forum We're moving in together (closed)
Started by @berlioz

people_alt 63 followers


Wait, how many of us can drive?

So far we have: Me, Dom, Moxie, Zach, ?Lee?, Eris

Anyone else?

Um hello
Does no one ever remember that I can drive??

Oh shit I'm sorry Pickles

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

I have a learners permit to drive! But I don't really know how yet, I have had 2 lessons actually driving, but I'm not comfy with it.


I have a permit, and I know I could probably pass the test to get my license, but driving scares me to death. I can't keep track of all the rules, other cars, the mirrors, the turns, and my speed. I simply can't focus that long with that much intent. I've zoned out from the road multiple times, and "woken up" speeding or worse. I don't trust myself.


ooh germany sounds super cool!! (I have a couple friends who coincidentally moved to the same place in germany)
side note: europe in general sounds dope

@Kie group

Alright I'm gonna make a list of pros about living with me that make me suitable for this because everyone else seems to have something useful to contribute


I hate to be that person but by the time were 18 we'll all know how to drive anyway

Not me!
mom says cause i zone out so often she doesn't want me learning until after 18, so i'll likely still be a permit driver or not even learning at all :D

hopefully she changes her mind cause i can't stay stuck in this place much longer


If your name isn't on the first page, please point it out. I'm trying to get a count and I can't figure out who I'm missing (take no offense if it's not there yet, I have a smol, distracted brain)

@Kie group

Pros, cons, and ??? Of living with me (probably all cons tho, let's be honest)


  • Makes cookies
  • Fairly quiet
  • Won't invade your space (unless you invade mine)
  • Doesn't blast TV late at night
  • Not very messy overall
  • Will not show physical affection at all. Hugs are weird.
  • Will not take the BS of people who are making others uncomfortable


  • Little to no verbal filter
  • Will fight you over milk
  • Ever heard a water bill cry in agony?
  • Over-emotional
  • Can't drive
  • Not handy at all
  • Might end up chasing you with a spatula at some point if you piss me off
  • Cries late at night


  • Plays guitar
  • Weird sense of decor that somehow manages to work together in the end.
  • Asks/must be asked before borrowing anything
  • Doesn't eat a ton ever
  • Comes with an almost black cat named Salem
  • I sleep when I want to sleep


You know I think we actually have 22 (Eris would make 23) in the chat. I don't know who I'm missing in the count.

@Kie group

You know I think we actually have 22 (Eris would make 23) in the chat. I don't know who I'm missing in the count.

I counted 23 then if Eris confirms, 24.