, been dealing with it for years now, and the weight of it only really hit me a few months ago… To most people, it wouldn’t be considered a big deal, but I’m worried if I’m unable to stop, things might get worse and develop into a much, much bigger problem which I, personally, would rather avoid. I’ve tried everything I can to force myself to give up this issue, from taking baby steps and giving myself all sorts of positive messages/motivation/advice, to tears, distractions, and inflicting minor pain upon myself… I can’t really give much more detail than that but I’m thinking maybe if other people yell at me instead of me yelling at myself then maybe things might be more effective…???

I really don’t know

I’m tired

Please don’t judge me too harshly

Note: with my extremely vague wording it probably sounds way worse than it really is, I swear I’m not doing anything illegal or life-threatening, don’t worry

oh darling, i'm not going to yell at you because you are so sweet and amazing and gorgeous <3
pm's are open hun.


Ella honey, whatever it is I don't think yelling is the right approach. I'd say talk through it but I totally get it if you'd rather pm or not at all, I'm definitely not going to make you talk if you don't want to. Don't treat yourself too harshly though, we've all got stuff and most of the courage goes into acknowledging it.

Deleted user

I went to grab the phone which he stole to give to back my other friend he stole from me, not knowing that it was on the floor and not between his legs. All I saw was the fact that he put a phone between his legs. So then Jakob punches me in the stomach, and in the arm, and in the ribs, and now I'm curled up in a corner crying.

ev omg are you okay?!
thats not okay, they shouldnt be doing that.
pm's are wide open if you want to talk hun <3

Deleted user

It's fine…he whispered sorry to me when walking by. But now I'm starving myself instead of eating because the fucking lunch lady wouldn't let me get food to eat in class. Stupid administrators. I'm also now in constant mental breakdown mode. Just another day of personal hell.

Deleted user

It's whatever. Pretty used to it. Life has been treating me suspiciously good up until oh a little while ago, so definitely expected things to go to shit.

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