forum We're moving in together (closed)
Started by @berlioz

people_alt 63 followers

@The-Magician group

We should have dinner together at least once a week and we should have a schedule for who does which week

I like that we are on the same wave length at the moment

The planning sides of us are coming out

To be fair, I’ve been planning something like this for a good 4 years

Deleted user

Haha, don't trust me with money. I'm impulsive-

@Moxie group

Is anyone good at finances? I don't work well with numbers or money, so who'll keep track of all that?

Lee said they are. Idk about anyone else

Deleted user

It'll be like eleven pm and you'll faintly hear welcome to the black parade and me and mir sobbing


We're a mess

A pretty cute mess

@The-Magician group

Is anyone good at finances? I don't work well with numbers or money, so who'll keep track of all that?

Lee said they are. Idk about anyone else

I hear my name?
Yeah my mum has been drilling it into me since I was old enough to wash the dishes (8) so it’s like a second nature for me now

@Pickles group

For the most part, I really only like bland things and pasta. I can make something else for myself on nights that I don't like what we're having

@Anemone eco

We all have to learn German now

I will stick with the languages I already know. I think knowing another will only serve to confuse me.

@Pickles group

To all the picky eaters: will you eat box mac and cheese and/or a PBJ?
It'll be easiest if we can find something simple and kind of quick to have in supply
Also, I volunteer to make a menu of what we're having when me who's making it

Deleted user

To all the picky eaters: will you eat box mac and cheese and/or a PBJ?
It'll be easiest if we can find something simple and kind of quick to have in supply
Also, I volunteer to make a menu of what we're having when me who's making it

omg mac and cheese

@The-Magician group

Hey @Coffee can you post the doc sometime soon
(Not being rude I just wanna look at it)

Yeah of course, I have something I need to do first for my family