forum Your personal venting space.
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

people_alt 117 followers


One last thing (I'm Sorry): I know I'm in Honors and AP classes, but that does not make it okay to assign a 1000 word essay on some thing in our lives that inspire hope and make it due in two days, a lab + lab report, like 20 different Algebra homework assignments (I suck at math), three worksheets for a photography class, and expect me to carry three(3) 2 inch binders, five (5) compositions, and around fifty (50) pounds of paper back and forth between school every flipping day. WE ARE CHILDREN IN THE FIRST WEEK OF SCHOOL STROP TORTURING US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Would you like help with it?


One last thing (I'm Sorry): I know I'm in Honors and AP classes, but that does not make it okay to assign a 1000 word essay on some thing in our lives that inspire hope and make it due in two days, a lab + lab report, like 20 different Algebra homework assignments (I suck at math), three worksheets for a photography class, and expect me to carry three(3) 2 inch binders, five (5) compositions, and around fifty (50) pounds of paper back and forth between school every flipping day. WE ARE CHILDREN IN THE FIRST WEEK OF SCHOOL STROP TORTURING US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Would you like help with it?

Nah, I'm used to suffering alone


IDK, MCR is supporting me with Welcome to the Black Parade baring, but if you wish to help, then go ahead, y'all are like my free therapy


Guys, off-topic, but I found a really cute cat and I'm keeping him. I may be allergic but sacrifices must be made.

Sacrifices must be made including having to drink water to live. I hate water. hate hate HATE!

Deleted user

What happened? istg it's prolly gonna be some tragic backstory like you watched someone drown or smtn

@Mojack group

I used to not really find the taste that appealing a few years ago but it was because my tap water wasn’t that clean either. Now it is.

I still don’t drink enough water though.


Nope, I just found a drink I liked more and now water is just so tasteless to me. So yeah. Oh and I actually love to swim. So yep. But I did get pushed into a pool, before I could swim, and it was scary. But that has nothing to do with me hating water. I just got off topic. Oops.

Deleted user

Oh mood. Well, @everyonewhodoesn'tlikewater try not to become dehydrated ok?

Deleted user

So I'm having an asthma attack from the cat I found. And he just scratched me. Like really?? IM SUFFERING FOR YOU WHY MUST YOU BE MEAN? And I wasn't even doing anything, I was just sitting there and he came up to me and was like hIsS HiSs Mf I hAtE yOu
Anyway. Rant over. I've gotta find a home for this cat.

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