forum We're moving in together (closed)
Started by @berlioz

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@HighPockets group

Life skills: I can cook a bit, clean dishes super quickly, bus tables, and I have a good eye for interior design
Potentially annoying things: I have my earbuds in a lot, sometimes I get very upset and yell at people, I sing a lot randomly, and I will insist on taking all of my books with me.
Potentially beneficial things that aren't life skills: I can sort of play the trumpet, I memorized the prologue for Henry V, and I know a lot of showtunes because I can listen to a song a few times and have it fully memorized. I'm also okay at photography. Also I'm a good team player and pretty good at softball.

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Honestly, I'll end up being a parent even while being the youngest and I know it
I will bully you all into taking care of yourselves

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I think I'll leave my dogs with my family then
I'm sure you all don't want two mastiffs bothering you, plus they don't like cats very much.


Potentially annoying things:
Constantly tapping my fingernails on stuff, easily scared, really bad but quiet singing, ridiculously large amount of odd fears and triggers that come and go at any point without warning, forgets everything unless constantly reminded by the people around me, almost always zoned out, tend to get paint, charcoal, or nail polish on things, rarely make my bed, the list goes on

Potentially beneficial things that aren’t life skills:
The before mentioned guacamole, drawing, and photo/gif editing, along with mediocre animation, sound/video editing, I know a lot of odd dessert recipes, am decent at sewing, always up for hugs, can make a pretty good chai latte, and am willing to do just about anything with you, whether that’s shopping trips or outdoor camping


Oh, to add to my resume thing, Ella reminded me. I have barista training so coffee, tea, latte, whatever I can make it.


Life skills (cleaning, repair, cooking): I'm very good at staying clean and being organized. I have a green thumb. I'm a pretty decent driver. I work. I know how to do laundry. I know how to plan ahead and budget. I can repair most jewellery. I can cook, but I'd like to limit that to once a week, it's pretty draining on me. I actually like doing the dishes.
Potentially annoying things: I'm a neat freak, germaphobe, and very anal. Don't touch my stuff without asking or I will lose my shit. I'm very much an introvert and there will be days where I refuse to leave the room except to get food. Also, my default walk is that of a ninja, and I have accidentally scared many people because of this.
Potentially beneficial things that aren't life skills: I won't touch your stuff without asking. I will cover for you if you ask me to (like keeping a stash of things hidden). I'm quiet. I'm always open to talking if need be. I will help take care of any animal we have. I tend to share more if I view you as a trusted friend.

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Oh I should probably add some more things to mine

Don't touch nor move my things around, I will get very pissed.
If you're having a bad day, just text me and I'll bring some food and tea to your room.
I can do dishes and I always wipe down the counters, especially the kitchen counters.

@The-Magician group

Oh and something I forgot to add to my resume:
I’m pretty lenient when it comes to smoking, just do it in the garden, however if you want to bring any substance other than tobacco, weed or alcohol into the building I ask that you run it by me first.

@Anemone eco

I want to room with Dom

Same, and Zach bc they can d r i ve

Okay, but I most likely will hardly talk to you. I just can't lmao. But I'd gladly drive you places.


@Moxie Well I mean if we find like a Japanese style condo in Germany then that’s pretty much what it will be.

There are some that have like a few floors of rooms, you access them through an elevator, and there’s a bathroom on each floor. Then on the first floor you have a communal kitchen and living room, and the ground floor is where like all the laundry stuff is done.

Is there my hall closet in ther