forum We're moving in together (closed)
Started by @berlioz

people_alt 63 followers


What did I miss and who am I rooming with?????

sorry ella, i still love you tho

it’s alright lol we’re still in the same house

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

What did I miss and who am I rooming with?????

sorry ella, i still love you tho

Is this cause I know how to make mac and cheese??
Also I'm easily lured by books and soft things.
And I still want my snek


Another possible pro:
I am always willing to share my midnight munchies with y’all
and I found a recipe for ice cream mochi so that’ll be fun


Okay can people please name who they would like to share with. Literally just name them.

The Hall Closet and my complete collection of teddy bears
Unless I get a room which means a human too I guess
I don’t really know anyone that well

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

have no preference as to who I room with. I just need access to internet, food, and books.
And a comfy spot from which to watch the chaos of the world around me.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

uhhh i dont think it's been planned who i'm sharing with yet
but i'd love to room with ella

As long as ash is okay with it then hecc yes

yay !!

I'm absolutely okay with it


I heard games? I love games.

Also, I have no confirmed roommate(s), like at all. Though, I'm sure Eris wouldn't mind rooming with me (hopefully).

@saor_illust school

Life skills:
Cooking, baking, cleaning, basic fix it knowledge and organizational prowess. (You need all the things to fit somewhere, I'm ya girl!)
Annoying things: easily distracted, super fidgety, will sing along if I know the song, (doesn't matter what song), will be a couch potato all day if possible, is very good at delegating and making others do my work.
Idk what the other category is but I'm also a night owl and my room is always messy and I like leaving windows open even in winter.

would you be up to cooking stuff for me late at night when i feel v lazy?

Sure! But you have to do the resulting dishes.

that's fine!

@saor_illust school

What did I miss and who am I rooming with?????

sorry ella, i still love you tho

Is this cause I know how to make mac and cheese??
Also I'm easily lured by books and soft things.
And I still want my snek

lol, but i also rly appreciate you as a fren too
and your snek is fine
as long as i don't have to hold it or feed it dead frozen mice or anything

Deleted user

Me and Mir are roomies
We gotta be emo together, well, her emo, me punk

@saor_illust school

I don't care who I'm roomies with as long as they're fine with me bingeing One Piece at unholy hours of the night

if wolfy's fine with it, i wanna room with ya
so i can spoil one piece at random hours of the night for myself when i'm bored


I don't care who I'm roomies with as long as they're fine with me bingeing One Piece at unholy hours of the night

Then if I get a legitimate room then I’ll board with you because I don’t mind anime

Deleted user

Me and Mir are roomies
We gotta be emo together, well, her emo, me punk

the TEA