forum We're moving in together (closed)
Started by @berlioz

people_alt 63 followers

Deleted user

Ah, also, fair warning, all of you will be stopped at some point by me just dumping a bunch of stuff I just learned onto you.


Ah, also, fair warning, all of you will be stopped at some point by me just dumping a bunch of stuff I just learned onto you.

And I'll love it


Oh and something I forgot to add to my resume:
I’m pretty lenient when it comes to smoking, just do it in the garden, however if you want to bring any substance other than tobacco, weed or alcohol into the building I ask that you run it by me first.

I’d like to add in my thoughts about this stuff
Please do it outside or at least not near me. Weed is the same. And drinking I’m just cool with.


uhhh i dont think it's been planned who i'm sharing with yet
but i'd love to room with ella

As long as ash is okay with it then hecc yes


On the subject of smoking/vaping/weed:

If you smoke/vape inside the building, I will personally make your life hell. Keep that shit at least 10 yards from the building, and we'll be chill.

Edibles are fine for now, but are on thin fucking ice. Do not misuse them, and we'll be chill. Same goes for alcohol.

Deleted user

Life skills (cleaning, repair, cooking): I can organize things pretty well. I can also fix electronics and help with furbabies.
Potentially annoying things:Tired Miriam. Dissociation you might have to pull me out of. I'm pretty good with wine, but other alcohol will send me into a panic attack and possibly a flashback. Lots of triggers. If you point things at me aggressively I might also have a panic attack, and I might go into self-defense mode because of my history with having weapons pointed at me. Loud Eminem music.

Potentially beneficial things that aren't life skills: I will yell at anyone and everyone for you. I will cover for you. I'm bringing Hershey, and he's an obvious plus. I will read Edgar Allan Poe to you. I will teach you Eminem. I can use my witch shit to keep away those notorious bad vibes.

Deleted user

I can deal with wine, but otherwise please keep alcohol away from me 10000% of the time. I love y'all, but I'm not willing to trigger my PTSD for you. If you get drunk, also stay away. Do not leave bottles out and about. I will have flashbacks.

Deleted user

I want to room with Dom

Same, and Zach bc they can d r i ve

Okay, but I most likely will hardly talk to you. I just can't lmao. But I'd gladly drive you places.

Zach can drive?????????

Deleted user

Would you be down to go on late-night drives to random places with me?


Also, on the topic of drugs, if you are going out, especially at night, you have to tell one of us or leave a note. If you get kidnapped, too drunk or drugged up to get home, then someone needs to know that you left in the first place, or something bad might happen. Going along with that, answer your freaking phone if we're at home worried and you're out somewhere.

@The-Magician group

If anyone gets drunk and does not respect the wishes of others to stay away, I personally will be dealing with them and you will face consequences.
The same applies for those who do not run it past me if they wish to bring anything I did not mention into the building.

@Anemone eco

Would you be down to go on late-night drives to random places with me?

Sure, I would. I trust you enough.

Deleted user

Ah, idea!
Maybe we have a list of our triggers in the main room?
Just in case you know