forum We're moving in together (closed)
Started by @berlioz

people_alt 63 followers

Deleted user

Damn y'all are really dashing my hopes of putting stage makeup onto y'all

@The-Magician group

I'm just imagining Reed sneaking into your room at 1 am with a bag of makeup

Ah it won’t be in my room, I wouldn’t want to wake Moxie up

@Pickles group

I'm just imagining Reed sneaking into your room at 1 am with a bag of makeup

Ah it won’t be in my room, I wouldn’t want to wake Moxie up

The sneak part meaning there were no official plans and it's just gonna happen one night

Deleted user

Yeah, I prefer to do it in better lighting, so I wouldn't do it in the dark.
Plus, I have too muh makeup just to fit into one bag.

@The-Magician group

Yeah, I prefer to do it in better lighting, so I wouldn't do it in the dark.
Plus, I have too muh makeup just to fit into one bag.

glances at all 3 of my makeup bags..

@Moxie group

I'm just imagining Reed sneaking into your room at 1 am with a bag of makeup

Ah it won’t be in my room, I wouldn’t want to wake Moxie up

Nah I’m a fairly heavy sleeper. Just don’t turn on too many lights and we’re chillin

Deleted user

Honestly, it'll be more like an ambush.
I'll be perching ontop of something and just hop down and be like "Lee, wanna let me paint your face?"

Deleted user

I legit just sit ontop of things, like you'll go to clean ontop of the fridge or something and you'll find a pile of books and some blankets.

Deleted user

Oh yeah, I will! I almost never go places without my books.
I'm gonna try and be as non-argueey as possible lol, I can get a bit hotheaded sometimes


Ok I'm late to this but

  • I'm 1000000% ok with a hairless cat
  • I'm not really allergic to anything, except like a couple medicines, about just seasonal stuff
  • since you brought up the topic of mental stuff I have anxiety and ADD
  • you can put stage makeup on me