forum Your personal venting space.
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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It’s not exactly something i’ve done recently

I’ve been semi-ignoring my best friend for quite a while and just now realized it.
It’s not that I don’t want to talk to her, in fact, our conversations are often the highlight of my day, I just don’t want to talk to her friend’s friends, who talk to each other on Discord frequently, and I just happen to be in two different group chats with them. They aren’t bad or annoying people in any way, I just don’t like their sense of humor and it often makes me uncomfortable, so I only talk to them occasionally, and ignore their messages to each other.

But, since all of my notifications are grouped together, I don’t realize when the people I do want to talk to message me, and I forget to check, so as a result, I end up ignoring my closest friends…

Same with another friend that I talk to through Gmail. I get so many spam notifications that I don’t see my friend’s emails, and end up ignoring her.

It’s been this way for months. I feel kind of awful.

Deleted user

I'm weird and should probably be on meds but that's not going to happen

um. Why though-

@Pickles group

I'm weird and should probably be on meds but that's not going to happen

um. Why though-

Because my parents refuse to recognize the fact that there's anything wrong with me

Deleted user

I'm weird and should probably be on meds but that's not going to happen

um. Why though-

Because my parents refuse to recognize the fact that there's anything wrong with me

Oh oof, that really sucks. I'm sorry about that


Also, not a vent but I’m going on a really long car ride tomorrow so I’ll probably be on a lot.

…Just saying that in case anyone wants to talk to me then so I don’t die of bored

@Pickles group

Idk, I feel like there are things I should definitely at least get checked out because I'm paranoid and I assume I have everything but I also don't want them to think I'm making excuses or pretending, you know?

Deleted user

That's perfectly reasonable, Pickles. Have you told them that? Will they not listen to reason or can they be persuaded?

Deleted user

Anyone have some bruised knuckle tips?


@Pickles group

That's perfectly reasonable, Pickles. Have you told them that? Will they not listen to reason or can they be persuaded?

And a lot of it is me feeling super anxious for a few hours or so and then nothing and sometimes I think I'm making it up because I'm not even anxious all the time and just thinking about it makes me feel like a terrible person


Amber didn't punch anyone, and she's all right, by the way she told me to tell each and every one of you how amazing she thinks you are. She said she would be nothing without you guys, even I disagree with that statement I will say you guys are amazing. In any case I hope she sees this tomorrow and I hope you guys pay attention to what she told me to say. Now Amber, is a very fascinating person, but then again I suppose every single one of us is.

Deleted user

I hate school with a passion. I have all honors classes and it's just 😤

school sucks, i agree

Deleted user

So apparently I'm actually sick so I'm not going to school tomorrow oof


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