forum We're moving in together (closed)
Started by @berlioz

people_alt 63 followers


So history check. Boomers were after the Great Depression. I am ashamed.

Well boomers do have this “that’s how I was raised and I turned out alright so your child should be raised that way too” mindset so maybe that explains it


I'm not too picky, except when it comes to textures. I cannot handle squishy/gooey/chewy textures in my mouth, no matter how good the flavor is. Mushrooms? Nope. Pudding and jello? No way. Marshmellows? They need to be set on fire first.

@Moxie group

Also. With the roomates. I say no yiff in the house. Go somewhere else. I do not want anyone stumbling in.

Okay. I'm not saying this because I think I would be doing a lot of that in the house
But where the heck else would we do that, outside???

I’d like to remind you that you’re sharing with me

Hey Pumba not in front of the kids


Unless you're rich, it's very irresponsible to be picky. (You may give food you don't like to others. But absolutely no food shall be thrown away.)

Have you ever heard of LEFTOVERS
You make the food and if someone doesn't want it, they don't fucking take it Dominic. They take something else instead and no matter what, the leftovers get put in the fridge and eaten later. It's not wasting it by not taking it

Yeah but what's the other food? Would we be making more than one lunch??

Nah, they’ll probably heat up leftovers from other meals
That’s how it is at my house


Don't forget it's entirely possible for individuals, groups, or the whole group to go out to eat, so if we want a"family night" but can't decide on a meal, we can just find a restaurant that has something we all like.

@Moxie group

Don't forget it's entirely possible for individuals, groups, or the whole group to go out to eat, so if we want a"family night" but can't decide on a meal, we can just find a restaurant that has something we all like.

Sometimes you just gotta order pizza

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

So history check. Boomers were after the Great Depression. I am ashamed.

The reason they're called Boomers is because they were born in the post-WWII baby boom

Boomers talk about their shitty lives and growing up in hard times anyways so it really doesn't matter

@Pickles group

Oh we should get a list of allergies and dietary restrictions so we can have options at communal meals

That would fall under the picky eaters category
If you can't or won't eat it, have leftovers or make something else.

Deleted user

There's a high chance that I'll just slap a sticky note that says it's mine on a thing of bannanas
I love those yellow bastards


Oh we should get a list of allergies and dietary restrictions so we can have options at communal meals

My allergies is that I can’t use tide detergent
Something in it gives me rashes
Thats just it

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Oh we should get a list of allergies and dietary restrictions so we can have options at communal meals

My allergies is that I can’t use tide detergent
Something in it gives me rashes
Thats just it

I can make detergent.


There's a high chance that I'll just slap a sticky note that says it's mine on a thing of bannanas
I love those yellow bastards

I laughed so hard at this, thank you

@Moxie group

Oh we should get a list of allergies and dietary restrictions so we can have options at communal meals

That would fall under the picky eaters category
If you can't or won't eat it, have leftovers or make something else.

I agree, but we need to know so we can have other options stocked up
Also if its my night to make stuff I wanna have options for everyone