forum Your personal venting space.
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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Ok. I know this is a really petty reason to get upset, but, I’ve always been in the group of kids in my grade that are labeled “the smart and artistic ones.” Well, everyone but me and one of my friends from that group got a badge to put on our uniforms because they were smarter than us. I was upset, but I wasn’t alone, later on, all of my friends, including the one mentioned earlier, got theater badges for good acting. Except me. A few got some other badges, not me. I’m the only one without a badge and I was going to buy a cute little ice cream badge to put in my uniform so I wouldn’t be alone. But my parents said no. Now I’m going into eight grade, not smart enough, not good enough at the arts and not nearly as pretty as my friends. I can’t physically play sports. Now I don’t even have a badge to wear. Sorry if you read my whole petty “issue”. I’ll go now.

That's not petty at all. It's a valid reason. Have you asked why literally everyone but you got a badge but you didn't?
Who gave out the badges, are they biased?


Yeah ok so there's your reason.
Now, I don't have the authority of a teacher but I'd like to bestow upon you my respect and admiration. Unfortunately it's not a literal thing I can give you, and tbh you kinda already had it but well, just to let you know. You've been nothing but a blessing to this place ever since I met you.
Thank you!

yeets fuzzy blankets and tea at you unless you don't like tea in which case coffee

@Mojack group

I’ve been doing a voice lately but I don’t think I can do that specific voice anymore because I’ve come to terms that it’s messing up my throat. It’s been sore the past few days and I can’t speak for long periods because of how dry it gets sometimes. And I have no idea if it has any correlation but I was also able to tell there was some blood in it.
I’m a bit disappointed I can’t do that voice anymore, but physical (and mental) health comes first.

@Pickles group

My toes crack every time I wiggle them. They have for years and I don't know why or how to fix it. I'm getting really fed up with them. Kay that was weird bye

Deleted user

My toes crack every time I wiggle them. They have for years and I don't know why or how to fix it. I'm getting really fed up with them. Kay that was weird bye

I have that same problem! Except it's with my spine. And it happens whenever I breathe.


Dude, for my video production class, we are making a commercial and my group of like three other people suck. First off, I had no say in what our product was (Toilet paper, Who the F chooses toilet paper) Second, for filling out part of our paper, nobody gave any recognition to what I said, one of the girls then would repeat and everybody loved it! Third, coming up with with the actual commercial, I gave them all funny ideas (My teacher and other friends in the class loved them) but they all said they were stupid and them made the idea to put googly eyes on the toilet paper and have a girl hold it while the paper disses Charmin. And when I had to write down our shot list, one of the kids was going to fast and i asked him to slow down and He totally ignored me, so I borrowed the paper of a nicer guy in the group and he was the furthest along, but the original guy who was talking to fast just yelled at me for stealing and how only one kid needs to write it down and when the bell rang, he went up to get the paper signed and the teacher got pissed at me for "being the eldest on the group" and "Not keeping the group on track" when two of the other kids were seniors (I'm a junior) and yeah, I know it is a stupid reason to be petty, but I really want to kill them.


No, which in my opinion is stupid. It doesn't help that I have a paper and like 50 assignments though, I'm sorry, I probably sound like a whiny brat. The only good thing going on is creating my demoness character whose name I don't know yet and reading my book (Good Omens and no I haven't seen the show)


Yo it's a rant, apologizing kinda ruins the flow, lol.
And oof. I completely agree with Shuri. Tell the teacher, don't let the group drag you down.


No, which in my opinion is stupid. It doesn't help that I have a paper and like 50 assignments though, I'm sorry, I probably sound like a whiny brat. The only good thing going on is creating my demoness character whose name I don't know yet and reading my book (Good Omens and no I haven't seen the show)

IT'S SO GOOD i havent seen the show yet either

Deleted user

Guys, off-topic, but I found a really cute cat and I'm keeping him. I may be allergic but sacrifices must be made.


One last thing (I'm Sorry): I know I'm in Honors and AP classes, but that does not make it okay to assign a 1000 word essay on some thing in our lives that inspire hope and make it due in two days, a lab + lab report, like 20 different Algebra homework assignments (I suck at math), three worksheets for a photography class, and expect me to carry three(3) 2 inch binders, five (5) compositions, and around fifty (50) pounds of paper back and forth between school every flipping day. WE ARE CHILDREN IN THE FIRST WEEK OF SCHOOL STROP TORTURING US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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